Monthly Charity Plan 》每月捐款計畫 (持續更新中)

Last Updated on 2020-02-24 by Foodelicious

2019 年底時, 我告訴自己 2020年 開始要每月捐款給慈善或是有需要的機構, 寫文紀錄的初衷只是紀錄捐款機構資訊, 讓所有讀者們也可以月行一善捐款.
At the end of 2019, I told myself that I would donate monthly for needed organization. The purpose of writing the article is just to document organization. So, the readers can do good deeds by donating monthly as well.


二月捐款 February Charity

武漢肺炎疫情爆發, 台灣受到中國政治迫壓而無法進入 WHO, 慶幸的是台灣CDC防疫工作做得非常到位且將染病數量控制到最低. 館長是捐給新北市, 我決定直接捐給台灣CDC, 我只有捐 NTD $2000, 可能連醫護人員們一天的餐費都不夠.
People that are affected  by Coronavirus are all around the world. Due to politics pressure from China, Taiwan is not allowed to become one of the members of WHO. However, Taiwan CDC organize is doing a great job controlling the coronavirus situation. One of the super KOL donated to New Taipei City. I donated directly to Taiwan CDC. I only donate NTD $2000. It is probably not enough for nurses’ and doctors’ meals.

How to Donate:
台灣 CDC 網站 (–f_6O0__x-lXRm0JEw ) 並沒有提到專屬防疫新冠狀病毒的帳戶號碼, 也許是礙於政府機構無法鼓勵民眾捐錢. 所以我直接打電話問, 請依照圖裡的指示匯錢捐款即可.
Taiwan CDC Website (–f_6O0__x-lXRm0JEw ) doesn’t stated the appointed Prevent Coronavirus account. So, I call to ask. You  just need to follow the picture’s steps to donate.


捐款金額 Donation: NTD $2000



一月捐款 January Charity

澳洲大火導致許多無尾熊與其它動物重度灼傷, 送至動物醫院加護病房 (ICU), 澳洲政府卻沒有多餘經費與人力將火勢範圍控制住. 受傷的動物們需要專業人士照顧與呵護, 醫療也需要龐大經費.
Wildfires are raging in Australia. Not only humans, but also wild animals are affected by this disaster. Many Koalas and animals are sent to ICU for intense care. But, the Australian government doesn’t have enough budget and manpower to control the fire. The animal organization and hospital also needsmoney to offer professional care for the burned animals.

How to Donate:
目前全球各地已經發起募款活動. 我本來想領養一隻無尾熊, 但是無尾熊動物醫院簡易網站因為無法負荷龐大流量而癱瘓, 我會建議直接到網站 ( ) 去刷卡捐款.
It has been many great fundraising around the world. I was planning to adopt an Koala. However, the Koala Hospital simply website have difficulties to process huge number of visitors. So, I decide to go to the website ( ) to donate money via credit card.


捐款金額 Donation: AUD $50 (NTD $1052)

Koala Hospital Port Macquarie
Adpot Koalas Website:

** Donate Money Website:



