
台北團體聚餐推薦 》海真私房菜 1000 元挑戰點菜 | Taiwanese Cuisine

台北團體聚餐推薦 》海真私房菜 1000 元挑戰點菜 | Taiwanese Cuisine
由於海真私房菜餐廳民生店有大包廂, 因此被列在台北適合家庭聚餐的餐廳名單裡, 港星周潤發在台北也曾到這家餐廳用餐, 這次與朋友挑戰 1000 元挑戰點菜. Haizen Chinese Restaurant Mingshen Branch has large private dining room, which is suitable for gathering. One of the famou...

橘色涮涮屋 》信義新光三越A9餐廳推薦 | Taipei Wagyu Beef Hot Pot

橘色涮涮屋 》信義新光三越A9餐廳推薦  |  Taipei Wagyu Beef Hot Pot
橘色涮涮屋新光三越分店在2018新開幕, 由於橘色火鍋價位偏高, 成為台北信義區高級火鍋店名單之一, 更是台北適合家人聚餐的餐廳. 2018 Newly-opened Orange Shabu is located at Xinyi Chinking Misukoshi Department stores. Its price matches its high-end image. Their W...

Coffee Essential 民生工寓 》黑糖拿鐵與重乳酪蛋糕令人難忘

Coffee Essential 民生工寓 》黑糖拿鐵與重乳酪蛋糕令人難忘
台北民生社區咖啡廳相當多, 民生工寓則是民生社區不限時咖啡店之一, 也有提供輕食與早午餐. There are many coffee shops at Taipei Mingshen Community. Coffee Essential is one of the coffee shops with no time limited policy. They also offer light f...

T+T 餐酒館 》台北餐酒館推薦 | Taipei Bistro Recommendation

T+T 餐酒館 》台北餐酒館推薦  | Taipei Bistro Recommendation
新開幕的 T+T 餐酒館是少數台北松山區餐酒館表現較為亮眼, 招牌料理 “茄子,海膽,柴魚” 更具米其林架勢, 小巨蛋附近美食推薦名單也少不了它. Newly-opened T+T Bistro is located at Taipei Songshan District near Taipei Arena. “Eggplant, Sea Urchin, and Katsuobushi” is o...

預約制台北茶館包廂推薦 》 和合青田 | Taipei Tea House Recommendation

預約制台北茶館包廂推薦 》 和合青田  |  Taipei Tea House Recommendation
和合青田其實稱作台北市茶藝館反而較適合, 特色是用傳統燒炭火泡茶, 是一個台北泡茶與品茶的好去處, 也在我的台北茶館推薦名單裡. HeHe QingTian is one of the Taipei Tea Houses. The most special part would be they offer traditional method to brew tea, which is burni...

台北中山區居酒屋推薦 》川賀居酒屋 | Taipei Japanese Style Bistro

台北中山區居酒屋推薦 》川賀居酒屋  |  Taipei Japanese Style Bistro
中山國中站居酒屋相當多, 川賀居酒屋也可算是民生東路居酒屋之一, 招牌料理是一蟹兩吃之奶油螃蟹粥, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到主廚的居酒屋料理. Kawaga Izakaya is located near Zhongshan Junior High School MRT station. Their signature dish is Crab with Butter (2 cooking meth...

台北東區啤酒餐廳推薦 》ABV Bar & Kitchen 加勒比海分店搬新家新菜單

台北東區啤酒餐廳推薦 》ABV Bar & Kitchen 加勒比海分店搬新家新菜單
ABV Bar & Kitchen 加勒比海分店新地址依舊在忠孝敦化餐酒館名單上, 歸類為台北大安區啤酒餐廳. ABV Bar & Kitchen Caribbean Branch’s new location is still on the Zhongxiao Duanhuan MRT station bistros list. It is also one of the Bee...