(Closed Down ) 金鴨子 ( Tasty Duck ) 位於洛杉磯郡的聖蓋博市, 這家餐廳的平價北京烤鴨三吃為招牌料理. (Closed Down) Tasty Duck Restaurant is located at San Gabriel, California. This restaurant’s Peking Duck is quite popular in LA Count...
金舌頭食集是台北專賣日本進口蕎麥產品的店鋪, 也是民生社區下午茶選擇之一. Origins Foodist is one of shops that sell buckwheat product from Japan. It is also one of the afternoon tea options at Mingshen Community.
位於 Walnut, CA 的 Ninja Sushi 是一家平價日本料理餐廳, 老闆與服務生皆為日本籍. Ninja Sushi, which is a price-friendly Japanese restaurant, is located at Walnut, California. Both owners and waitresses are both Japanese.
位於 Ontario Mills Mall 的 Blaze Pizza 是連鎖比薩餐廳, 投資者包括 NBA 知名球星詹皇 (Lebron James). My family and I visited Blaze Pizza at Ontario Mills. Blaze Pizza, which is invested by Lebron James and other shareholder...
(已結束營業) ISM 主義甜時是忠孝敦化捷運站下午茶選擇之一, 知名產品為日本甜點主廚所製作的達克瓦茲和生鮮奶油蛋糕捲. (Closed) PÂTISSERIE ISM is one of the Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station afternoon tea option. The famous products would be their cake roll and...
除了佐藤咖哩六張犁店外, 佐藤咖哩又開第二家分店, 成為忠孝復興捷運站平價餐廳名單之一. Sato Curry restaurant opens another store near Zhongxiao Fushing MRT station. General speaking, it is a price-friendly restaurant at Taipei East District.
JJ Bakery-Irvine 位於加州爾灣城市, 除了販售台灣款式麵包與中式酥餅外, 也有許多甜點與生日蛋糕. JJ Bakery-Irvine is located at Irvine, California. Besides Taiwanese breads and Chinese pastries, they also offer desserts and birthday cakes.
直物生活文具 & Café 是一家販售文具與咖啡甜點的複合商店, 也是忠孝新生捷運站下午茶選項之一. Plain Stationery & Homeware Cafe is a shop that sells both stationaries and desserts. It is one of the afternoon tea options near Zhongxiao X...
( 2019.3 更新 )大台北地區2017新開幕餐廳越來越多, 光靠Facebook粉絲頁與新聞稿並無法滿足消費者, 他們通常需要看部落客實際體驗的文章來查詢一些餐廳細節, 因此做了一個新開幕餐廳的懶人包讓大家一目瞭然. 僅限Foodelicious Review過的餐廳與Cafe, 之後會陸續更新! There are many newly opened restaurants in Tai...