PS Tapas 西班牙餐廳 》 忠孝敦化捷運站美食 | Taipei Bistro

Last Updated on 2018-04-13 by Foodelicious

PS Tapas台北東區餐酒館之一, 是忠孝敦化捷運站附近知名異國料理餐廳, 這次很榮幸可以品嚐到這家餐廳的正統西班牙料理.
PS Tapas is one of the Taipei Bistros at Taipei East District. It is also one of restaurants that offer Spanish cuisine near Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station. Now, I have the honor to try out their Spanish cuisine.


菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


PS Tapas 有兩家 (光復店 & 安和店) , 我跟朋友去的是重新裝潢後的安和店, 裝潢後多加了拱門結構元素, 戶外座位也舒適許多也不怕下雨, 西班牙畫家薩爾瓦多·達利肖像則是在戶外紅磚牆. 室內裝潢仍然以西班牙國旗的紅色為主, 除了較少見的多人沙發座外, 若一人用餐, 也有吧台單人高腳椅.
PS Tapas has two branches (Guanfu and Anhe store). My friend and I visit Anhe store, which is recently finish remodeling. The designer added arch theme into both outdoor and indoor design. The outdoor has roof over the top, which is perfect for outdoor dining. The wall also has famous Spanish painter Salvador Domingo Dalí ’s portrait. Besides sofa area, there is also one-person high chair seat at the bar.


跟老闆閒聊時, 得知 PS Tapas 西班牙餐廳已成立十年, 可以算是台北東區西班牙餐廳的始祖, 較為特別的是老闆每年會去西班牙 1 ~ 2 次考察研發新菜色, 近期更獲得西班牙手切火腿侍肉師證照, 在 2018 年計畫裡, 也規劃邀請西班牙籍主廚到台灣來當客座主廚. 由於那天品嚐不少道菜餚, 我直接從我最愛的開始寫.
PS Tapas restaurant has been established for 10 years, which I believe is the first Spanish restaurant at Taipei East District. The boss would visit Spain for 1 ~ 2 times each year to develop and learn new recipe. He also receive the “Cortador de Jamones” certification. In the future plan of 2018, he also plan to invite Spanish chef to become guest chef. Since I tasted many dishes that day, I will start with the favorite dish.



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English Name: Chef’s Seafood Chowder
Spanish Name: Crema De Marisco
Price: NTD $260
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

西班牙擁有豐富海產, 處處可見用新鮮海產做成的料理, 而 PS Tapas 不僅有國民料理 (例如: 海鮮飯), 也有區域性的在地料理. 這道湯品源自於西班牙的離島區域, 鮮黃色且微稠溫熱湯頭結合奶油和海鮮香氣, 沙沙口感來自馬鈴薯食材, 除了淡菜和鮮蝦外, 廚師更加入花枝和意想不到的鱸魚, 細緻肉質不容易吸附湯汁, 吃起來反而有海鮮原味, 建議 2 人一起分享.
There are many seafoods ingredients at Spain, therefore, you can see the seafood cuisine almost in every restaurant. PS Tapas not only offer nation-wide dish (such as paella), they also have local cuisine. This chowder soup is originated from an island near Spain island. The bright yellow and thick broth is creamy with fair amount of seafood flavor. Besides mussel and shrimp, the chef also adds squid and bass. Surprisingly, the bass is delicious with original seafood flavor. I would suggest that two people share this chowder.



English Name: Spanish Omelet
Spanish Name: Tortilla Espanola
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

西班牙馬鈴薯烘蛋是多數台灣人所知道的西班牙菜餚之一, PS Tapas 的西班牙馬鈴薯烘蛋並不會過於濕潤, 蛋汁讓內餡結構更加紮實, 不會一切就散開, 切面像極千層蛋糕,  烘蛋裡的洋蔥融化, 反而洋蔥風味不明顯,  主導風味只有單純的馬鈴薯風味, 也可沾放置在一旁的乳白色蒜味美乃滋醬 (Aioli Sauce), 增添蒜香風味, 我本身是較偏好單一馬鈴薯風味.
Tortilla Espanola is one of the famous dish in Spanish cuisine. PS Tapas’ spanish omelet is overly moist. The potato filling is dense. The slice section is almost like Mille Crepe Cake. Because there is a few onions but melted, therefore, the potato flavor dominates this dish. The customer can also add the creamy white aioli sauce to increase its garlic flavor. I personally prefer solely the potato flavor.




Spanish Name: Paella
Price: NTD $460
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

西班牙海鮮飯號稱西班牙國民料理, 米是採用種植在西班牙東部的瓦倫西亞稻米 (Valencian Rice). 來西班牙餐廳不點海鮮飯說不過去, PS Tapas 的海鮮飯不需要預約, 淺平鍋身不大, 蝦與淡菜視覺上具有立體感, 花枝和魚塊嵌入在微橘紅色米飯, 可隨意擠出檸檬汁滴在米飯或海鮮上. 米飯口感並不會每一口都是乾硬鍋吧, 若喜歡吃鍋吧的口感, 建議挑鍋邊緣米飯品嚐.
Paella is the famous dish among Spanish cuisine. It is the Valencian rice dish. The customer wont need to reserve prior for the Paella. The pan is not deep but with regular size. The shrimps and mussels brings bright color image into this dish The squid and bass are inside the orange-red color rice. The taste of the rice is not overly too dry. It is with fair amount of moist with only slightly hardness.




English Name: Spanish Bread Tapas Platter ||
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

Tapas 這個名詞在亞洲人的眼裡是類似外燴小點心, 在西班牙當地則是類似下酒菜, 可熱可冷, 餐廳或酒館會以牙籤數量來計算價格 (例如一根牙籤一歐元). 這道拼盤從左到右是 酥炸茄子火腿佐蒜味, 雞肉沙拉佐蒜味美乃滋, 碳烤鮑魚菇佐西班牙青醬, 和涼拌綜合甜椒與茄子.酥炸茄子火腿佐蒜味上的薄切西班牙火腿是溫熱且鹹度夠, 搭配較軟的茄子口感, 算是較少見的搭配. 第二款連同麵包咬下, 雞肉口感在綿密蒜味沙拉口感中相當明顯.
Most Taiwanese see tapas as the catering snack. However, in Spain, it is more like the dish to pair with wine. It can be served hot or cold. This dish has 4 types of tapas – from left to right is – Fried eggplant with salmorejo and jamon, Chicken salad with alioli, Grilled mushrooms with sautéed onion and coriander mojo sauce, and roasted vegetables in vinaigrette dressing. The spanish ham on the egg plant is warm and average salty. It pairs well with the soft eggplant. As for the second tapas, the chicken tastes quite obvious in the creamy garlic salad.



我最喜歡第三款, 也最值得一提, 所謂的青醬並不是羅勒青醬 (Pesto Sauce), 而是西班牙香菜青醬 (Mojo Verde ), 本身風味是帶有點辛香,碳烤鮑魚菇吃起來像是嫩牛肝菌. 涼拌綜合甜椒與茄子算是較為清爽口感.
I personally like the third tapas. The green sauce is not pesto sauce, instead, it is the mojo verde. Its flavor is a bit spicy. Also, the mushroom tastes similar with Porcini Mushrooms, which is extremely soft. The fourth tapas is a bit more refreshing.



秘密 (西班牙松板豬)

English Name: Spanish grilled secreto pork
Price: NTD $300
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我承認我聽到菜餚名稱叫做 “秘密”時, 我以為是調酒名稱, 後來才知道原來secreto pork的中文翻譯是胛心肉, 肉比較沒有油脂, 視覺上有紋路, 但是口感並不乾澀, 建議肉連同馬鈴薯泥一起入口, 沾著紅椒粉 (Paprika) 也相當不錯 , 配角糯米椒帶有不同的口感.
When I heard the name “secreto”, I thought that it is a cocktail name. But, it actually means parts of the Pork Shoulder. There isn’t much fat at the pork. But, I was surprised by its tenderness. I would suggest to eat the meat with mashed potato. It tastes great with the paprika as well. The sweet chili with grilled mark is also great.




English Name: Sizzling Garlic Shrimp
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

西班牙蒜味蝦最常出現在家庭料理, 因為已事先剝殼, 蝦肉充分吸收鑄鐵鍋裡的初榨橄欖油 (EVOO) 和醬汁, 建議將餐廳提供的麵包配置沾上蒜味醬汁一起入口, 概念跟西餐佐餐麵包一樣沾上初榨橄欖油 (EVOO) 和巴薩米克醋 (balsamic sauce).
This dish often appears in family gathering. The shrimp absorbs fair amount of the extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). The customer can dip the sliced bread into the olive oil with garlic flavor. The concept is the same as dipping the bread into the olive oil and balsamic sauce.



Yzaguirre Vermouth Cocktail

Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

許多西班牙人幾乎在下午開始喝酒, 已經成爲西班牙文化的一部份, 苦艾酒調酒則是在晚間用餐前會喝的開胃酒, 苦艾酒可單喝也可作為基酒調酒, PS Tapas 也提供苦艾酒客製化調酒的服務. Yzaguirre Vermouth 酒體本身帶有強烈藥草與辛辣風味, 因為過於強烈風味, 通常都是拿來當調酒基酒, 這款雞尾酒加入冰塊降低風味和酒精濃度, 再加入綜合糖漿, 整體轉變成較甜易入口的調酒.
Many Spanishs start drinking at the afternoon before dinner, which is parts of Spanish Culture. PS Tapas also offers Absinthe cocktail service. Yzaguirre Classic Red Vermouth has intense herby and spicy notes. Due to its strong flavor, it is more like cocktail base liquor. The ice decreases its strong flavor and ABV. The mixed syrup transforms this cocktail into mild level of sweetness and easy to drink cocktail.


警語: 飲酒過量,有害 (礙) 健康 <- 菸酒管理法規定要寫的!



延伸閱讀:台北異國料理餐酒館 》TAIPEI BISTRO GUIDE




Restaurant Name 店名: PS TAPAS 西班牙餐酒館
Address: No 19, 21th Lane, 1st section, Anhe Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區安和路一段21巷19號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station 忠孝敦化捷運站
電話:02- 2740-9090
營業時間: 11:30am ~ 2am




