【 台中南區 | Taichung 】 魯肉莊 | 第三市場 | Braised Pork Rice Shop | 中式小吃

Last Updated on 2018-02-10 by Foodelicious

台中魯肉莊曾是街頭路邊攤, 最初是在人來人往的第三市場裡享受著溫熱滷肉飯. 經營40多年的魯肉莊已搬至整體環境乾淨的店面, 店家皆保持原本的傳統食譜和熟練廚藝的手法, 美味依舊不變.
This restaurant was once a food booth by the street located in Taichung City. Now, they become a new restaurant with clean surrounding and bright light. But, no worries, both traditional recipe and experienced cooking skill remain the same.




在美國有所謂的”comfort food”, 定義是品嚐某些食物時, 兒時或是美好的回憶會在腦海中呈現. 滷肉飯是很多台灣人的comfort food, 魯肉莊更是許多在地台中人的兒時回憶. 尚未走進開放式餐廳就已聞到誘人滷肉香, 老闆不停地跟客人打招呼, 不變的態度讓客戶感受到當初在路邊攤用餐的暖暖回憶.
In USA, there are so-called comfort foods which provide a sentimental value to the person who eats it.  Braised pork rice would be categorized as Taiwanese comfort food.  “Braised Pork Rice Shop”’s food brings back many childhood memories of Taichung people.  Since it is opened entrance, you can sense the meaty aroma before stepping in.  The surrounding is clean with the boss’ passionate welcoming.



Braised Pork Rice 招牌滷肉飯 NTD $40

English: Braised Pork Rice
Price: NTD $40
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

店家迅速地端出帶有濃郁豬肉香的餐點, 口感清脆榨菜和新鮮香菜簡單地放置在飯上. 切丁豬五花肥瘦目測比列約2:1, 在燉滷過程中, 多餘油脂融入滷汁中 ,間接地讓瘦肉吸收適當油脂而進階成多汁軟嫩且不柴, 味蕾感受到加入冰糖的微甜滷汁, 請記得別急著單吃滷肉, 不要忘了將粒粒分明的白飯跟滷汁緩緩地攪拌, 讓吃下的每一口都帶有美食最初衷的回憶.
You can immediately smell the thick meaty aroma when they quickly serve the food. The display is simple with crispy pickled mustard and parsley garnish . There are more diced pork meats fats comparing with thin meats, probably with 2:1 portion.  The thin pork absorbs fair amount of fats to become tender and succulent. The tastebud senses hints of sweetness in both porks and sauce due to the crystal sugars are added.  But, surprisingly, the sauce itself isn’t too oily with collagen. The rice is perfectly cooked and easy to mix and absorb the sauce. It is easy to finish one dish within 15 minutes.




貢丸 + 油豆腐 NTD $10

English: Side Dish- Ground Meat Ball and Tofu
Price: NTD $10
Foodelicious 美味程度:  👍 👍👍👍 👍
** 圖中為兩份- 共 $20 **

店家也是用相同滷汁熬燉貢丸與油豆腐, 大部分台灣人都只會點貢丸湯, 少許人會認為貢丸無法吸收滷汁, 但是“魯肉莊”將貢丸滷得透徹, 咬一口貢丸跟油豆腐都會感受到滿滿的滷味香. 若想增加口味層次, 可加上台中人最愛的“東泉辣椒醬”.
Both ingredients are stewed with the same sauce as braised pork. Most people usually order ground meatball soup instead of stewed ground meatball. Taking a bite at the meatball, the texture is perfect – juicy, meaty and not too solid. When you first bite the tofu, your tastebud is fulfilled with the meaty sauce. Both are perfect to pair with the rice. If you like more complex flavors, you can add the red bottle sauce – Dongchuan hot sauce, which is the preference of Taichung people. The sauce’s taste is hot and sweet.



English: Daikon Soup
Price: NTD $20
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

多數台灣人品嚐小吃時都愛點湯,  清淡湯頭較適合搭配滷肉飯.
Most Taiwanese like to order a soup while eating Chinese food. The daikon soup is refreshing, and the daikon itself is easy to bite.




Restaurant Name店名: Taichung Braised Pork Restaurant  魯肉莊
Address: No. 64-9, Zhongxiao Road, South Section, Taichung City  台中市南區忠孝路 64-9 號 (第三市場) (Map)
Facebook: N/A
電話:0920-868-657  ; 0982-220-044
星期一至六  6:30 am ~  2pm
