【 忠孝敦化 | Taipei Coffee】雨田先生手沖咖啡 | 手沖飲料吧 | Mr. RDrinks

Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious

手泡咖啡和手泡茶 在台灣已逐漸轉化成時尚簡約的象徵, ”雨田先生“則是在台北東區新開幕的手沖飲料吧, 這是一家開放式小咖啡店鋪, 只販售外帶飲料與點心, 包括手泡咖啡, 手泡茶和蝴蝶酥.
Hand-drip brewing coffee and tea are becoming major trends in Taiwan. Mr. Rdrinks is one of the newly-opened drink shops in Taipei East District. It is a small shop that only sells To-Go drinks and pastries, including coffee, tea, and palmier.


最讓人意外的品項是來自泰國Doi Pang Khon產區的咖啡豆, 多數人只知道印尼是著名的咖啡生產地, 只有少許人知道泰國清萊近期也生產高品質的咖啡豆, 可說是咖啡界後起新秀.
The most surprisingly part is that they have Thailand Coffee from Doi Pang Khon area. Most people only know that Indonesia is the famous coffee bean producing area. But, not much people know that Thailand Chaing Rai Province also produces high quality coffee. Doi Pangkhon is perhaps Thailand’s most promising coffee growing region: good altitude, mild climate, healthy soil, and cherry blossoms serving as shade trees. You could say that Thailand Doi Pang Khon coffee bean is the rising star of coffee world.



泰國清萊 Doi Pang Khon 產區咖啡
English Name: Thailand Doi Pang Khon Coffee
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: ☕☕☕☕

選擇咖啡後, 老闆熟練地研磨咖啡豆和加溫手沖咖啡壺, 等待的同時, 發現牆上掛著世界地圖, 也把每項有販售咖啡與茶的產區做記號, 老闆有提到由於目前才剛開幕, 未來可能會推其他產區的咖啡與茶. 咖啡顏色為清澈黑色且帶有微微辛香料, 緩緩品飲一口可發現此款咖啡為飽滿與結構扎實, 並不會因為飲用時間長而失去咖啡風味, 當味蕾已習慣中度咖啡因後, 味蕾可感受微弱的檸檬與柑橘香, 也許因為咖啡因過強而蓋過Menu上提到的巧克力口味. 我非常推薦附近上班族去購買他們的手沖咖啡.
After ordering, the owner grinds the bean and heat up the coffee drip coffee machine professionally. While waiting, I notice the world map with marked coffee regions. The owner explained that their menu might change overtime. The coffee color is clear black with mixed herbs and spice aroma. Taking the first sip slowly, the tastebud can immediately feel the full-bodied and solid coffee structure. After getting used to the caffeine, you can detect the hints of mixed lemon and critic. However, the caffeine might cover the chocolate flavor that the menu stated. I will definitely recommend this coffee shop to the white collars that work nearby.





延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店/2017 Taipei New Restaurants and Cafes Guide

延伸閱讀: 忠孝敦化捷運站附近美食名單 Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT Station Restaurant & Coffee Shop 



Shop Name店名: Mr. Rdrinks 雨田先生手沖飲品吧
Address:No. 69 , Lane 223rd , Section 4th,  Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City  台北市大安區忠孝東路四段223巷69號 (Map)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MrRdrinks/
MRT station 捷運站: Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT Station 忠孝敦化捷運站
電話:N/A (無提供外送, 因此無填寫電話)
營業時間:7:30 am – 7pm

