海倫咖啡 》台北車站週邊咖啡店推薦 | Taipei Main Station Coffee Shop
Last Updated on 2018-07-15 by Foodelicious
海倫咖啡 (Helen Coffee ) 是新光三越站前店週邊咖啡店之一, 也是少數販售藝伎高價單品咖啡的台北咖啡店, 這次有這個榮幸品嚐到店內的輕食與單品咖啡.
Helen Coffee is one of coffee shops near Taipei Main Station MRT station. It is one of the Taipei coffee shops that offers high-end Geisha Coffee. Now, I have the opportunity to try their coffee and light food.
海倫咖啡菜單連結在文末 Menu Link is at the end of article
海倫咖啡在 2017 年 重新裝潢開幕, 將原本20 多年樸實裝潢升級為歐式時尚風格, 但也不忘初衷增加配置與打造品牌形象. 霸氣十足的獅子石像擺設在咖啡店門口, 推進沈重鐵門, 吊燈與陽光照在歐式沙發傢俱上, 重新刷新的牆壁有著比 Tiifany Blue 更深的藍綠色. 展示櫃裡放著高級單品咖啡禮盒, 冰箱展示櫃除了冰滴咖啡外, 也有新鮮香草植物與店內自製甜點.
Helen Coffee started remodeling at the year of 2017. They upgraded the 20-years-old decoration to high-end European Fashion theme. There is a lion stone statue at Helen Coffee’s front door. The wall is repainted with darker Tiffany Blue color. The display shelf has Geisha Coffee Gift Box. Besides Ice Drip Coffee, the refrigerated showcase also displays fresh herbs and dessert.
海倫咖啡提供免費 Wifi, 少數座位有插座, 除了有單人座高腳椅外, 也有沙發座, 雖然尖峰時間限時 2.5 小時, 但若座位沒滿, 店家並不會執行限時規定, 咖啡店後方也有隱密包廂, 可與老闆預約上咖啡課教學, 包廂裡有烹煮咖啡的料理台, 咖啡豆也是店家自己烘, 每年都會參與競標, 一直都有販售高價的競標GEISHA咖啡, 咖啡豆會隨著時間, 不斷更新, 充滿驚喜.
Helen Coffee offers Free Wifi. There are a few wall sockets as well. Besides single high chair, there are also sofa areas. There is a 2.5 hour time limit policy, which will only apply when the seats are full. Surprisingly, there is a private room for coffee class with kitchen counter. They roast the coffee bean by themselves. Helen Coffee always attend Auction Single Origin Coffee in order to purchase high-cost Geisha Coffee Bean.
檸檬笑素冰咖啡 (16oz)
CO2 Cold Brew with Lemon Flavor
Price: NTD $220 (16oz 約 500cc )
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
這款咖啡製作過程相當特別, 在台北市可以說是獨一無二. 用整顆檸檬加香草植物熬煮八個小時, 放涼後再與蜂蜜和現煮 Expresso混合, 與密封的不鏽鋼桶打入CO2. 店家咖啡師將冰塊與芳香萬壽菊放入杯中, 再從櫃檯的新設備注入咖啡, 如同黑啤酒般顏色與泡沫, 趕緊喝了一口, 低溫將檸檬風味凸顯出來, 口感如同啤酒般綿密, 隨著時間逝去, 咖啡風味才逐漸顯示, 過久也不會苦, 海倫咖啡有兩種Size, 500 cc 大杯是 NTD $220, 180 cc 是小杯, 目前是贈品, 市價估計 NTD $80, 目前可點飲料加30元加購, 我相當推薦此款咖啡.
由於是新產品 ,文末有優惠卷,出示可換小杯檸檬笑素冰咖啡 (180cc)
1. 一人一天兌換一杯, 可連續不同天兌換
2. 因怕影響品質, 檸檬笑素咖啡只能內用, 且不計算於店內低消 (一杯飲品)
3. 優惠卷期限為 2018/12/31
This coffee process is quite special, which you might not find anywhere in Taipei City. Helen Coffee brews a whole lemon with other herbs. After cooling down, they mix with honey and expresso. At the final step, they insert CO2 into stainless steel barrel. Barista puts the ice with into the cup. Then, the Barista inserts the Coffee into the cup along with Lemmon Marigold. The foam is similar with beer foam. The smooth texture along with the enhanced lemon flavor is perfect. As the time goes by, the coffee flavor starts appearing without bitterness. There are two sizes – Large (500cc) is NTD $220, Small (180cc) is for promotion purpose (approx. NTD $80). I recommend this coffee among all.
Due to new product, the end of article has promotion coupon for free small size coffee (180cc)
1. One Drink per person per day. The promotion coupon can be used continually in other days
2. It is not included in the dine-in minimum charge (One Drink).
3. The promotion coupon due date: 2018/12/31
Ice Drip Coffee
Washed Bangi Block C, Geisha Village
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
海倫咖啡在今年夏天特別招待內用客人的冰滴咖啡, 每天會依照當日店裡的咖啡師選豆請客人試飲, 杯中有如同威士忌專屬圓型冰塊, 擺盤旁附上一張卡, 敘述咖啡豆是來自衣索比亞班吉區藝伎村的2017 競標咖啡豆, 競標咖啡顧名思義即是在全球拍賣會批次販售, 要價不菲. 蘋果與花香是最特殊也最明顯的香氣, 迫不及待地品酌一小口, 冰涼咖啡伴隨著花香滑順入口, 甜中帶有點微酸, 雖是淺培, 卻記憶深刻, 可遇不可求是最好的形容詞. 海倫咖啡將冰滴咖啡包裝成類似隨身酒瓶, 也做成禮盒.
In this summer, Helen Coffee prepare Ice Drip Coffee for trial taste. The coffee may vary depends on Barista’s Today Choice. The round shape ice cube is placed along the coffee. The plate also has a small card describes that the coffee bean is from Bangi Block C, Geisha Village in Ethiopia, which is sold as 2017 Auction Single Origin Coffee. The apple and floral aroma are the most obvious. The smooth coffee liquid is sweet with hints of acidity. Even though it is light roasted coffee bean, the expression is deeply marked. Helen Coffee also packed the ice drip coffee as gift box with whiskey flask package.
Hand-Drip Coffee
Price: NTD $480/Pot
Washed Bangi Block C, Gesha Village
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
客人可以到櫃檯看咖啡師從頭開始手沖咖啡, 先將少許巧克力放入盤中搭配之後的咖啡, 咖啡師專業地先將藝伎咖啡豆磨成粉放入杯中讓客人聞香, 一整套設備包括法蘭絨濾布, 計時器和手沖咖啡壺都準備好, 專心地等待沖泡後, 從壺裡倒出熱騰騰咖啡, 雖然用的與冰滴咖啡是同樣的衣索比亞班吉區藝伎村的2017 競標咖啡, 但因為溫度較高, 經典咖啡香濃郁, 只帶有微酸與較弱花香, 即使緩慢地喝也不失初喝的風味.
The customer can go to the counter to see Barista’s work regarding Hand-Drip Coffee. The Barista professionally grinds the coffee bean and places chocolate on the plate. They prepared all the professional gadgets as well. The coffee bean is also 2017 Auction Single Origin Coffee. Since the coffee’s temperature is high, the coffee aroma is enhanced with only hints of acidity and floral aroma. Even though drinking slowly, the classic coffee flavor still remains.
Zucchini & Mushroom Panini
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
有著烤痕的長型帕尼尼放置在淺色木盤上, 切面可看到多種不同菇類與綠色櫛瓜切塊, 用烘培紙將灑了香料的帕尼尼包起來咬一口, 深藏不漏的起司包覆著袖珍菇,蘑菇與其他菇類, 櫛瓜口感稍脆, 最重要的是酥脆帕尼尼吃起來並不會乾, 一旁的烘烤核桃除了作為裝飾外, 也將這道料理做為一個結尾.
The paninis with grilled mark are placed at the light wooden plate. From the side, you can see various mushrooms and green zucchini. I use the baking paper to wrap the Panini to take a bite. The tastebuds can sense the cheese along with the mushrooms and crisp zucchini. The most important part would be the Panini is not dry. The baked walnut also becomes the closure of this dish.
西班牙烘蛋 (黑毛豬)
Tortilla de Patatas (Pork Filling)
Price: NTD $420
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這道料理販售 NTD $420 並不是沒有理由, 熱騰騰鑄鐵鍋裡的西班牙烘蛋鼓起, 外型絲毫不像傳統西班牙烘蛋, 五花豬肉條整齊地放在烘蛋表層, 豬肉鹹香程度並沒有因為滿滿的香料而降低, 肥肉不會膩而是相當有膠質彈性, 內餡也多加了毛豆, 增加不同口感, 兩人以上共同分享較為適合, 當做午餐或晚餐份量也足夠.
This dish price is NTD $420 with good reason. This dish is more like creative Spanish omelette with Taiwanese porks on the top. The salty level and meaty aroma appear to be strong even with flavorings. The soybean brings different texture. I would recommend to share this dish with friends.
Shell Ginger Salad with Chicken and Quinoa
Price: NTD $450
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
光看名稱, 原本以為荳蔻是粉狀, 但端上來的是野生新鮮草豆蔻花. 色彩繽紛的沙拉放置在木盆裡, 像尋寶般找尋這道料理的其他食材, 新鮮水果(芒果,蘋果, 和鳳梨) 相當甜且存在感十足, 生辣椒與胡椒調味的雞肉品嚐起來讓一天的開始活力十足, 黎麥更是讓這道沙拉的營養價值不容小覷, 由於份量較多, 也是建議兩人以上共同分享.
When reading the dish name, I would think the shell ginger is powder. However, the shell ginger is actually fresh flower. The colorful salad is placed at the wooden bowl. The fresh fruits (mango, apple and pineapple) are sweet. The chicken is sautéed with peppers, which would awake the mind for the day. The Quinoa is quite healthy as well. Since the quantity is large, I would suggest to share with friends as well.
French Toast, Duck Leg, Salad, Yogurt
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
早午餐部分皆附ㄧ杯價值 NTD $130 的黑咖啡, 若想換其他飲料可補差價. 法式土司不會油膩, 也只撒少許糖粉, 吐司本身偏軟, 建議將檸檬橄欖油倒入一旁沙拉中, 而非拿來沾吐司. 市面上通常搭配法式吐司都是雞肉居多, 但海倫咖啡卻採用成本較高且油脂豐富的美味櫻桃鴨腿肉切片, 早午餐也少不了優格, 藍莓口味更是深得人心.
All the brunch sets come with NTD $130 black coffee. If the customer can change the drink with price difference. The soft french toast is not oily with only small amount of snow sugar. I would suggest pouring the olive oil lemon flavor into the salad. Most French Toast pairs with chicken, however, Helen Coffee uses high quality and delicious cherry duck leg meat. This dish also comes with blueberry yogurt.
*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
店名: 海倫咖啡
地址: 台北市中正區館前路42號 (Map)
捷運: 台北火車站捷運站
營業時間: 以Facebook為主
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HELEN.COFFEE.ROASTER/
Restaurant Name:Helen Coffee
Address: No. 42, Guanqian Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Taipei Main Station MRT station
Tel: 02-2388-4229
Operation Hour: Check Facebook
MENU LINK: https://www.facebook.com/pg/HELEN.COFFEE.ROASTER/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1955942077757560
由於是新產品 ,文末有優惠卷,出示可換小杯檸檬笑素冰咖啡 (180cc)
1. 一人一天兌換一杯, 可連續不同天兌換
2. 因怕影響品質, 檸檬笑素咖啡只能內用, 且不計算於店內低消 (一杯飲品)
3. 優惠卷期限為 2018/12/31
Due to new product, the end of article has promotion coupon for free small size coffee (180cc)
1. One Drink per person per day. The promotion coupon can be used continually in other days
2. It is not included in the dine-in minimum charge (One Drink).
3. The promotion coupon due date: 2018/12/31