Wood Ranch Restaurant 是 Irvine Spectrum 裡的餐廳之一, 在南加州是知名連鎖BBQ 燒烤餐廳. Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill is one of the restaurants in Irvine Spectrum. It is a famous chainstore at Southern California.
(2022.11.30 結束營業) 台北民生社區的 50/50 法國餐廳是 2018 米其林餐盤名單之一, 也在松山區餐酒館名單中. (Closed down at 2022.11.30 ) 50/50 Cuisine Française French Restaurant is one of the restaurants at 2018 THE PLATE MICHELIN GUIDE TAI...
(Closed Down) 美國加州爾灣的三和餐廳是華人圈公認的老字號港式連鎖餐廳, 非常適合大家族宴客. (Closed Down) Sam Woo Restaurant is one of the oldest Cantonese Restaurants in Irvine, California. It is quite suitable for large family reunion.
台北中山區有一家兩層樓的餐廳 - 香頌私宅, 也是松江南京捷運站附近嚴格採預約制的餐廳之一. 這次很榮幸有機會二訪此餐廳品嚐他們的新菜單. There is a two-floors restaurant building at Zhongshan District. Chanson Bistro is one of the restaurants that insists at reservat...
南加州橘郡海邊餐廳有哪些? 位於 San Clemente 的 The Fisherman’s Restaurant & Bar 就是其中一家餐廳. Which restaurant is located nearby the ocean at Southern California Orange County? The Fishermans Restaurant & Bar- S...
(Closed Down ) 金鴨子 ( Tasty Duck ) 位於洛杉磯郡的聖蓋博市, 這家餐廳的平價北京烤鴨三吃為招牌料理. (Closed Down) Tasty Duck Restaurant is located at San Gabriel, California. This restaurant’s Peking Duck is quite popular in LA Count...
金舌頭食集是台北專賣日本進口蕎麥產品的店鋪, 也是民生社區下午茶選擇之一. Origins Foodist is one of shops that sell buckwheat product from Japan. It is also one of the afternoon tea options at Mingshen Community.
位於 Walnut, CA 的 Ninja Sushi 是一家平價日本料理餐廳, 老闆與服務生皆為日本籍. Ninja Sushi, which is a price-friendly Japanese restaurant, is located at Walnut, California. Both owners and waitresses are both Japanese.
位於 Ontario Mills Mall 的 Blaze Pizza 是連鎖比薩餐廳, 投資者包括 NBA 知名球星詹皇 (Lebron James). My family and I visited Blaze Pizza at Ontario Mills. Blaze Pizza, which is invested by Lebron James and other shareholder...