nkụ Taipei 》 台北大安區柴燒料理餐廳 | Taipei Bistro

Last Updated on 2020-03-13 by Foodelicious

(2020二訪連結在文章裡)   nku Taipei 柴燒餐廳位於台北信義安和捷運站附近, 也是 2018 年米其林餐盤大安區餐廳之一.
(2020 2nd visit is at the article) Nku Taipei Firewood Restaurant is located near Taipei Xinyi Anhe MRT station. It is one of the 2018 Michelin Plate Restaurants.


nku Taipei 柴燒餐廳菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article

延伸閱讀: nku 餐廳 》2020 二訪台北柴火餐酒館多了些新加坡美食風


nku 餐廳名稱裡的 N 為Nordic(北歐), K 是 Keep(堅持), U 則是 Unique(獨特). 餐廳位於國泰醫院附近, 與 “Sugar Pea Cafe” 在同一個區域, 離仁愛路四段也不遠, 門外的Ladurée 淺綠色背景, NKU 亮金色立體 Logo 相當搶眼, 相較之下, 室內裝潢顯得較為內斂, 少許木柴堆積在帶有秋天氣息的樹旁, 座位分兩區, 一區較適合朋友聚會, 另一個沙發區則是較適合男女朋友約會. 廚師團隊正在開放式廚房裡忙碌, 開放式廚房與”Chou Chou 法式餐廳“的開放式廚房有點相似但是較小,   這一家柴燒餐廳並沒給用餐客戶粗曠狂野的感覺, 更沒有油煙味.
nku stands for nordic, keep, and unique. The restaurant is located near Cathay Hospital, which is also near “Sugar Pea Cafe”. The outdoor has the the light green color, similar with Ladurée. The golden color logo is also quite attractive. The tree with firewoods is by the window. The seating area is separated into two areas, one is suitable for friends, the other one is suitable for dating. Chefs work at the open kitchen, which is similar with “Chou Chou French Restaurant”. Surprisingly, there is no smoke coming from the kitchen at all.

2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List

延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

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Ibérico Ribeye Cap Lunch Set
Price: NTD $980
備註: 大麥豬缺貨



Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

鬆軟歐式麵包搭配奶油已經是絕配, 主廚發揮巧思再撒上適量巧克力粉末, 可惜仍舊沒有發揮巧克力香氣與風味.
The soft breads pair well with the butter already. The chocolate powder is spread on the appearance. However, the butter flavor covers mostly Chocolate flavor.



Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

兩道精緻小菜放置在一塊原木上, 採用台灣在地食材升級為 Fine Dining 水準. 左邊以西米露炸餅為底, 上方擺置複雜, 包括泡菜,草石蠶 (長得像蠶寶寶的時令蔬菜), 新鮮茴香, 醃製蘿蔔與發酵蘋果, 口感酥脆, 風味以醃蘿蔔風味為主導且帶有少許鹹味, 隱約有感受到醃製蘋果風味. 另一款則是大頭菜切薄片為底, 醬料同樣也是泡菜風味. 前菜不同於其他餐廳具有高水準, 但是我希望他們可以跟 “RAW” 將食材印製在菜單上, 畢竟不是每個人都懂得台灣食材.
Two appetizers are placed at the log. The chef uses Taiwanese ingredients to upgrade the dish quality level. The chef uses fried tapioca as the base. There are pickled cabbage (a bit like kimchi without spicy flavor), vegetables, fresh fennel, pickled daikon, and fermented apple. The texture is crispy but the flavor mostly dominated by the pickled daikon. The other appetizer is sliced vegetable as base with also pickled cabbage on the top. However, I would wish them to print the menu with each ingredients. Not every customers are foodie with ingredient knowledge.




Green Onion Risotto
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

nku Taipei 與 “La Locanda 蘿莎娜小廚房“一樣販售燉飯,  燉飯顏色如草原般一樣的綠色, 深綠色青蔥切絲與暖橘色的大蒜美奶滋環繞著最上方的烤黑木耳, 我會建議尚未將燉飯攪拌前, 先品嚐烤黑木耳, 除了口感脆之外, 燒肉般香氣讓人驚豔. 連同茴香顆粒攪拌後, 發酵洋蔥的風味最為明顯, 蓋過其他辛香風味, 但是我依舊相當推薦這款料理.
nku Taipei offers risotto just like in “La Locanda”. The sliced green onion and the orange garlic mayo surrounds the grilled black fungas. I would suggest to eat the black fungus first because it carries thick meaty flavor. After stirring the risotto with fennel, the pickled onion dominates the major flavor. Sadly, it covers most of other flavors. However, I still recommend this dish.




Ibérico Ribeye Cap
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

nkụ Taipei 不用現成木炭, 而是用龍眼木和荔枝木, 幾乎是全柴火. 柴燒方式總是能讓食材發揮最原始風味, 與 “五味瓶“販售的葛瑪蘭豬不一樣, nku Taipei 柴燒餐廳販售的則是伊比利豬, 老饕部位的美味眾所皆知, 豬肉口感嫩度高, 肉味的餘香更是迷人, 搭配糖漬芥末籽更有多甜,鹹與辛香的多層次變化. 烤高麗菜苗清脆, 因為我平常不太沾醬, 燈籠果與百香果醬汁並沒有發揮多大作用.
nkụ Taipei chefs use wood log to grill the ingredients. Unlike “C’est La Vie Bistro“, nku Taipei offers Iberico. The ribeye cap is well-known of its delicious level. The texture is soft and the smell is full of mea aroma. The mustard seed brings out the combination of sweet, salty, and spice flavor. The grilled cabbage is crisp. However, I don’t usually dip the meat into the sauce. So, I didn’t taste much of the golden berry and the passion fruit sauce.



Chocolate Mousse
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

蛋糕內餡里藏有巧克力跳跳糖, 巧克力風味十足且不苦, 綿密口感令人想多吃一口.
There are pops candy hidden inside the chocolate mousse. Thick chocolate aroma with creamy chocolate filling is perfect as well.


  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

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店名: nkụ Taipei 柴燒餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區仁愛路四段300巷26弄13號 (Map)
捷運: 信義安和捷運站
營業時間: 以臉書為主
Restaurant Name: nkụ Taipei
Address: No.13, 26th Alley, 300th Lane, 4th section, Re-Ai Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Xinyi Anhe MRT station
Tel: 02-2701-8025
Operation Hour: Check Facebook


Lunch Menu


