內湖區 Neihu District

Seafood & Meat 波波海鮮市集 》現撈現煮的內湖海鮮餐廳 (內有菜單)

Seafood & Meat 波波海鮮市集 》現撈現煮的內湖海鮮餐廳 (內有菜單)
Seafood & Meat 波波海鮮市集是內湖美食餐廳之一, 也是少數有水族箱的台北西式海鮮餐廳. 波波海鮮市集菜單的龍蝦系列菜餚最受歡迎. Taipei Seafood & Meat Market is one of the Neihu Restaurants. Surprisingly, this western restaurant has small aquariums....

Fogant 法式餐廳 》關於這家內湖美食餐廳的五個重點

Fogant 法式餐廳 》關於這家內湖美食餐廳的五個重點
Fogant 餐廳 是 2022 新開幕的台北法式餐廳 , 主廚 Xavier Wang 提供的法國料理歸類於 Casual Dining , Fogant 午餐與晚餐價位頗合理. Fogant restaurant is a 2022 Taipei New Restaurant. Chef Xavier Wang offers Casual Dining French cuisine. And,...

Logy Taipei 》2022 台北米其林二星 logy 餐廳美食

Logy Taipei 》2022 台北米其林二星 logy 餐廳美食
(2025.2 更新 /  已搬到新地址) Logy Taipei 榮獲  台北米其林二星餐廳之榮耀 (2022. 2 Update/ Move to New Address) Logy Taipei is one of the Michelin Two Star Restaurants  at Taipei City.  It becomes quite difficult to reserve...

Samwon Garden 》在 三元花園韓式餐廳瑞光店菜單單點才是王道

Samwon Garden 》在 三元花園韓式餐廳瑞光店菜單單點才是王道
台北內湖韓國餐廳非常多, 雖然 三元韓式花園餐廳菜單 價格偏高, 依舊深受內湖科技業的喜愛, 不適合要求高CP 值的人. There are many Korean Restaurants at Neihu district. Even though Samwon Garden menu price is high, it is still one of nearby tech workers’ ...