綠境 Aroma 》菜單不定期更換卻依舊美味令人想再訪

Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious

 ( 已搬家) 2020年新開幕的 台北 綠境 Aroma 餐廳大同區圓山站美食推薦之一 , 綠境菜單不定期更換且菜餚選擇少, 主廚善用辛香料與飲品搭配完全呈現高水準.
( Moved ) 2020 newly-opened Aroma restaurant is one of the Datong District Food recommendation. Aroma menu would change time by time. Surprisingly, the chef has knowledge regarding the spices and drink pairing concept.

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綠境 Aroma 訂位與外帶

Aroma Restaurant Reservation and To-Go

大同區的 綠境 Aroma 餐廳離圓山捷運站二號出口大約 15 ~ 20 分鐘的路程. 餐廳設計有點像中山站的“東京咖哩餐廳”, 吧台座位少, 店員可直接在吧台與客人溝通. 我相信很多人都會形容這家餐廳感覺很文青. 綠境 Aroma 目前是沒有在Facebook 公佈可不可以訂位, 我個人是建議可先私訊店家詢問, 綠境 Aroma 有外帶但是沒有外送. 綠境 Aroma 菜單則是與 “草頭西”菜單一樣皆是用小黑板方式, 不定期更換且菜餚選擇較少. 公休日與菜單則是以餐廳的 Facebook 公告為主, 建議大家可以吃完後到圓山花博公園走走.
Aroma restaurant is located at Da’tong district. It is about 15 ~ 20 minutes walking from Exit 2 of Yuanshan MRT station. The restaurant design is a bit similar like “Tokyo Curry Bar Taipei”. There are only 5 seats and the staff can chat with the customers. Aroma restaurant didn’t announce if they allow reservations. I would suggest to private message them before visiting. Aroma restaurant has to-go but no delivery service. Aroma menu is on the blackboard, just like at “Catouxi Bistro“. They would change the menu time by time. And there aren’t much dish selections. The off-day and menu is based on their facebook announcement. I would suggest after eating, you can visit Taipei Yuanshan Expo Park.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》訂位困難的 草頭西 餐酒館值得再訪

延伸閱讀: Tokyo Curry Bar Taipei 》下午也營業的台北咖哩飯推薦

延伸閱讀: 圓山美食推薦懶人包 》Restaurants Near Yuan Shan MRT Station


綠境 Aroma 停車

Aroma Restaurant Parking

餐廳位於巷弄內, 這裡的停車場比我預期地多 (如圖).
There are more parking lots than I expected.


綠境 Aroma 菜餚

Aroma Restaurant Dish


Sichuan Mapo Tofu Rice Set
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

那天我用餐, 菜單只有兩項主餐, 我上次吃麻婆豆腐菜餚是在 “樓上見” , 綠境餐廳的麻婆豆腐看起來比較屬於樸實型, 一口飯連同一些麻婆豆腐入口, 味蕾可感受到適量辛香料, 老闆娘提到米是臺灣壽司米, 香料有大紅袍, 青花椒, 多香果粉 (aka 牙買加 pepper). 麻而不辣, 整體層次風味有深度很難得,也很美味. 不同套餐選項都有搭配不同的飲料搭配, 一種 Wine Pairing 的概念?! 以這價格與美味程度, 我可以將這家餐廳放進我的平價美食推薦懶人包文章裡. 我個人蠻推薦綠境菜單!
There were only two main dishes at the menu. Last time I had Mapo Tofu was at “See You Bar & Restaurant“. Aroma restaurant’s Mao Tofu looks quite easy-making. But, the tastebuds can sense complex flavors – include sichuan peppercorn, green peppercorn, Jamaica peppercorn.. etc. Surprisingly, it is not too spicy but with stimulation. The overall tastes quite delicious. Also, different type of sets come with different drinks based on the drink pairing concept. Based on its price and delicious level, I would put this restaurant into my budget-wise restaurant list. I also definitely recommend Aroma restaurant’s menu.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》在台北新開幕樓上見餐酒館菜單點了哪些菜餚

延伸閱讀: 台北平價美食推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Budget-Wise Restaurants (By District)



Set Side Dish
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

套餐配菜算是特別, 感覺每道配菜皆是有設計過:
✅ 杏鲍菇 & 義大利酒醋與醋膏
✅ 紅地瓜, 優格, 鹹檸檬醬, 薄荷葉
✅ 蛋, 芥末籽, 美乃滋

The side dishes are quite special and complicated:
✅ King Oyster Mushroom, Balsamic Sauce
✅ Red Sweet Potato, Salty Lemon Sauce and mint leafs
✅ Egg, mustard seeds, mayo


黃檸檬雞 · 湯咖哩

Lemon Chicken Soup Curry
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

朋友點的, 我沒吃.
My friend ordered this. I didn’t eat it.


結論 Conclusion

綠境 Aroma Facebook 上提到菜單不定期更換, 所以我點的麻婆豆腐不一定有, 而且這裡雖然以辛香料搭配出名, 可是其實並不會過辣, 我這種吃小辣的人可以接受, 老闆說不方便透漏之前在哪裡工作. 但是有想到用臺灣壽司米與複雜配菜的也是不簡單. 我個人推薦綠境, 饕客們公認這家小餐館有高水準美食.
Aroma Facebook sometimes will announce the menu on their facebook. They will change the menu time by time. So, you might not have Mapo Tofu set option. The food here is not too spicy even though it is famous for its mixed spices. The owner didn’t want to tell me where he worked before. I would definitely recommend Aroma restaurant. Most foodies consider this restaurant has high level and delicious food.

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

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綠境 Aroma 短秒影片

綠境 Aroma Video


綠境 Aroma 資訊

Aroma Restaurant Information

餐廳: 綠境 Aroma
地址: 台北市大同區哈密街59巷47號 (Map)
捷運站: 圓山捷運站
電話: 02-2597-9466
FB: https://www.facebook.com/綠境-Aroma-111917257252520/
Restaurant: Aroma Restaurant
Address: No. 47, 59th Lane, Ha-Mi Street, Datong District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Yuanshan MRT Station
Tel: 02-2597-9466



