信義安和餐酒館 》a poet 菜單四人輕鬆吃歐陸料理

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

( 改成  Bruncher ) a poet 地中海歐陸餐廳 信義安和美食 之一, 也歸類於 台北餐酒館, a poet 菜單必點菜餚是海鹽盤烤美國頂級無骨牛小排.
(Change to Bruncer ) A Poet restaurant is one of the Xinyi Anhe restaurants. It is also categorized as Taipei Bistro. Roasted US Prime Short Ribs Boneless with Herbs Salt is the signature dish on a poet menu.

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a poet 訂位與低消

a poet Reservation & Minimum Charge

a poet 餐廳離信義安和站 1 號出口約 10 ~ 15 分鐘路程, 附近有 “Pico Pico 餐廳 “. a poet 餐廳招牌在暗黑巷弄內不明顯, 餐廳外部類似台北東區餐廳 – “La Piola Cucina Italiana “, 餐廳某些座位區在夜晚頗暗, a poet 餐廳 Google 資訊顯示只有晚上營業, 我跟朋友坐的座位區是在廚房前面, 燈光比較充足, a poet 訂位是用電話 02-2709-0068 . a poet 僅接受12 歲以上客人, 低消則是 NTD $600 +10%, 低消算是合理. 這次我們四人用餐輕鬆點.
a poet restaurant is about 10 ~ 15 minutes to Xinyi Anhe MRT station Exit 1 . “Pico Pico restaurant” is closed by. The restaurant outside appearance is similar with “La Piola Cucina Italiana “. There are certain seating areas that are quite dark. The google stated that a poet only operates at night. You would need to reserve seats via phone 02-2709-0068. Kids under 12 years old will not be accepted here. The minimum charge is NTD $600 + 10%, which is reasonable. This time, we four people order a few dishes for casual eat.

延伸閱讀: Pico Pico Taipei 》 符合大眾口味的台北秘魯餐廳 (內附菜單酒單)

延伸閱讀: 台北東區餐酒館 》 La Piola Cucina Italiana 義大利餐廳 | 國父紀念館捷運站

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


a poet 小食 Tapas

a poet Tapas


Baked Shrimp with Garlic Herbs and Olive Oil
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

雖然沒有 “Jarana“ 蒜味蝦的視覺感, 也沒有像 “Alma 西班牙餐廳” 留著蝦頭, 倒是與 “ PS Tapas 西班牙餐廳“ 蒜味蝦菜餚設計相似, 只是 PS Tapas 是鑄鐵鍋, A Poet 則是碗盤. 因為已事先剝殼, 蝦肉充分吸收初榨橄欖油 (EVOO) 和醬汁. 不錯吃, 倒是希望有麵包可以沾醬汁一起入口. 在 a poet Tapas 類別裡, 我個人比較喜歡這道菜餚.
It doesn’t have the visual image of “Jarana” garlic shrimp. Unlike “Alma Spanish restaurant” , the chef doesn’t leave the shrimp head. Since there is no shell, the shrimp meat absorbs fair amount of EVOO and sauce. It tastes quite good. I sincerely wish that there are breads to pair with. I prefer this dish on the a poet Tapas category.

延伸閱讀: Jarana Taipei 》菜單除了西班牙鴨肝麵外還點哪些菜餚

延伸閱讀: Alma Spanish Restaurant Taipei 》台北西班牙餐廳美食推薦

延伸閱讀: PS Tapas 西班牙餐廳 》 忠孝敦化捷運站美食 | Taipei Bistro



Baked Escargot, Mushroom, Egg with Herbs Butter
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

我本來以為會是焗烤的 , 因為英文菜單有 “Baked “ 這個字, 水波蛋對我來說是一個驚喜吧? 以價格來評估, 田螺數量其實不多, 我個人還是比較喜歡用奶油焗烤的經典方式.
I thought that it will be “baked” with cheese. The egg is quite a surprise. Considering the price, the escargots quantity is less than expected. I personally still prefer the classic way, which is baked with cheese.



Pan-Fried Baby Squid with Garlic and Basil
Price: NTD $360
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

在 “草頭西 ” 吃過 烤軟絲 , 在 “串串 23” 吃過西班牙紅椒小卷, 現流海鮮已經是台北歐陸餐廳必有的菜餚. 羅勒油並不會蓋住小卷的鮮味, 反而讓海鮮風味更為明顯, 小卷口感並不會過硬.
I tried the Neritic Squid at “Catouxi Bistro“. I also tried the grilled squid at “23 Grill”. Fresh seafood seemed to be the must-have at Taipei European restaurant. The basil oil didn’t cover the baby squid’s seafood flavor. Instead, it emphasize the flavor. The texture wasn’t too hard.

延伸閱讀: 串串 23 》菜單推薦點什麼 | 23 Grill Western Izakaya & Taproom

延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》搬家後訂位困難的草頭西餐酒館值得再訪



Shrimp Salad with Cookie
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious: 👍👍

一份冷盤兩個, 龍蝦沙拉則是頗鮮美, 美奶滋的味道不會過膩, 可惜拇指餅乾並沒有想像地酥脆. 我個人不建議點.
One cold dish has two units. The lobster salad is tasty and the mayo is not too oily. However, the cookie down below is not as crispy as expected. I don’t suggest to order.


a poet 湯與麵包

a poet Soup & Bread


Seafood Soup
Price: NTD $420
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

湯份量是2 人份. 並不是像 “La Farfalla Taipei “ 以番茄做基底的海鮮湯, a Poet 海鮮湯喝起來頗類似 “Beape 餐酒館” 的藏紅花鮮魚湯, 雖然不是傳統馬賽魚湯, 海鮮食材有魚, 蝦與蛤蜊, 雖然湯品不濃稠, 但是鮮味十足, 適合 2 ~ 4 人分享.
The soup portion is for 2 people. It is not tomato-based like “La Farfalla Taipei “. Instead, it tastes like the seafood soup at “Beape restaurant” . Please note that it is not bouillabaisse. But, the ingredients still include fish, shrimp and clams. Even though the soup texture is not thick, you can still taste fair amount of seafood flavor. The dish is suitable for 2 ~ 4 people to share.

延伸閱讀: La Farfalla Taipei 》台北寒舍義大利餐廳不再是 Buffet

延伸閱讀: BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館 》位於台北巷弄內的2 樓挑高法式小酒館


a poet 主菜

a poet Main Course


Roasted US Prime Short Ribs Boneless with Herbs Salt
Price: NTD $1680
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

M One Cafe” 有一人份牛小排早午餐, A Poet 牛小排 Size 是 12 oz, 份量適合 2-3 人吃. 端上來時充滿視覺感, 滋滋作響搭配肉香很迷人, 記得拍完照後要將牛小排翻過來才不會過熟, 有海鹽的輔佐, 牛排就是簡單美味, 我個人是不需要沾旁邊的紅酒鹽, 香辣粉, 莓果醬. 這道海鹽盤烤美國頂級無骨牛小排是 A Poet 必點, 我個人很推薦點.
M One Cafe” has boneless short ribs brunch for one person portion. At A Poet restaurant, this boneless rib is 12 oz, which is suitable for 2 ~ 3 people. The grilling sound and meaty aroma are quite amazing. Please remember to flip the steak after taking the picture. With sea salt, the steak tastes quite good. I don’t even need to dip in other sauces – red wine salt, spicy power, berry sauce. I would definitely recommend this dish.

延伸閱讀: M One Cafe A11 》菜單不僅有早午餐也有主餐與甜點

延伸閱讀: 台北牛排推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak House Recommendation (By District)



Linguine in Crabs, Vegetable, Herbs, Garlic, Shrimp Bisque
Price: NTD $520
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

價格雖然 NTD $520, 實際上份量可以讓兩人分享, 吃起來並不會過膩, 很適合搭配牛小排. 吃起來不會像 松露牛肝菌蛋黃起司圓直麵 苦與味道過重.
Even though the price is NTD $520, the quantity can be shared with 2 people. It is great pairing with the steak. The flavor is not as heavy as the porcini pasta.



Spaghetti in Porcini Sauce, Truffle, Mushroom and Cheese
Price: NTD $520
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

整體不錯吃, 菇味主導且吃起來有點苦. 放少ㄧ點松露醬, 多一點cheese會更好, 份量可以讓兩人分享, 但是我會建議四人分享, 因為並不是很多人可以接受濃郁的菇類風味.
Overall, it tastes good. The mushroom flavor dominates. I would suggest to put less truffle sauce, but with more cheese. This dish is 2 people portion. But, I would suggest 4 people to share since not everyone can accept heavy mushroom flavor.



Roasted Blade Shoulder of Iberian Pork Served with Plum Sauce
Price: NTD $980
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

伊比利豬肉偏高價, 肉香濃郁也比較美味, 棗香醬汁並沒有很明顯, 可是與 “JUJU Spanish Gastrobar “伊比利雪莉豬相比, a poet 的伊比利豬菜餚顯得比較簡單. 我個人會依舊會建議點牛小排.
Iberian Pork cost is higher, but with thick meaty flavor and more tasty. The plum sauce is not too obvious. But comparing with “JUJU Spanish Gastrobar” Sherry Iberian pork, a poet dish seemed way too simple. I personally would recommend the steak instead of this dish.

延伸閱讀: JUJU Spanish Gastrobar 》菜單除了西班牙烤乳豬外還點哪些菜餚


a poet 甜點

a poet Dessert

圖片裡的蛋糕是 NTD $250, 我個人覺得不用點.
The cake in the picture is NTD $250. You don’t need to order it.


結論 Conclusion ⭐

📣 我個人會建議 3 ~ 4 人, a poet 餐廳 Google 資訊顯示只有晚上營業. 我真心希望餐廳可以換比較亮的燈, 推薦點的菜餚如下

✅ 海鹽盤烤美國頂級無骨牛小排: 雖然這道不用預訂, 但是我建議訂位的時候請餐廳留一份給你們
✅ 西班牙香料蒜味蝦
✅ 綜合海鮮湯
✅ 蒜香蝦醬蟹肉櫛瓜細扁麵

如果要吃八分飽, 可以加點澱粉類
✅ 松露牛肝菌蛋黃起司圓直麵

📣 I would suggest 3 ~ 4 people. a poet only operates during dinner time. I sincerely wish that they can change to brighter light. I would suggest the following dish.

✅ Roasted US Prime Short Ribs Boneless with Herbs Salt: Even though this dish is not reserved dish, you can still ask the restaurant to save one for you.
✅ Baked Shrimp with Garlic Herbs and Olive Oil
✅ Seafood Soup
✅ Linguine in Crabs, Vegetable, Herbs, Garlic, Shrimp Bisque

If you want more dishes to fulfill your appetite, you can add starch
✅ Spaghetti in Porcini Sauce, Truffle, Mushroom and Cheese


a poet 餐廳 短秒影片

a poet restaurant Video


a poet 餐廳 資訊

a poet Restaurant Information

店名: a poet 餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區敦化南路一段295巷9號 (Map)
捷運站: 信義安和捷運站
電話: 02-2709-0068
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/a-poet-184032064984994/
Restaurant: a poet Restaurant
Address: No. 9, 295th Lane, 1st Section, Dunhuan South Road, Da’an District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xinyi Anhe MRT station
Tel: 02-2709-0068



a poet 菜單

a poet Menu



