(2022. 8 更新) 侯布雄法式餐廳 是 新進榜的2021 台北米其林二星餐廳之ㄧ, 主廚將 侯布雄菜單 設計為有單點菜餚也有套餐, 以商業午餐最為出名. (2022. 8 Update) Taipei L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon is one of the new 2021 Taipei Michelin Two Star restaurants at Xinyi ...
2021 新開幕 永心鳳茶奶茶專門所 位於微風南山 2 樓 , 無疑是近期最受歡迎的 台北信義區下午茶, 網路上都提到茗璐邸特調奶茶是必點. 2021 newly-opened Yong Shin Milk Tea Store is located at Breeze Nanshan Mall 2F. It is the most popular afternoon tea place at Ta...
2021 新開幕的台北 Sea To Sky 高空海鮮餐廳位於微風信義 47 樓, SEA TO SKY 菜單上除了海鮮外, 也有 Smith & Wollensky 姐妹品牌的牛排. Newly-opened Sea to Sky Taipei restaurant is located at Xinyi Breeze Mall 47F. At the menu, besides sea...
(2024.12 月更新) Enoteca 旗艦店地址為台北信義新光三越 A9的3樓, 也是少數台北販售單杯酒的店面, Enoteca 單杯酒價位不高, 可成為微醺信義區下午茶好去處. (2024.12 Update) Enoteca address is at Xinyi SKM department store A9 3rd Floor. It is one of the Taipei win...
(2024.2 更新) 台北統一時代百貨美食街與餐廳眾多, 該如何選擇? 此篇統一時代百貨美食餐廳懶人包 僅限Foodelicious Review 過的餐廳, 之後會陸續更新! (2024.2 Update) There are many restaurants in food court at Uni-style Department Store at Taipei City Hall M...
台北鴨蔥拉麵 是 柑橘 Shinn - Soba 二店, 不僅是六張犁美食之一, 也在我的台北拉麵推薦名單上. Citrus Shinn Duck Ramen Restaurant is Shinn Soba 2.0 second store. It is on my Taipei Ramen Recommendation list.
(Closed Down) Chope Chope Eatery 不僅是 JL Studio 主廚 Jimmy 的台北餐酒館, 也是信義新光三越美食餐廳之一, 因此 Chope Chope Eatery 訂位 一位難求! (Closed Down) Chope Chope Eatery is one of JL Studio Chef Jimmy’s new Taipei bistros. It ...
(2023.4N 訪更新) Salt and Stone 餐廳在我的台北101美食推薦清單裡, Salt & Stone 菜單價位與美味程度已讓我 N 訪, 近期也有我自己的 Salt & Stone 美食推薦排名. Salt and Stone Italian Restaurant is on my Taipei 101 restaurant recommendation lis...
(2023.2 更新) 台北餐廳下午營業的餐廳不多, 有時也想選百貨公司餐廳之外的餐廳, 因此做了這份台北下午有營業的餐廳推薦 (分區) 名單. (2023.2 Update) There aren't much restaurants that operate in the afternoon. Sometimes, people want to choose restaurants besid...