Sheraton Pizza Pub 》喜來登比薩屋菜單單點推薦

Last Updated on 2024-12-01 by Foodelicious

台北喜來登大飯店比薩屋 Pizza Pub 客座 請到 世界50最佳披薩 第15名 的 Chef Giuseppe Errichiello ( Mr. Peppe) , 客座時間只到 2025年1月 1 日 . Chef 的Pizza Recipe 不確定會不會繼續留在常規菜單.
Pizza Pub at Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel has invited Chef Giuseppe Errichiello (Mr. Peppe), ranked 15th on the World’s 50 Best Pizzas list, for an exclusive guest chef. This special collaboration will only last until January 1, 2025. Whether Chef Peppe’s signature pizza recipes will remain on the regular menu afterward is still uncertain.



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台北義大利餐廳 Taipei Italian Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 台北義大利餐廳列表 》Taipei Italian Restaurant

延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


台北喜來登比薩屋 – 訂位

Taipei Sheraton Pizza Pub – Reservation

我住過台北喜來登大飯店 , 也吃過台北喜來登大飯店許多餐廳 , 我 2024 年 11 月 才在比薩屋用餐.台北喜來登比薩屋訂位目前不是用 inline , 而是用飯店官網 ( 訂位 Link ) . 餐廳位於 B1 , 有開放式廚房, 可遠距離觀賞烤 Pizza.
I’ve stayed at the Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel and dined at several of its restaurants. In November 2024, I had the opportunity to dine at Pizza Pub. Currently, reservations for Pizza Pub are not made through Inline but instead via the hotel’s official website (Reservation Link).The restaurant is located on B1 and features an open kitchen, allowing guests to observe the pizza being baked from a distance.


延伸閱讀: Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel 》入住台北喜來登豪華客房的住宿 Review

延伸閱讀: The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)

延伸閱讀: Antoine Room 》品嚐台北喜來登安東廳的牛排菜單

延伸閱讀: SUSHI MOMO TAIPEI 》終於吃到台北喜來登桃山明壽司 ( すし桃 )

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin Select 》辰園菜單桌菜點哪些菜餚 (內有豬鴨鵝)


台北喜來登比薩屋 – 優惠

Taipei Sheraton Pizza Pub – Promotion

比薩屋有信用卡優惠與美饌卡優惠, 我直接列在以下
You can use credit card promotion and membership card promotion at Pizza Pub.

✅ 信用卡優惠 (Credit Card) :
✅ 美饌卡優惠 (Membership Card ):



台北喜來登比薩屋 – 菜單

Taipei Sheraton Pizza Pub – Menu

台北喜來登比薩屋菜單有分客座菜單與常規菜單. 有單點也有套餐. 這次我們有三人, 有點雙人套餐與單點其他一些菜餚. 我會以單點且標示價格的方式來撰寫文章. 客座時間只到 2025年1月 1 日.
The menu at Pizza Pub, Sheraton Grand Taipei, is divided into a guest chef menu and a regular menu. Both à la carte and set menu options are available. For this visit, our group of three ordered a two-person set menu along with a few additional à la carte dishes. I will write this review in an à la carte format, including prices for clarity. Please note that the guest chef menu will only be available until January 1, 2025.

Peppe 客座菜單 (Guest Chef Menu ):

常規菜單 (Regular Menu) :



台北喜來登比薩屋 – 客座菜單

Taipei Sheraton Pizza Pub – Menu ( à la carte )

Mr. Peppe 招牌太陽比薩

DON SALVO (Mr. Peppe Signature Pizza)
Price: NTD $780
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

9 吋 Pizza 適合 2 ~ 4 人吃. Mr. Peppe 招牌太陽比薩看似創新, 實際上則是將我喜歡的義式 Calzone比薩餃與瑪格麗特比薩結合呈現這一道 Pizza. 而且魔鬼藏在細節裡 , 原來 Ricotta 起司與薩拉米臘腸藏在 Pizza 外圍裡. 吃法不用刀叉, 直接用手才能一次品嚐到 Pizza 餅皮韌性 , 兩款起司 (Ricotta & Buffalo Mozzarella Cheese ) , 酸香番茄 與充滿肉香的臘腸. 這一道 Mr. Peppe 招牌太陽比薩是我在台北吃到的 Top 3 Pizza. 非常推薦點. 不虧是亞太50最佳披薩第3名.
A 9-inch pizza is perfect for sharing between 2 to 4 people. The signature Mr. Peppe Sun Pizza may seem innovative, but it is, in fact, a delightful combination of two Italian classics I love: the Calzone and the Margherita pizza. The magic lies in the details—hidden inside the outer crust are Ricotta cheese and Salami.This pizza is best enjoyed by hand, not with a knife and fork. You can sense the fully savor the chewy texture of the crust, the blend of two cheeses (Ricotta and Buffalo Mozzarella), the tangy sweetness of tomatoes, and the rich, meaty flavor of the salami all in one bite. This Pizza easily ranks in my top 3 pizzas in Taipei. I highly recommend ordering it—it lives up to its reputation as the #3 pizza on the Asia-Pacific’s 50 Best Pizza list.

延伸閱讀: 台北五大披薩推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Pizza Recommendation



Price: NTD $780
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

此款 Pizza 是白醬 Pizza. 看似簡單 -生火腿與乳酪. 入口後發現與之前吃過的白醬比薩更高等級. 西班牙24個月熟成的生火腿帶給味蕾適量鹹香. 最特別的是在台北不常吃到的義大利 Fiordilatte 乳酪, 綿密奶香風味十足. 再搭配 刨義大利羊奶羅馬諾乾酪 ( Romano Pecorino Cheese ) . 以 NTD $780 價格, 我認為很值得點.
This pizza is a white sauce pizza. At first glance, it appears simple—just prosciutto and cheese. However, upon tasting, it reveals itself to be a more elevated version of the white sauce pizzas I’ve had before. The 24-month-aged Spanish prosciutto delivers just the right amount of savory saltiness to excite the palate.What sets it apart is the Fiordilatte cheese, rarely seen in Taipei, offering a rich and creamy flavor. This is further complemented by freshly shaved Italian Romano Pecorino cheese, adding depth to the dish. . Priced at NTD $780, I find it absolutely worth ordering.

延伸閱讀: 台北五大披薩推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Pizza Recommendation



Paccheri with Classic Neapolitan Ragu
Price: NTD $580
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

Chef Giuseppe Errichiello 客座菜單只有兩款義大利麵 – 麵疙𤺥與大水管麵 ( Paccheri ) . 大水管麵有 al dente 口感 , 慢煮番茄醬甜多過於酸. 喜歡番茄醬與水管麵的人可以點.
Chef Giuseppe Errichiello’s guest menu features only two pasta dishes—gnocchi and paccheri. The paccheri has an al dente texture, paired with a slow-cooked tomato sauce that leans more sweet than tangy. If you’re a fan of tomato sauce and paccheri, you can try this dish.



Sweet Prawns Carpaccio with Citrus Fruit
Price: NTD $950
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

在台北餐酒館 ( 例如: “草頭西” ) 吃過生食金殼蝦. 比薩屋的呈現方式與調味偏向 Fine DIning. 奶香綿密的布拉塔起司作為底部, 日本生甜蝦作為此道菜餚主角, Mixed 百香果與芒果醬增加甜度卻不會覆蓋住生蝦的鮮度. 烘烤後的細緻開心果碎增加口感與堅果香氣. 建議全部食材一次入口, 味蕾可感受到層層風味.
At Taipei’s bistros (such as “Catouxi Bistro“), I’ve had raw shrimp before. However, the presentation and seasoning at Pizza Pub lean more toward fine dining. The dish features a creamy burrata cheese base, with fresh Japanese sweet shrimp as the star ingredient. A mix of passion fruit and mango sauces adds sweetness without overpowering the shrimp’s natural freshness. Finely roasted pistachio crumbs provide added texture and a nutty aroma. I recommend enjoying all the ingredients in one bite to experience the dish’s layered flavors fully.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》搬家後訂位困難的草頭西餐酒館值得再訪



Serrano Ham with Honeydew Plate
Price: NTD $880
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

西班牙塞拉諾火腿肉香並沒有伊比利火腿濃郁. 塞拉諾火腿適量的鹹香很適合搭配哈密瓜的香甜.
The aroma of Spanish Serrano ham is not as intense as Iberico ham. The balanced saltiness of Serrano ham pairs perfectly with the sweet fragrance of cantaloupe.

延伸閱讀: Spanish Serrano Ham 》關於西班牙塞拉諾火腿的五個問題



Seared Hokkaido Scallops
Price: NTD $680
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

北海道干貝的鮮度如預期般呈現. 發現北海道干貝撒了些許咖啡粉, 之前在 “輪輪1976”也有吃過炭火豚肉串燒撒上咖啡粉. 這次在比薩屋吃到綿密甜南瓜醬與苦香咖啡粉搭配, 並非大眾化風味, 但頗為驚艷. 重點是干貝鮮度不減.
The freshness of the Hokkaido scallops was just as expected. I noticed that a hint of coffee powder was sprinkled on the scallops, similar to what I had before at “LunLun 1976,” where charcoal-grilled pork skewers were also seasoned with coffee powder. This time at Pizza Pub, the pairing of creamy sweet pumpkin sauce with the bitter aroma of coffee powder was unconventional yet surprisingly delightful. Most importantly, the freshness of the scallops remained uncompromised.

延伸閱讀: Lun Lun 1976 》關於 輪輪1976 和食茶酒駅 的五個重點 (內有菜單 )


燒烤日本鹿兒島A5小田和牛紐約客 5oz

Cuts of Selected A5 Japanese Kagoshima Wagyu Striploin 5oz.
Price: NTD $2280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

牛排在台北義大利餐廳很常見 , 最有名的是 “DiVino Taipei” 乾式熟成紐約客牛排. 這次在喜來登 Pizza Pub 採用單價較高的日本鹿兒島和牛 , 細緻口感, 適合喜歡和牛的人點.
Steak is commonly found in Italian restaurants in Taipei, with the most famous being “DiVino Taipei,” known for its dry-aged New York strip steak. This time, at the Sheraton’s Pizza Pub, they feature the high-end Japanese Kagoshima Wagyu. Its delicate texture makes it an ideal choice for those who enjoy Wagyu beef.

延伸閱讀: DiVino Taipei 》適合朋友小酌聚餐的台北義大利餐酒館 ( 內有菜單 )



Aubergine Millefeuille Parmigiana Style
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

在台北西式餐廳吃到的千層菜餚系列都是千層馬鈴薯 (例如: “Saveur 歐洲風味餐坊”, 很少吃到運用更軟口感的茄子作為千層. 秘訣在於台灣長茄切片後油炸, 口感極似義大利千層麵的口感. 如果喜歡吃茄子 , 也想品嚐不常品嚐到的義式家常菜餚, 可以點這一道.
In Western restaurants in Taipei, the millefeuille dishes typically feature layers of mashed potatoes (such as at “Saveur Restaurant”). It’s rare to find a variation that uses the softer texture of eggplant as the base for a layered dish. The secret lies in frying sliced Taiwanese long eggplant, which creates a texture remarkably similar to that of Italian lasagna. If you enjoy eggplant and are looking to try a traditional Italian comfort dish that is less commonly seen, this dish would be a good choice.

延伸閱讀: Saveur 歐洲風味餐坊 》隱藏在台北巷弄內的法式家常餐廳



Strawberry Millefeuille
Price: NTD $420
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

之前在 “Yu Chocolatier 畬室” 有吃過酥皮千層甜點 , 這次在 Pizza Pub 吃到的是酥皮千層甜點更適合多人分享.
I had tried the millefeuille dessert at “Yu Chocolatier.” This time, at Pizza Pub, the millefeuille dessert is more suitable for sharing among a group.

延伸閱讀: Yu Chocolatier 畬室 》台北甜點推薦之頂級法式巧克力甜點


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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Sheraton Pizza Pub Information

餐廳: 喜來登比薩屋
地址: 台北市中正區忠孝東路一段12號 B1 (Map)
捷運站: 善導寺
電話: 02-2321-1818
Restaurant: Sheraton Pizza Pub
Address: B1, No. 12, 1st Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Shandao Temple MRT Station
Tel: 02-2321-1818




