位於台北忠孝敦化捷運站附近的Botega del Vin 是入選 2018年紅蝦評鑑餐廳之一, 是少數在台北東區屹立不搖的義大利餐廳. Botega del Vin Italian restaurant, which is near Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station, won 2 shrimps at 2018 Gamboo Rosso Taipei City. It is...
(2018.12.30 結束營業) 台北忠孝復興捷運站有一家在鎌倉襯衫西裝店裡的咖啡店, 名為鎌倉珈琲, 寬敞庭院與手沖咖啡為其特色. (Closed at 2018.12.30) Kamakura Cafe, which is near Zongshiao Fuxing MRT station, is located inside a Kamakura Shirts suit store. It...
這本 “一個日本料理吃貨的自我修養” 將 吃貨 (Foodie) 重新定義, 吃貨要了解的不僅是食材, 也需要知道其歷史由來. This “Japanese Cuisine Knowledge Guide for Foodie” refines the meaning of foodie. Foodie must know about the ingredients and also knowle...
台北大安區有一家複合式咖啡甜點店相當特別, Belly Daily 位於好孕工作室助產所裡, 是大安森林公園下午茶甜點店之一. Belly Daily Coffee & Dessert is located inside the Midwifery Clinic at Taipei Da’an district. It is one of the afternoon tea dessert...
北村豆腐家是台北信義區統一阪急百貨美食街的韓國餐廳, 也是少數需要排隊的美食街餐廳. North Village Korean Restaurant is located at Uni-U Style Department B2. It is one of a few restaurants that would have a line-up during dining time.
(2023.7 更新) 新開幕的永心鳳茶為台北信義區市政府捷運站下午茶餐廳之一, 玻璃罐裝冷泡茶與復古時尚裝潢為其特色. (Update 2023 July ) Yonshin Tea & Cake Selection Bar is one of the afternoon tea restaurants at Taipei Xinyi Breeze Department Store. T...
(已結束營業, 搬至其他地址) Saturn Landing 是一家台北大安區土耳其咖啡店, 土耳其藍的室內裝潢讓這家大安捷運站咖啡店相當顯眼. (Closed Down. Move to another Location ) Saturn Landing is one of the Turkish Coffee Shops near Taipei City Da’an MRT Station....
(結束營業) 台北忠孝敦化捷運站附近有一家新開幕的平價餐廳 - 瘦虎麵屋 ( Formosa Soul Food ), 販售銅板台式麵食. (Closed) There is a newly-opened restaurant located near Taipei Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station. Its name is Formosa Soul Food, which...
(2021.結束營業) 台北信義區松菸附近餐廳之一的大初鐵板燒 ( Da-Chu Teppanyaki ) 於 2017年新開幕, 平價龍蝦套餐 (NTD $1200) 為這家餐廳的招牌料理. (Closed down at 2021) Newly-opened Da-Chu Teppanyaki is located near Songshan Culture Park at Taipei Xi...
上海邵師傅湯包是台北六張犁捷運站美食之一, 臭豆腐湯包與麻婆豆腐湯包是這家大安區餐廳的招牌料理. Shanghai Master Shao Soup Dumpling restaurant is one of the restaurants near Liuzhangli MRT station. The stinky tofu filling and male tofu filling is t...