舒服生活 (Truffles Living) 是台北信義安和捷運站餐廳之一, 與新開幕舒服氣息 (Truffles Aroma) 是姐妹店, 屬於古董傢俱裝潢複合餐廳, 同時也全天候提供餐點, 咖啡與調酒. Truffles Living is one of the restaurants near Xinyi Anhe MRT station. It is related with the ne...
(結束營業) 微巷餐酒館 ( Vicolo Trattoria ) 是台北天母義大利餐廳, 也屬於天母新光三越附近的餐廳之一, 招牌料理包括拿坡里炸麵糰和貓耳朵麵, 深受老饕喜愛. (Closed Down ) Vicolo Trattoria is one of the Italian Restaurants in Tianmu area. It is also one of the resta...
粉紅酒三大出口國有法國, 義大利和美國. 這款 Dark Horse Rosé 粉紅酒鋁罐則是來自美國加州, 我買這款酒純粹只是好奇放在鋁罐裡的 Rosé 喝起來是啥感覺. There are three countries that manufacture large amount of Rosé - France, Italy and USA. Dark Horse Rosé 2017 is ...
台北松山區餐酒館多增加一家名為 JUJU Spanish Gastrobar 的台北西班牙餐廳, 這是西班牙籍主廚 Pablo 的新傑作, JUJU 招牌濃湯和燉牛頰最受歡迎. JUJU Spanish Gastrobar is one of the Taipei Bistros at Songshan District. The restaurant is opened by Spanish C...
( 結束營業 ) 新開幕的伊宛面餐廳是南京三民捷運站餐廳之一, 老闆雇用知名美食記者米兒為顧問, 椒麻豬腳系列麵食是伊宛面的招牌料理. (Closed Down ) Newly-opened Yi Wan Mian Restaurant is one of the restaurants at Nangjing Sanmin MRT station. The owner hired famous ...
(已歇業) 在欉紅 ( Red on Tree ) 是台北師大下午茶甜點咖啡店之一, 除了販售在欉紅果醬外, 近期也推出氮氣咖啡,花朵義大利冰淇淋和甜點, 這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐他們的甜點和飲料. (Closed Down) Red on Tree Shop is one of the afternoon tea places near NTNU. Besides Red on Tree bran...
(Closed Down) 富錦街 118 號的 The House 118 搬到哪裡? C Bistro 喜私房餐酒館成為新的餐廳名稱, 也是台北松江南京聚餐地點之一, C Bistro 午餐價位也是松江南京上班族可接受的程度. (Closed Down) The House 118 restaurant moved to a new location and changed its name ...
台灣羅勒國際實業有限公司近期引進 澳洲 Moon Dog 啤酒品牌, 討喜俏皮酒標和獨特風味讓 Moon Dog 品牌在澳洲迅速走紅的主要原因, 我有這個榮幸與媒體記者們受邀參加 Moon Dog 新品牌記者發表會. Taiwan JRBY International Co, Ltd recently imported Moon Dog Craft Beer Brand from Australi...
御牛殿牛肉麵 ( 也名為鈜景牛肉麵 ) 在我的台北東門捷運站美食推薦名單上, 最著名料理為刺身牛肉麵系列, 我認為台北最好吃的清燉牛肉麵就在御牛殿. Yu Niu Dian Beef Noodle is on my Taipei Yongkang yummy list. The most famous cuisine would be raw beef noodle. I personally t...