城市美食 By City

溫柔鄉 》台北深夜食堂 | 中山區威士忌酒吧 | Late Night Dining Whisky Bar

溫柔鄉  》台北深夜食堂 |  中山區威士忌酒吧 | Late Night Dining Whisky Bar
溫柔鄉是一家位於亞都麗緻飯店附近的威士忌酒吧, 也是台北深夜食堂之一, 晚上 11 點營業, 早上 6 點打烊的特別營業時間. “The Tender Land” is one of the whisky bars near “The Landis Taipei”. It is suitable for late night dining. Its operation hour is from 1...

大稻埕魯肉飯 》台北大稻埕平價美食推薦 | Dadaocheng Braised Pork On Rice

大稻埕魯肉飯 》台北大稻埕平價美食推薦 | Dadaocheng Braised Pork On Rice
新開幕的大稻埕魯肉飯是台北大同區平價美食之一, 不僅販售魯肉飯, 也有豬腳與控肉, 也有搭配好的便當可外帶與外送. 這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到以上三種招牌菜餚. Newly-opened “Dadaocheng Braised Pork Rice” is one of the low-cost restaurants at Taipei Datung District. It has braised...

Gumgum Beer & Wings 雞翅啤酒吧 》101世貿捷運站餐酒館 | Taipei Bistro | 台北包場餐廳

Gumgum Beer & Wings 雞翅啤酒吧 》101世貿捷運站餐酒館 | Taipei Bistro | 台北包場餐廳
新開幕的Gumgum Beer & Wings 是台北市少數販售美式雞翅與精釀啤酒餐廳, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到他們的餐點與精釀啤酒. Newly-opened Gumgum Beer & Wings is one of a few restaurants that specializes on selling chicken wings and craft beer restau...