松菸轉角處出現了一間新開幕裝潢全白的店家, 名為 “十間茶屋”, 就如愛琴海旁的燈塔吸引著往來的人群, 走進店家才發現這是一間裝潢簡約帶有優雅的時尚茶屋. New Restaurant replaces the old ones down at the memory lane at “SongShan Cultural Park”.However, there is a new white co...
(快閃店已結束) 琉球通堂拉麵為了配合統一時代百貨沖繩展而設置快閃店, 饕客只能在短短21天內(至4/15/2017)享受帶有濃厚日本味的沖繩知名拉麵店. 至於將來會在台灣哪個城市設店, 社長應該還在評估中. (Closed Down) You wouldn't call TONDU Ramen a Ramen restaurant because it is a 21 days pop-up...
女皇爵品牌Logo就如神秘的蒙納麗莎是自畫像, 市面上啤酒品牌商標較為男性化,神化,或是卡通化, 多數人都會好奇想知道這家釀酒廠為何要把女皇爵和一隻獵鷹當做logo. 口感是狂野還是細膩? Duchesse De Bourgogne’s logo is self-portrait, just like the mysterious Mona Lisa. You would wonder what ...
這不是新聞稿! 我只是昨天剛好逛小七時發現原萃錫蘭無糖紅茶 (新產品), 後來才知道太古可口可樂公司請日本藝人阿部寬當旗下品牌原萃的代言人. This is not a promotional article! I purchased this Yuan-Cui Ceylon Tea product before the new product launch conference. Coke ...
台中魯肉莊曾是街頭路邊攤, 最初是在人來人往的第三市場裡享受著溫熱滷肉飯. 經營40多年的魯肉莊已搬至整體環境乾淨的店面, 店家皆保持原本的傳統食譜和熟練廚藝的手法, 美味依舊不變. This restaurant was once a food booth by the street located in Taichung City. Now, they become a new restaur...
在美國已成立20多年, “Stone Brand" 的Logo很明顯地展現出男人味, 如果”Leffe Brand”是鄰家女孩 (Emma Stone), “Stone Brand” 就是騎著哈雷的壞男孩 (Hugh Jackman - Wolverine). Stone Brewing , which is located at USA, is established for about 20 ...
在台灣, 純粹喝品牌的主要客戶為上班族, 出口至國外後, 當地主要客群則是年輕人, 簡約包裝在放滿五顏六色包裝的貨架上反而更顯眼. 這次純粹喝推出討喜的粉紅色包裝玫瑰蜜香奶茶. “Chun-Cui-He Brand” ’s TA is always the white collars in Taiwan. However, after export to other countries, the ...
在美國的中式料理其實很少看到有搭配鍋粑的, 但是在美國韓式料理點了石鍋拌飯, 吃到最後就有鍋粑可以品嚐. Back at US, we don't have much Chinese cuisine that has crispy rice in it. But, in Korean restaurants @US, we sometimes would order Bibimbap. When ...
(已結束營業) 愛甜點的螞蟻人應該都知道路地氷の怪物在台北市市民大道開幕 (位於之前原創花雕雞的店面), 路人們看到這棟微藍且設計頗新潮的兩層樓時 ,都會停下拍照. (Closed Down) Most dessert-craving people already knew about this ice cream shop - Roji Ice Cream Shop, which is orig...