Café de LUGANO 》歐洲風格的台北文華東方酒店下午茶
Last Updated on 2023-09-12 by Foodelicious
(2023. 9 更新 ) Cafe de Lugano 是台北文華東方酒店餐廳, 也是頗具歐式風格的台北戶外咖啡廳之一, Cafe de Lugano 菜單有早午餐,甜點,也有酒精飲品.
(2023. 9 Update ) Café de Lugano is one of the Taipei Mandarin Oriental Hotel restaurants. It has European style outdoor seating area. Cafe de Lugano menu has brunch, dessert and alcohol drinks.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
Cafe de Lugano 訂位與低消
Cafe de Lugano Reservation & Minimum Charge
台北東方文華酒店離台北小巨蛋捷運站 1 號出口約 15 ~ 20 分鐘路程, Cafe de Lugano 位於台北文華東方酒店一樓中庭, 營業時間是從早上11am 到 晚上 10pm , 中間沒有休息時間, 非常適合在飯店餐廳吃完餐點, 再到 Cafe de Lugano 繼續聊天 . Cafe de Lugano 訂位可用 EZ Table , 也可用打電話方式訂位 ( 02-2712-1660 ) , 我個人會建議打電話訂位, 因為可訂戶外座位, 缺點就是怕下雨而已. Cafe de Lugano 低消比較特別 , 每位客人都需要點一款餐點或是飲料, 金額不限.
Taipei Mandarin Oriental Hotel is about 15 ~ 20 minutes from Taipei Arena Exit 1. Cafe de Lugano is at the middle center of the hotel. The operation hour is from 11am – 10pm. You can reserve via EZ Table. But, I would suggest to call to reserve (02-2712-1660) because you can reserve outdoor seats. Cafe de Lugano minimum charge is quite special. Each customer need to order one item as minimum charge.
延伸閱讀: 台北飯店餐廳美食懶人包 》Taipei Hotel Restaurant Guide
Cafe de Lugano 室外座位
Cafe de Lugano Outdoor Seats
其實有一部份的室外座位是淋不到雨, 位置在靠近餐廳入口處附近, 越靠近中庭, 座位區就像 “ Parko Parco “ 室外座位區只有雨傘遮陽.
Actually. there is an area that has restaurant roof covering the rain. However, most outdoor seating area is similar with “Parko Parco”, which only has umbrellas covers.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》Parko Parco 義大利小酒館 & 牛肚包 中山店菜單推薦點哪些
Cafe de Lugano 室內座位
Cafe de Lugano Indoor Seats
室內裝潢不太像歐洲悠閒風格, 燈光倒是像酒吧, 室內有許多座位, 除了適合朋友聚餐喝咖啡外, 也很適合大家庭來聚餐.
The indoor design doesn’t look like casual European style. Instead, it is more like a bar. There are many indoor seats, which are suitable for large group of friends and family.
Cafe de Lugano 餐點
Cafe de Lugano Food
French Style Sausage Rigatoni
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
Cafe de Lugano 菜單主食比預期地多 , 例如有經典油封鴨腿, 我則是選了法式肉腸水管麵, 新鮮手工麵吃起來頗 al dente , 並不會過軟, 只是並沒有吸取足夠的番茄醬汁與肉香, 比較可惜, 手工豬肉腸搭配帕瑪森乳酪不錯吃, 我個人認為 餐點 + 置身於歐洲的氛圍 + 與朋友聊天 = NTD $380 是可以接受的.
Unexpectedly, Cafe de Lugano menu has many items, for example, duck confit. I chose French Style Sausage Rigatoni. The fresh handmade Rigatoni is al dente but didn’t absorb enough tomato sauce. However, the handmade pork sausage pairs great with the parmesan cheese. Dish + Dining environment + chatting with friends = NTD $380 is acceptable.
Mushroom Linguini with Black Truffle Cream Sauce
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
松露野菇細扁麵比預期地美味. 台灣義大利餐廳普遍將菇味主導的義大利麵調製於苦味居多. 我個人比較喜歡 Café de LUGANO 主廚將奶油風味與新鮮菌菇風味 balance 後的經典風味.
The mushroom linguini with black truffle cream sauce is more delicious than expected. Most Italian restaurants in Taiwan prefers to enhance the bitterness of the mushroom. I personally prefer the chef to balance the fresh mushroom flavor with cream flavor. It is classic and has better taste.
Chicken Liver Pate
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
雞肝/新鮮香草 / 巧巴達. 這道雞肝慕斯的風味還不錯 , 沒有過重的內臟味 , 四片小麵包要搭配份量頗多的雞肝慕斯似乎不太夠, 慕斯的口感如果能更細緻會更好. 可點.
Chicken Liver/Fresh Herbs / Ciabatta. The flavor and the taste is above average. However, four piece of ciabatta are not enough to spread all the chicken live pate. I wish that the pate texture could be more smooth though You can order it.
Lugano 細薯
Lugano French Fries
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
我ㄧ直以為 Lugano 細薯 Size 會更細 , 孰不知外型一般而已, 比較特別的是有三款不同的醬 – 塔塔醬, 煙燻辣椒美乃滋與薑味番茄醬, 份量基本上是夠 4 ~ 6 人分享.
I always think that Lugano french fries size is thinner. However, it looks like fast food restaurant fries size. The special part would be it has Tartar Sauce, Chipotle Spicy Sauce, and Handmade ginger ketchup. The quantity is actually suitable for 4 ~ 6 people to share.
Tonkatsu Sandwich
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious: N/A
朋友點的, 我沒有吃, 食材有台灣黑毛豬中里肌 , 酸奶高麗菜, 鮮奶吐司.
My friend ordered it. I didn’t eat. The ingredients include Taiwan pork loin, coleslaw , and toast.
Cafe de Lugano 酒精飲品
Cafe de Lugano Alcohols
Single Glass Wine
Price: NTD $350
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
這次的 House Wine 是智利紅葡萄酒: G-Lagar de Bezana Amalgama, 混釀葡萄品種包括 Shiraz/Syrah 和 Cabernet Sauvignon. 也許是剛開瓶, 莓果風味與單寧頗重, 我建議不要在 Cafe de Lugano 點單杯葡萄酒.
House wine is Chile Red Wine: G-Lagar de Bezana Amalgama . It grape type includes Shiraz/Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon. The berry flavor and tannin are quite heavy. I don’t recommend to order single-glass wine at Cafe de Lugano though.
Cafe de Lugano 飲品
Cafe de Lugano Drink
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious: 👍👍
拿鐵喝起來頗苦, 我個人沒有很喜歡.
The latte tastes quite bitter. I don’t like it.
Earl Grey Milk Tea
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious: N/A
朋友點的, 我沒有喝.
My friend ordered this. I didn’t drink it.
Lemon Ice Coffee
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious: 👍👍
Café de LUGANO 的熱拿鐵不是很優, 西西里檸檬冰咖啡也還好而已.
Café de LUGANO Hot Latte is average. Their lemon ice coffee is also average.
Cafe de Lugano 短秒影片
Cafe de Lugano Short Video
Cafe de Lugano 資訊
Cafe de Lugano Information
店名: Cafe de Lugano
地址: 台北市松山區敦化北路166號 (台北東方文華酒店 1 F) (Map)
捷運站: 小巨蛋捷運站
電話: 02-2712-1660
Restaurant: Cafe de Lugano
Address: Taipei Mandarin Oriental Hotel 1F (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Taipei Arena MRT station
Tel: 02-2712-1660
Cafe de Lugano 菜單
Cafe de Lugano Menu
Menu Link: