【 南京復興 | Taipei Food 】岡山羊肉爐 | Gangshan Lamb Hot Pot | 六福皇宮

Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious

台灣有三鍋, 一是麻辣鍋, 二是薑母鴨火鍋, 三是羊肉爐! 很多台灣人都會說這三鍋是冬天必吃!  因為當下不想吃台北東區蒙古紅火鍋 , 跟朋友相約在南京復興捷運站附近的岡山羊肉爐, 這家只開晚上, 不開中午, 上班族可以考慮跟部門同事來這家一起吃囉!
What do Taiwanese usually eat the most during winter time? The answers are Mala Spicy Hot Pot, Ginger Duck Hot Pot and Lamb Hot Pot.  At that moment, I wasn’t craving for Mongolian Red and White Hot Pot at Taipei East District.  So, my friend introduced me to Gangshan Lamb Hot Pot near Nangjing Fuxing MRT station.  And it only opens at night from 5pm till midnight. Who would have known that this restaurant is actually a hidden jade!!



English Name: Lamb Hot Pot
Price: $600
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

這家羊肉爐的肉是連皮帶肉和骨頭的迷你羊小排, 有些餐廳的肉因為燉太久造成肉較難咬,或是燉太短時間皮太有嚼勁難以下嚥, 岡山羊肉爐的迷你羊小排讓你一口咬下爆汁且較軟, 皮的部分則是Q彈!喝岡山羊肉爐的湯頭不會有中藥味 反而是帶有微甜但濃厚的深色湯底 會讓人一口接一口喝下, 還可以跟老闆娘說要加湯喔!
Some hot pot restaurants cook the hot pot pairing with sliced lamb, but this restaurant chooses small lamb chops with skin!! Comparing with beef and pork, lamb contains less fat. Also, some Taiwanese people are sensitive with the smell of lamb. So, lamb hot pot is not the most Taiwanese’s first choice of hot pot. Surprisedly, the lamb chop here is tender and succulent without any smell. You can hardly taste any Chinese spices and medicines ingredients in the soup base. Instead, you can taste a light sweet but with thick and dark color soup base.  Most Taiwanese believe that this kind of particular soup base will warm up the body during winter time.



一鍋羊肉爐六百元也包括凍豆腐, 高麗菜和茼蒿, 通常一鍋份量只夠2~ 3人 ,若是有四人以上, 服務生也會建議點兩個羊肉爐, 就會是一個大份的羊肉爐.
$600 per hot pot also includes tofu, cabbage and another vegetable called chrysanthemum.  The hot pot is mostly for 2~ 3 people. But if there are 4+ people, the waitress will suggest to order to large size (basically 2 lamb hot pots put together into a larger pot).



延伸閱讀: 台北火鍋懶人包 》TAIPEI HOT POT GUIDE



Restaurant Name店名: Gangshan Lamb Hot Pot 岡山羊肉爐
Address: No. 2, 201 Lane, Liang Ning Road, Taipei, Taiwan  台北市中山區遼寧街201巷2號 (Map)
Facebook: N/A
MRT station 捷運站: Nanjing Fuxing MRT Station 南京復興站
Tel: 02-2713-8943
Nearby Hotel: WESTIN Hotel (台北威斯汀六福皇宮)
Operation time:   5pm ~ 1am  (Monday Off 星期一公休)




