國父紀念館捷運站美食推薦 》 JE KITCHEN 新菜單依舊精彩
Last Updated on 2023-05-15 by Foodelicious
2018 台北米其林餐盤推薦名單裡少不了 JE Kitchen, 也是國父紀念館美食之一, 近期推出 JE Kitchen 2019 菜單, 我很榮幸地可品嚐到具有北歐風情的料理.
JE Kitchen is on my 2018 Taipei Michelin Plate Restaurant Recommendation list. They recently promote their 2019 menu. I now have the honor to try out their new menu set.
JE Kitchen 菜單在文末 JE Kitchen Menu is at the end of article
此次用餐是我二訪 JE Kitchen, 餐廳位置靠近國父紀念館捷運站二號出口, 往 “LADY M 甜點店“方向一路往仁愛路四段走, 同一條巷內有“Olivia Coffee Roaster”. 因為皆是北歐風格, JE Kitchen 經常與 “nkụ Taipei” 相比較, 兩家餐廳室內裝潢相似, 皆是內斂顏色搭配少許乾燥花. 但是 JE Kitchen 廚師團隊則是將北歐料理永續理念發揮地漓淋盡致. 以下是 NTD $2280 晚餐套餐, 比 NTD $1780 晚間套餐多了三道菜餚.
This is my second time visiting JE Kitchen, which is located near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station Exit 2. You can walk pass “LADY M Dessert” and toward Ren-Ai Road. It is at the same alley as “Olivia Coffee Roaster”. You might ask, what is the different between JE Kitchen and “nkụ Taipei”. The indoor design is definitely alike. But, JE Kitchen uses more Nordic Cuisine Concept into the dish. The following dining set is NTD $2280 Dinner Set. It has three more dishes than the NTD $1780 Dinner Set.
延伸閱讀: FIRST VISIT JE KITCHEN 》台北東區米其林餐盤餐廳推薦
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連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
JE Kitchen 晚餐套餐
JE Kitchen Dinner Set
Price: NTD $2280
佐餐麵包,煙燻奶油, 洋蔥
Bread, Smoked Butter, Onion
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
我上次一訪後非常想念JE Kitchen 的煙燻奶油, 不僅份量比其他餐廳多 (例如 “Naked Bistro 裸餐酒“ 或是 “Chou Chou 法式餐廳“), 味蕾依舊猶記獨特且濃郁的奶油風味, 秋冬色乾燥洋蔥乍看之下像即將收割的稻草. 也許你會說套餐單價高, 原本佐餐麵包就該如此豐盛, 但是我也曾經去過 Fine Dining 餐廳吃到過於簡約的佐餐麵包, 我個人認為 JE Kitchen 將佐餐麵包升級到另一個境界.
I miss JE Kitchen smoked butter deeply after my first visit. The quantity of the butter is much more than “Naked Bistro” and “Chou Chou Restaurant”. The tastebuds still has the memory of unique and thick buttery flavor. The golden-color dried onions looks like soon-to-be-harvested hays. Comparing with other restaurants, I would definitely recommend their bread dish.
蝦, 蒜, 發酵番茄
Shrimp, Garlic, Fermented Tomato
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
秋楓色澤般的乾燥櫻花蝦入饌作為鋪陳, 如同大 Size 法國馬卡龍形狀菜餚放置盤中央. 以馬鈴薯, 奶油蒜泥, 蝦與發酵蕃茄一層層推疊起造就這道具有視覺性的料理, 第一口品嚐時, 鮮脆甜日本甜蝦內餡與軟嫩馬鈴薯具有存在感, 味蕾可感受到微蒜味, 但是並沒有察覺到發酵番茄酸香風味, 我個人認為甜蝦與馬鈴薯風味已足以詮釋這道料理.
This dish is composed with potato, garlic butter, shrimp and fermented tomato from bottom to top. The dried sakura shrimp is spread evenly on the bottom. The tastebuds would sense the sweet and refreshing Japanese shrimp in between along with hints of garlic flavor. The tender sliced potato surprisingly remains the main character position since the texture is harder than others. However, I couldn’t sense the fermented tomato’s refreshing acidity. But I personally think that this dish is great without the so-called refreshing acidity.
生蠔 , 煙燻酸奶, 鱒魚卵
Oyster, Smoked Sour Cream, Trout Roe
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這道菜餚只出現在NTD $2280 晚餐套餐與NTD $1680 午間套餐. 俯瞰此道料理時, 晶瑩剔透暖橘鱒魚卵下方的煙燻酸奶像極黑糖拿鐵奶泡, 實際上粉末是前一道以永續概念運用的發酵蕃茄粉, 充分發揮全食物利用的精神. 店員解釋 JE Kitchen 主廚採用熟日本生蠔與八角提味造就一層神秘黑色底層, 切開時驚覺熟生蠔原來不是打成泥, 而是保存著完全切塊, 相對也保存著濃郁海鮮風味, 也許是個性顯明的鱻味在口中散開 , 味蕾並沒有特別注意到微弱的八角風味.
This dish only appears at the NTD $2280 dinner set and NTD $1680 lunch set. Under the transparent orange trout roe, there is smoked sour cream. The red powder is from the fermented tomato’s leftover . JE Kitchen uses cooked Japanese oyster with star anise to create a dark layer. I noticed that the cooked oyster is chopped instead of grounded. The seafood flavor is reserved well in between. However, the tastebuds didn’t sense the star anise flavor though.
帝王蟹, 豆皮, 味噌
King Crab, Yuba, Miso
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
菜餚純樸設覺設計讓人看不透淺米色薄豆皮表層裡的食材, JE Kitchen 相當有誠意放入適量帝王蟹肉絲, 伴隨著藏在少許泡沫內的味噌風味溫熱入口, 日系海鮮風格呈現在味蕾記憶, 微淡紅蔥頭提味更增加了獨特香氣, 每樣食材互相襯托出這道多層次風味代表作, 這道料理是我當天用餐最喜歡也相當推薦的料理.
JE Kitchen places fair amount of the king crab meats under the yellow yuba sheet. The foam contains the miso flavor, which brings out the Japanese cuisine style. The shallot flavor appears to have unique flavor. Layers of flavors are the best description of this dish. This is my favorite and most recommended dish on the day.
干貝,蒔蘿, 薑
Scallop, Dill, Ginger
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
麵糊依舊是丹麥 Aebleskiver 麵糊配方, 讓新版車輪餅有鬆軟口感. 一訪吃的 JE Kitchen 淺黃色車輪餅內餡是鴨肝, 二訪用餐的內餡是干貝和魚漿, 小心翼翼咬下一口, 並沒有多餘水份流出, JE Kitchen 運用干貝與魚漿呈現軟嫩口感, 慶幸地是蒔蘿與薑並沒有與干貝內餡混合在一起, 而是採用堆疊方式, 因此每一口風味有時是濃郁鹹香, 有時是微弱海鮮風味.
The new batch creates fluffy texture, similar with Aebleskiver Batch. I tasted Foie Gras filling at my first visit. My second visit turns out to be mixed scallop and fish paste filling. I am glad that the chef didn’t grounded the scallop and fish paste along with the dill and ginger. In my opinion, it is a smart decision since I prefer the separated flavors. One bite is delightful salty, and the other bite would be hints of seafood flavor.
馬鈴薯, 黑松露
Potato, Black Truffle
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這一道湯品也出現在上一季菜單, 也是採用桌邊服務將細刨黑松露至馬鈴薯皮與雞高湯熬煮的湯品內, 湯頭並沒有 “L先生義法餐廳 Monsieur L Restaurant”蒜苗馬鈴薯湯濃郁, 也沒有 “T+T 餐酒館“ 蘿蔔濃湯的沙沙口感, 載浮載沉的松露釋放出獨特蕈菇大地氣息, 勾勒出適量鹹味, 細緻口感搭配優雅黑松露是一種享受.
This soup also appears at the last season menu. The staff peels off the black truffle slowly into the broth, which is made with peeled potato and chicken broth. The broth is not as thick as “Monsieur L Restaurant”’s potato soup. The texture is not as non-filtered as the “T + T Bistro” radish soup. The unique mushroom flavor brings out the salty flavor. The silky texture pairs with the high-end truffle is great dining experience.
淡菜 & 竹筍 & 馬告
Mussel & Bamboo Shoot & Makauy
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
也許是費時費工, 這道菜餚只出現在NTD $2280 晚餐套餐, 這次環繞在智利淡菜切丁花邊是竹筍, 擺盤設計充滿美學, JE Kitchen 主廚 Constant 告知他運用的台灣馬告是帶有點柑橘香氣, 並不是像“al sorriso 義大利餐廳”主廚所用辛辣型馬告, 因此品嚐時,馬告存在感相當不明顯, 竹筍鮮脆口感與微硬淡菜口感相當不錯, 微嗆九層塔增加少許跳耀的香氣, 間接勾勒出淡菜鮮明濃郁海鮮風味.
This dish only appears at NTD $2280 dinner menu. The shape of bamboo shoot is similar with flower petal, which surrounds the Chile Mussel. JE Kitchen Executive Chef Constant uses different types of Makauy, which has tangerine aroma. It is different from the Makauy that “al sorriso Italian restaurant” chef uses. The bamboo shoot texture is crispy combines well along with mussel hard texture. The spicy aroma from the Chinese basil brings out great and thick seafood flavor.
魚 & 金針菇 & 發酵優格
Fish & Mushroom, Fermented Yogurt
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
如 “牛殿牛肉麵”一樣是採桌邊服務將高湯注入碗裡, 單獨品嚐高湯是昆布與蘑菇風味, 在風乾金針菇與笛鯛魚的夾層是二次發酵優格碎末, 我會建議將風乾金針菇浸在高湯裡, 較易入口. 油淋笛鯛魚外皮香脆, 當純白色魚肉還來不及吸收高湯時, 我已經迫不及待品嚐且找尋海鮮風味, 入口魚肉嫩度高也有海鮮風味, 但是發酵優格並沒有帶給這道料理明顯的微酸, 我承認我反而比較愛單純的海鮮風味.
Same as “Yu Niu Dian Beef Noodle restaurant”, the staff pours the broth into the bowl. The seaweed and mushroom flavor appears while tasting the broth alone. In between dried mushroom and the fish, it is the fermented yogurt powder. I would suggest to place the dried mushroom into the broth, which would be easier to eat. The fish skin is crispy and its meat is tender. But, the fermented yogurt didn’t appear to have enough flavor. But, I personally prefer simply seafood flavor.
牛小排 & 黑蒜 & 落葵
Beef Short Ribs & Black Garlic, Ceylon Spinach
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
由於牛小排缺貨, 代替的是澳洲和牛橫隔膜, 最上層滋潤油亮的落葵口感如川七蔬菜般脆, 牛排表層藉由炙燒而焦脆, 賦予三分熟看起來像五分熟的假象, 焦香更襯托出肉質的嫩度, 噴汁油脂瞬間增加食慾, JE Kitchen 用少許黑蒜爲橫隔膜牛排加以調味, 雙重鹹香讓人滿足. 我推薦這一道料理, 真心希望以後可以單點這道料理 .
Because the beef short ribs are out of stock, the chef uses Wagyu Beef Diaphragm. The crispy and bright green color spinach appeared on the top of the steak. The appearance of the steak is grilled and appeared to be a bit crispy. My steak is medium-rare, which absolutely fits my preference. JE Kitchen uses the black garlic to add layers of flavors. Mixed salty and meaty flavor are satisfying. I would definitely recommend this dish.
藍紋乳酪 & 石頭
Gorgonzola Cream Cheese & Stone
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這道擺盤設計獨特的料理是一年四季都有, 黑白色搭配的原因是主廚 Constant 最疼愛的寵物狗是黑白色, 並不是玩弄調色美學. 可食用的竹炭粉製成碎石形狀. 藍紋乳酪作成冰淇淋, 濃郁乳酪風味依舊強烈, 間接主導整道料理.
This is not a seasonal dish. JE Kitchen executive chef Constant’s favorite dog is black and white color. So, this is how the black and white color pairing concept comes from. The small stone shape ingredient is made with edible charcoal. The gorgonzola cream cheese is used in order to make the ivory color ice cream. The cheese flavor dominates this whole dish.
藜麥 & 甜酒釀 & 稻草
Quinoa, Sweet Fermented Rice, Hay
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
當我還在疑惑這三道食材要如何融入一道料理時, 店員已將濃郁乳白色稻草奶油注入碗內, 間接覆蓋住我還來不及單獨享用的甜酒釀冰沙, JE Kitchen 採用秘魯白藜麥, 並不是台灣紅藜麥, 濃郁穀物堅果的討喜風味讓我自問 “為何台灣沒有人想到用藜麥製作冰淇淋? 真是可惜. ”, 我愛這款冰淇淋的程度是我預想不到, 我基本上已經忽視一旁的艷紅酸甜覆盆子, 我相當推薦這一道甜點.
I was wondering how three different ingredients are going to blend well together in one dish. The milky hay butter is poured into the bowl before I have the chance to taste sweet fermented rice. JE Kitchen uses Peru Quinoa, instead of Taiwan Red Quinoa. The nutty flavor from the Quinoa ice cream is unexpectedly delicious. Honestly, I basically ignore the red raspberry on the side since I am in love with the ice cream. I strongly recommend this dish for sure.
焦檸檬, 榛果 , 檸檬馬鞭草
Burnt Lemon & Hazelnut & Lemon Verbena
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這一道只出現在NTD $2280 晚餐套餐, 即使外觀相同, 與上一季菜單甜點內容不大相同, 檸檬脆薄餅皮下藏著檸檬冰沙與榛果, 焦糖糖衣即使裹著榛果依舊呈現酥脆口感, 後續的檸檬微酸風味刺激著味蕾. 整體算是一道清爽的料理.
This dish only appears at NTD $2280 Dinner Menu. Even though the appearance looks the same, the ingredients under the burnt lemon peel are different. The lemon sorbet and hazelnuts are hidden under. The hazelnut is still crispy even coated with sugar. The lemon sorbet brings the light acidity to the tastebuds. This is overall a refreshing dish.
台灣香草豆莢, 雲朵
Taiwan Vanilla & Cloud
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
形狀神似香草莢其實是牛蒡與竹炭粉, 黑麥汁, 黑啤酒與蜂蜜一起醃製兩星期後的成品,竹炭粉風味濃郁但牛蒡酥脆口感依舊存在. 我對另一個甜點 ”雲朵” 比較有興趣, 用全奶油打成如同名稱般鬆軟, 比棉花糖更輕盈且入口即化.
The vanilla bean shape dessert is made with the burdock, edible charcoal, malt beverage, beer and honey together going through the pickled process for two weeks. The burdock texture is still crispy with charcoal flavor. I am more interested at the other dessert Cloud. It is fluffy and tasty but not too sweet.
Oolong Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
飲料可選擇茶或咖啡, 我選白毫烏龍, 喝起來並不會乾澀, 久泡也不會過濃, 相當不錯.
You can choose tea or coffee. I ordered Oolong Tea, which is not bitter. it is pretty good.
♛ Eatpire 會員餐廳優惠好康連結頁面: JE Kitchen
♛ 2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List
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♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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餐廳: JE Kitchen
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路346巷48號 (MAP)
電話: 02-2741-7115
營業時間: 打電話確認
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jekitchen.tw/
Restaurant: JE Kitchen
Address: No. 48, 346th Lane, Guangfu South Road, Taipei City (MAP)
Nearby MRT: SYS Memorial Hall
Tel: 02-2741-7115
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm
JE Kitchen菜單 》JE Kitchen Menu