Boulangerie Ours 》難得一見賣巴布卡 Babka 的台北麵包店
Last Updated on 2021-02-28 by Foodelicious
Boulangerie Ours 是台北賣 巴布卡麵包系列 ( Babka )的麵包店 , 目前 Boulangerie Ours 低消內用是 NTD $100 (麵包或飲品皆可).
Various Babka breads are Boulangerie Ours Bakery’s signature and best selling bread. Their dine-in minimum charge is only NTD $100 (It can be Bread or Drink).
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目錄 / Table of Contents
Boulangerie Ours 訂位與相關資訊
Boulangerie Ours Reservation and Information
2020 新開幕 Boulangerie Ours 位於六張犁站與科技大樓站的中間, 隱藏於敦化南路二段巷弄內. 店面有室外座位, 不用怕下雨, 也有許多綠色盆栽伴隨著內用. 意外地發現Boulangerie Ours 麵包店內的座位頗多, 除了有窗邊高腳椅外, 也有一字排開的座位與沙發座. 反而 Boulangerie Ours 的麵包區不大. 我上次是直接打電話到 Boulangerie Ours 訂位 ( 02-2707-5033 ), 也可順便預訂巴布卡麵包內用. 原本我跟其他兩位朋友被安排在沙發區, 後來發現天氣太好, 我們就坐在戶外座位.
2020 Newly-opened Boulangerie Ours is located in between Liù zhāng lí and Technology Building MRT station. There are outdoor seats that do not worry about rains. Surprisingly, there are fair amount of indoor seating areas, which include high chair and sofa. However, the bread area is small. I called o reserve seats via phone call ( 02-2707-5033 ). You can also reserve the Babka bread for dine-in. My friends and I were seated at the sofa area. Since it is sunny, my friends and I sit at outdoor.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Boulangerie Ours 麵包出爐時間
Boulangerie Ours Bread Out of Oven Time
Boulangerie Ours 麵包是以歐美麵包為主, 除了招牌巴布卡與可頌外, 也有酸種麵包, 法棍與巧巴達, 也有三明治選擇. Boulangerie Ours 麵包每日出爐時間為早上 11 點陸續出爐, 我個人會建議先打電話預訂麵包, 以免撲空.
The major items of Boulangerie Ours Bakery are European breads. Besides Babka and croissant, there are also sour dough, Brioche, Ciabatta ..etc. The time that bread out of oven time is 11am. I would suggest to call to reserve breads though.
什麼是巴布卡 (Babka)?
What is Babka?
我必須先說我在 New York 沒有吃過巴布卡, 都在吃 Bagel. 這次算是我的巴布卡初體驗. Boulangerie Ours 巴布卡則是猶太式, 用麵團揉成漩渦狀烘烤而成. Size 通常都是類似小條吐司.
I have to say that I never tried Babka at New York. I always eat Bagels at New York area. This time is my first-time trying the Babka. Boulangerie Ours Babka is Jewish style. It is prepared with a yeast-leavened dough that is rolled out and spread with a filling. The shape would look like a small loaf.
Boulangerie Ours 麵包
Boulangerie Ours Bread
肉桂蘋果巴布卡 (半條)
Cinnamon Apple Babka (Half Loaf)
Price: NTD $125
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
Boulangerie Ours 很貼心地有販售 “半條” 巴布卡讓台灣消費者嚐鮮. 老實說, 這款巴布卡的賣相不是很好, 可從切面清楚地看到蘋果塊, 迫不及待咬下一口,鬆軟麵包體與硬體歐式酸種麵包不同, 灑在麵包上方的杏仁酥碎帶給味蕾堅果風味, 蘋果丁有經過熬煮, 依舊有口感. 整體風味以適量辛香肉桂醬為主, 請注意日本黑糖帶來的甜度比預期地高, 我會建議初體驗試巧克力巴布卡, 如果有二訪再試肉桂蘋果巴布卡.
Boulangerie Ours Bakery offers Half Size of Babka for customers. Honestly, the appearance of this Babka is not IG friendly. From its side, you can see clearly the tiny apple cubes. The soft texture of this Babka is different from other European hard texture bread. The apple cubes are cooked but still remain its texture. Cinnamon flavor dominates. Please note that the sweet level is quite high due to the Japanese brown sugar. I would suggest to try the Chocolate Babka for the first time. Then, second to try this Cinnamon Apple Babka.
Caramel Hazelnut Babka
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
朋友點的, 價格我不清楚. 我只吃了一口. 除了有香濃榛果醬風味外, 也有烘烤榛果粒口感, 焦糖味大致上都在麵包上層.
My friend ordered this, which I am not sure about the price. Besides the thick hazelnut flavor from the Praline. There are also baked nutty flavor along with caramel sweet.
Almond Croissant
Price: NTD $80
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
通常如果架上有原味可頌與杏仁可頌二選一, 我通常是選杏仁可頌, 我朋友兩個都選. 我吃了兩口杏仁可頌, 麵包體部分我比較喜歡“吉可頌”, 就是不烤也很酥脆. 但是杏仁醬內餡我個人比較喜歡 Boulangerie Ours, 因為不會過甜膩. 比起巴布卡, 我個人比較偏可頌派.
If there are original croissant and almond croissant on the shelf, I usually pick almond croissant. My friend picked both. I had two bites. I would prefer “MyCroissant by Guillaume”. for the texture. But, I prefer Boulangerie Ours’ filling, which is not too sweet. Comparing with Babka, I would prefer croissant.
延伸閱讀: 吉可頌 》Taipei Croissant Recommendation | MyCroissant by Guillaume
Sticky Bun
Price: NTD $100
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
外型像 “Twin Brothers Coffee” 淋滿焦糖的肉桂捲, 我個人只吃分切後的一片, 麵包體為濕潤鬆軟, 與其他麵包相比, 反而不太出色.
The sticky bun appearance looks like “Twin Brothers Coffee” cinnamon roll. I ate one slice. The bread texture is soft and moist. Comparing with other breads, their sticky bun didn’t stand out.
延伸閱讀: 台北肉桂捲推薦 》Twin Brothers Coffee 肉桂捲搭配 Flat White 值得再訪
Boulangerie Ours 飲料
Boulangerie Ours Drink
Cafe Au Lait
Price: NTD $140
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍
Boulangerie Ours的咖啡系列我一概不推, 我的咖啡加鮮奶只喝了三口, 覺得太苦而作罷.
I don’t recommend the drinks at Boulangerie Ours. It is way bitter than expected.
延伸閱讀: 台北咖啡推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Coffee Recommendation
Boulangerie Ours 資訊
Boulangerie Ours Information
餐廳: Boulangerie Ours
地址: 台北市大安區四維路375-3號一樓 (Map)
捷運站: 六張犁捷運站 or 科技大樓站
電話: 02-2707-5033
Restaurant: Boulangerie Ours
Address: No. 375-3, Siwei Road, Daan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Liù zhāng lí or Technology Building MRT station
Tel: 02-2707-5033