Saffron 46 Taipei 》這家台北印度料理餐廳除了美食也有高水準調酒
Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious
Saffron 46 ( 番紅花 46 餐廳 ) 是台北微風南山美食之一, 在台北信義區印度餐廳名單佔有一席之地, 這次有榮幸可品嚐到這裡的料理與出色的調酒.
Saffron 46 is one of the restaurants at Taipei Breeze Nangshan. It is also one of the Indian Restaurants at Taipei Xinyi District. I am honored to taste their cuisine and great cocktail drink.
Saffron 46 菜單在文末 Saffron 46 Menu is at the end of article
目錄 / Table of Contents
關於 Saffron 46
About Saffron 46
Saffron 46 位於台北微風南山 46 樓, 同層樓有 “Ukai Taipei” 和 “新葡苑四十六“, 尚未進入餐廳即可從玻璃窗看到印度師傅們正在為店內客人製作料理, 踏進餐廳內, 先是看到頗具規模的吧台, 右側則是可近距離看到台北 101, 分為窗邊座位低消和非窗邊座位低消 (低消細節在文末) , 我個人是認為 Saffron 46 座位格局並非像 “和牛 47” 只有窗邊位置正面可看到景觀, 在 Saffron 46 沙發區也是可以正面看到 台北 101, 其實倒是不必一昧要求窗邊座位. 最重要的是 Saffron 46 沒有擾人的香料咖哩混合氣味! 完全不用擔心頭髮或是衣服會有異味. 當天用餐時間是星期二, 幾乎每張桌上都放著 ”預約席“ 的立牌, 可見這家餐廳相當受到歡迎.
Saffron 46 is located at 46F of Taipei Breeze Nangshan Building. “Ukai Taipei” and Shin Pu Yuan 46. Before entering the restaurant, the guest can see Indian chefs working by the kitchen window. The bar is right in front of your eye right after entering the restaurant. At the restaurant right side, the guest can see Taipei 101. There are two sets of minimum charge regarding window seats and non-window seats (details are at the end of the article). In my personal opinion, Saffron 46 sofa seats are designed for all people to see Taipei 101 view. The most important part would be that there isn’t any strong curry smell inside the restaurant! My friends and I dined there during Tuesday. Most tables are placed with “Reserved” sign, which indicates that Saffron 46 is a very popular restaurant.
延伸閱讀: The Ukai Taipei 》在微風南山 46 樓美食餐廳品嚐日式割烹料理
延伸閱讀: 台北和牛 47 》 Wagyu 47 | 品嚐和牛美食欣賞台北101高空景觀
Saffron 46 酒吧 x Indulge 餐酒館
Saffron 46 Bar x Indulge Bistro
我決定先從 Saffron 46 酒吧開始寫, 在來 Saffron 46 之前, 就已經知道店家和亞洲50大最佳酒吧 Indulge 餐酒館合作, 創造出比 “橘色涮涮屋” 更專業的店中店. Bartender Ken 更是細心地解釋調酒單分為 “香草 (Herbs)” , “色彩 (Joy of Colors)” 和 “香料 (Spices)”. 香草系列調酒的香草是直接種植在店裡, 而且是現點現剪, 而非放在保鮮盒裡. 香料系列則是符合印度料理精髓, 也採用少見的印度香料 (例如:肉豆蔻), 色彩系列調酒發想於印度色彩節 (Holi Festival), 調酒顏色則是日出至日落不同時刻有不同顏色, 這次 Bartender Ken 為我準備色彩系列調酒之一的 蘪棕 (Rubus Brown), 顏色就猶如夕陽下山到地表的那一瞬間.
Saffron 46 Restaurant builds an interesting cooperation with Indulge Bistro. At this bar, Indulge Bistro’s bartenders from Indulge Bistro invent and makes the cocktails for the restaurant guests. In my opinion, it is much more professional than “Orange Shabu Shabu”. Bartender Ken explained his cocktail menu is categorized into three concepts. First cocktail category is “Herbs”, which are actually grown inside the restaurant. When the guest orders, they cut the herb right before making the drinks. Second category is “Spices”, which would include Indian spices (for example: nutmeg) into the cocktails. The third and the most interesting category is “Joy of Colors”. The concept is from Indian Holi Festival. Each different cocktail color represents different sky color from sunrise to sundown. Bartender Ken prepares “Rubus Brown”, which represents the moment when the sunset reaches the ground.
延伸閱讀:橘色涮涮屋 》信義新光三越A9餐廳推薦 | Taipei Wagyu Beef Hot Pot
Rubus Brown
Price: NTD $450
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
有些台北酒吧的低消甚至有到兩杯調酒, Saffron 46 酒吧座位低消只需一杯調酒實在太划算, 我很推薦下班來 Saffron 46 微醺, 但請先打電話訂位. 我必須承認調酒價格 NTD $450 比預期地高, 原本以為是因為店租成本高, 後來看 Bartender Ken 製作調酒的過程才知道 NTD $450 算是合理價位,
Some Taipei Bars minimum charge is two cocktails. In Saffron 46 Bar, the minimum charge is only one cocktail. I would definitely recommend to come here to have a casual cocktail drink. Please remember to call to reserve. I first thought NTD $450 for one cocktail drink is a bit expensive due to the rent. However, after Ken demonstrates the complicated process of this cocktail drink. NTD $450 seemed to be reasonable.
這款調酒是採用口感與風味較為細緻溫和的威士忌為基底, 我原本以為酒單上提到的鐵觀音茶是像 “Trio Cafe”一樣先泡好, 孰不知 Ken 拿出類似水彩刷的工具將濃郁的鐵觀音濃縮塗抹於杯裡, 專業度極高. 剛開始品酌時, 過雪莉桶後的威士忌並不會有過多的酒精刺激性但也不失主角光環, 倒是渾厚重焙茶的風味在舌尖徘徊, 至於牛蒡賦予的土壤氣味我並沒有特別感受到, 我個人會推薦這一款調酒給喜歡喝威士忌的人.
Rubus Brown’s base drink is Whiskey with smooth texture. At the beginning, I thought this is the so-called Tea Cocktail, like at “Trio Cafe”. Trio Cafe brewed the tea in advance and put into the refrigerator. In Saffron 46 Bar, they use self-made Iron Buddha Tea concentrate. Bartender Ken starts to brush the Iron Buddha Tea concentrate inside the glass, which is quite stunning. When start drinking, the whiskey doesn’t have too much strong alcohol flavor as expected. The strong tea flavor and bitterness stays at the tastebuds. As for the so-called earthy flavor, I didn’t sense it. I would recommend this cocktail drink to people who like to drink whiskey.
延伸閱讀: Trio Cafe 》台北華山三重奏餐酒館是上班族心目中的微醺好去處
Herb No. 4
Price: NTD $420
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
Bartender Ken 也準備了這款外型出眾的香草四號調酒, 甜美柑橘風味和檸檬馬鞭草清香造就這一款非常適合女生喝的調酒, 我個人會建議在餐前或是餐後喝會較凸顯出這款調酒的特性. (圖片裡的調酒已經在吧台被我們喝掉一半)
Bartender Ken also prepares this Herb No. 4 cocktail. The appearance is quite feminine. The sweet citrus and refreshing lemon grass is suitable for women. I would suggest to drink before dining or after dining in order to taste the soft character regarding this drink. (We already drank half of the cocktail at the bar counter)
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
Saffron 46 菜餚
Saffron 46 Dishes
Price: Free
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
多數人都已經知道天母蕃紅花印度餐廳和 Saffron 46 是同一位印度籍老闆, 但是兩家餐廳還是有不同的地方. 天母番紅花著重於北印料理, Saffron 46 料理則是全印度料理. 除了採用道地印度香料外, 也直接在印度廚藝學校應徵廚師到台灣工作, 在主廚 Nicolas 帶領讓 Saffron 46 成為 Fine Dining 等級卻又不失印度家鄉味的餐廳. 這款窯烤脆餅就是所謂的街頭小吃, 擺設得像極藝術品, 聽說每天會是不同香料, 當天用餐時是黑胡椒香料, 微鹹裡帶些辛香也是很容易讓人上癮.
Many people already know Saffron 46 and Tianmu Saffron restaurant are the same owner. There are still a few difference between those two. Tianmu Saffron restaurant focuses on Northern Indian cuisine. Saffron 46 focuses on all Indian cuisines. They even hire the Indian chefs at the culinary school at India. With Executive Chef’s Nicolas’ lead, Saffron 46 becomes a Fine-Dining level restaurant with local Indian flavor cuisines. This Papadam is considered street food at Indian. The chef team displays the papadam like an artwork. The chefs would change the spices everyday. Our papadam is black pepper. The salty with spices match great with the crispy texture.
Pani Puri
Price: NTD $340
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
我個人不吃泰國料理, 印度料理也只有在美國吃過兩次, 所有印度料理對我來說都是蠻有趣. 當這道菜餚上桌時, 擺盤風格一度讓我以為是中式菜餚, 印度菜餚不再只是紅黃橘色彩和濃稠質地, 薄脆圓殼裡置放著少許馬鈴薯泥和鷹嘴豆, 將壺裡的微綠色香料水注入至薄脆圓殼裡, 再將這款 Finger Size 印度點心一次入口 (只是要注意吃相). 薄荷香氣, 微辣和羅望子賦予的酸澀果香瞬間在口裡爆汁, 卻不失酥脆口感, 取名為多重奏相當得體.
I don’t eat Thai food, and I only eat Indian cuisine twice at America Indian restaurants. I once thought the display of the dish is Chinese style. Indian cuisine is no long red, yellow, orange color and thick texture. We pour the green thin spice water into the finger size snack. The fillings, which are mashed potato and chickpea, becomes quite moist. Then, you would need to eat this snack in one bite. The mint aroma, sour, acidity fruity flavor along with hints of spiciness spread all over the mouth. Surprisingly, it still tastes crispy.
Chandni Chowk Chat
Price: NTD $370
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
碗裡有著繽紛色調, 不難發現碗裡有印度最受歡迎的點心 – 三角形炸餃子 (Samosa) , 內餡有馬鈴薯泥, 青豆和香菜, 在微甜奶白色優格醬撒上些酥脆印度香料餅乾碎末. 熱騰騰炸餃提升味蕾敏感度, 辛香, 微甜, 馬鈴薯風味漸次釋放且環繞於舌尖, 薄荷香氣與上一道相似 , 相較之下我比較推薦這道香料優格多重奏.
The dish is no doubt colorful. The triangle Samosa, which filling has mashed potato, green peas and parsley, are hidden underneath. The crispy Indian cookie (Sev) are spread at the appearance of white yogurt. The hot samosa enhances the tastebuds sensibility. Spices, hints of sweetness, potato flavors are gathered together at the tastebuds. The mint flavor is similar with the last dish. After comparison, I personally like this dish better.
傳統印度烤餅 & 手帕薄餅 & 原味烤餅
Tandoori Roti & Roomali Roti & Naan
Price: NTD $130 & NTD $170 & NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
多數台灣人到 Saffron 46 都會點香料飯. 在進餐廳前有看到印度籍主廚正在專業地製作印度餅皮, 現桿現烤.傳統印度烤餅,手帕薄餅和原味烤餅三款麵香足夠, 炭香手帕薄餅更是稍微可透光卻不破裂, 我是用手帕薄餅來包雞肉入口 (一種墨西哥捲餅的概念), 我則是將有韌性的傳統印度烤餅和原味烤餅沾咖哩入口, 我建議三款都點來試試.
Most Taiwanese order spiced rice at Saffron 46. We tried out Tandoori Roti , Roomali Roti and Naan. The flour aroma is perfect before further tasting. The Roomali Roti is almost transparent, which is in a great condition. I use Roomily Roti for the chicken curry, similar with Burrito Wraps. I use naan and Tandoori Roti for dipping into the curry. I would suggest to order all three items to try out.
Saffron 46 特製雞肉咖哩
Murgh Saffron 46 (Chicken Curry)
Price: NTD $580
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
首先, 這裡的咖哩無法改變辣度, 以免有客人想要有小辣中辣之類的要求. 由於印度人不吃豬肉, 也很少吃牛肉, 用來做咖哩的肉類大部分是雞肉或是羊肉. 這款咖哩的濃稠綿密口感裡有些許番茄風味, 雞腿肉吃得出來並非只有燉, 而是有先烤過, 因此雞肉吃起來並不會過硬, 辣椒的辛辣度並沒有過高, 但還是可以感受到辛香奔放, 我本身是吃小辣, 我可以直接沾咖哩吃, 這道雞肉咖哩蠻適合印度咖哩初嘗試者.
First of all, the curry cannot change the spicy level. Second, Indians do not eat pork, and rarely eat beef. Therefore, the meats in the curry are usually chicken and lamb. Besides thick curry texture, there is also some tomato flavor in this curry dish. The chicken thigh meat is not only stewed, but grilled before putting into the curry. Therefore, the chicken meat is medium tender. The spicy level is not too high. I only eat mild spicy, and I can dip the naan into the curry and eat. This chicken curry dish is suitable for people who try the Indian Curry for the first time.
Dudhia Khumb (Mushroom Curry)
Price: NTD $540
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這款咖哩裡沒有肉且質地稀釋, 透過舌尖先送上香料的洗禮, 多種香料掩蓋住蘑菇香氣, 但是口感仍舊吃得出蘑菇切片, 這道菜餚是溫和型咖哩, 而非直球型印度咖哩. 跟上一道雞肉咖哩相比, 我個人反倒比較推薦這一道單純有辛香無肉香的咖哩菜餚.
This curry doesn’t have meat and the texture is a bit watery. Different kinds of spices covers unique mushroom flavor. But, you can taste the slice of mushrooms. This curry is considered mild and soft instead of strong impact. Comparing with the chicken curry, I like this mushroom curry dish better.
Gosht Vindaloo (Spicy Lamb Curry)
Price: NTD $690
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A
Saffron 46 採用紐西蘭羊肩肉, 一看就知道這是一道非常辣的咖哩, 我平常只吃小辣難免會猶豫, 但是還是沾了些咖哩品嚐, 果不其然, 多層次辛辣感後勁之強到我不敢再嘗試第二口, 若是嚮往強勁辛辣感的印度咖哩, 這道咖哩應該就會是你的首選.
Saffron 46 uses New Zealand lamb shoulder meat. From the appearance, you can tell this curry is very spicy. I still try out a tiny amount curry. Layers of spicy flavor gives a great impact to my tastebuds. I wouldn’t dare to try second time. If you prefer strong spicy Indian curry, this dish is perfect of you.
Lahuri Kebab
Price: NTD $580
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
老實說, 我看到 Kebab 這個英文字立刻想到土耳其旋轉烤肉串燒, 在眼前這道菜餚則是出乎意料之外是像絞肉香腸. 店員解釋是羊腿肉剁成肉末, 再混合常見的印度綜合香料, 紅椒粉, 辣椒粉, Cream Cheese , 新鮮薄荷, 師傅再手工作造型, 而非用模具. 可先嚐原味, 體驗混合香料的豐富香氣魅力, 我個人是擠上檸檬再吃, 中和一下嘴裡散之不去的香料, 味蕾才能再次察覺到微弱肉香的存在.
Honestly, I think of Kebab as Turkey Kebab. But, this kebab looks just like sausage. The staff mentions the ground lamb meat is mixed with mixed Indian spices, chilis, cream cheese and fresh mints. You can try the original flavor first to feel different remix spice flavor. I squeezed lemon drops in order to balance the spice. So, the tastebuds can sense hints of lamb meaty flavor.
Saffron Kulfi
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
我相信很多人看到印度香料冰淇淋眉頭會皺一下, 畢竟從前菜吃到最後幾乎每道都有香料. NTD $320 有三球冰淇淋, 吃一口發現疑慮多餘的, 除了醇厚奶香風味外, 也可吃到開心果碎末, 在綿密口感裡不至於感受到番紅花香料, 吃完這道甜點就如滌洗晚餐的咖哩辛香餘味, 留下奶香. 我個人非常推薦點這一道甜點當做用餐的結尾.
Kulfi is Indian ice cream. NTD $320 is 3 scopes of ice cream. At the first taste, the thick creamy and milky flavor suddenly washes out the previous spices from previous dishes. There are pistachio pieces to create different texture. I didn’t sense the saffron aroma though. I definitely recommend this dish for the end of this meal.
延伸閱讀: 2019 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2019 Taipei New Restaurant & Cafe Guide
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
♛ About Me | Front Page
餐廳: 番紅花四十六 Saffron 46
地址: 台北市信義區松智路17號 46F (Map)
捷運站: 象山捷運站 & 101 捷運站
電話: 02-2722-5151
週一至週五 12:00~14:30
週六、週日及假日 12:00~17:00
Happy Hour
週一至週五 17:00~19:00
週一至週四 17:00~22:00
週五至週日、假日及假日前夕 17:00~22:30
週一至週四 22:00~24:00
週五至週日、假日及假日前夕 22:00~01:00
Restaurant: Saffron 46
Address: 46F, No. 17, Songzhi Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Elephant Mountain & Taipei 101 MRT station
Tel: 02-2722-5151
Operation Hour:
Monday ~ Friday 12:00~14:30
Saturday、Sunday and Holiday 12:00~17:00
Happy Hour
Monday ~ Friday 17:00~19:00
Monday ~Thursday 17:00~22:00
Friday ~ Sunday & Holiday 17:00~22:30
Post Dinner
Monday ~Thursday 22:00~24:00
Friday ~ Sunday & Holiday 22:00~01:00
2. 指定窗邊座位以四人為優先–晚餐每人低消NTD$1,500+10%;中午每人低消NTD1,200+10%Minimum Charge
Weekend or Holidays offer only single dish instead of set.
Seats by the window are priority for 4 people. Each person minimum charge would be NTD $1500 at night dining time. At lunch time, the minimum charge per person would be NTD $1200.
台北區域美食推薦 》Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation
📌台北區域美食推薦 Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide
連結 (Link): 台北信義區美食餐廳推薦 》Taipei Xinyi District Restaurants Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北信義安和美食推薦 》Restaurant Recommendation near Xinyi Anhe MRT station
連結 (Link): 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide
連結 (Link): 東門站永康街美食推薦懶人包 》 Dongmen Station & Yongkang Restaurants Guide
連結 (Link): 台北華山文創園區與週邊美食 》Huashan Creative Park Restaurants and Cafes
連結 (Link): 台北民生社區美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Minsheng Community Restaurant Guide
Saffron 46 菜單 》Saffron 46 Menu
Menu Link:
Lunch Set Menu: