台北 Orchid 蘭餐廳推出短版平日午餐菜單 ( Prix Fixe ). 也在 12 月推出節慶套餐至 2025/1/1 ( Festive Menu ). Taipei Orchid Restaurant now has short version of Fine Dining Weekday Lunch Set Menu ( Prix Fixe). They also offer th...
文火處方料理所是我的台北餐酒館推薦之一 , 最主要原因是文火處方菜單與小黑板美味且價格合理. 也在我的信義安和美食推薦名單裡. AN KITCHEN restaurant is one of my Taipei Bistro recommendation list. The main reason would be the An Kitchen menu dishes are delicious ...
( 2024.10 更新 ) 台北 24 小時美食在哪裡? 老漿家是台北東區 24 小時中式早餐店, N訪品嚐過老漿家菜單 , 決定寫成文章. (2024.10 Update) Where are Taipei 24 Hours Restaurants? Top Soy Milk Shop is a 24 Hours Chinese Breakfast restaurant at Taipei E...
許多人已經知道台北 Orchid 蘭餐廳換新主廚 - 日籍主廚 Sato Kiyoshi 佐藤清. 這次 2024 年 1 月晚餐套餐菜單讓我最驚艷的是日本雪室熟成和牛 ( Snow Wagyu ). Many people already knew that Taipei Orchid Restaurant changes to new Chef - Chef Sato Kiyoshi. The...
earnestos 餐廳 是 2024 新開幕台北餐廳之一 , earnestos 菜單由老闆之一, 也是新加坡籍主廚 Ernest Toh 卓均仰所設計. earnestos restaurant is a 2024 new Taipei restaurant. Singapore Chef Ernest Toh , who is also one of the owners , designs...
季肴酒 駄介 Dasuke by Sakemaru 是少數以日本新潟料理為主的台北日式餐廳. 日籍主廚高橋優介設計出 季肴酒駄介 的單點菜單與無菜單料理. Dasuke by Sakemaru is a Taipei Japanese Restaurant that offers Niigata cuisine. Chef Yusuke Takahashi designs both Dasuke ...
AJ Grill 是 2023 新開幕的台北牛排餐廳之一, 以威士忌燒炙牛排的桌邊 Show 令人印象深刻, 文章裡有 AJ Grill 菜單 , 低消, 評價與訂位等重點. AJ Grill restaurant is a 2023 newly-opened Taipei Steak restaurant. Its grilled steak with whisky table side sho...
嵩 SUNG 台北大安 是 2023 新開幕的台北餐酒館, 珊瑚橘色時尚洞穴空間設計令人記憶深刻, 文章裡有嵩 SUNG 台北大安 菜單 , 低消, 評價與訂位等重點. SUNG Bistro Taipei Da-An restaurant is a 2023 new Taipei Bistro. The coral orange color and its design is quite imp...