西班牙火腿不光只有伊比利火腿, 也有另一款台灣人較不熟悉的塞拉諾火腿 ( Serrano Ham ), 這次很榮幸能採訪到西班牙豬肉廠商和侍肉師關於塞拉諾火腿. There are two types of Spanish Ham - One is Serrano Ham, and the other one is Iberico Ham. I have the opportunity to in...
(Closed Down) 忠孝復興捷運站的 al sorriso 義大利餐廳已轉型成歐陸餐廳, 這次我有這個榮幸品嚐到 al sorriso 2019 新菜單. (Closed Down) al sorriso Restaurant no longer only offers solely Italian cuisine, but with various European cuisines. ...
美國肉類出口協會和州立牛肉委員會於2019年5月拜訪台灣, 我很榮幸有機會參加舉辦在台北問鼎麻辣鍋養生鍋店的媒體餐敘. US Meat Export Federation headquarter and several State Beef Councils visited Taiwan on May, 2019. I am honored to be invited to the Media D...
(已結束營業, 搬至蘆洲) 天鍋宴在台北大直鍋物名單裡, 天鍋宴大直菜單上是小火鍋, 而非大家所熟悉的大鴛鴦鍋. 這次很榮幸能品嚐到天鍋宴的嚴選海陸雙人鍋. (Closed) Sky Pot Party Restaurant is at the list of Dazhi Hot Pot Restaurant list. I now have the opportunity to taste th...
近年在台灣開始注意到來自澳洲 Aesop 系列產品, 此篇自費文章會標註 Aesop 推薦和試用品心得. I recently noticed an Aesop Australia Product Series. This self-purchased article review would mark which Aesop Recommended Product and small trial...
(店面已結束營業 ) 淺草酒藏 是台北日本精釀啤酒專賣店, 也同時是台北信義區精釀啤酒吧之一, 除了販售精釀啤酒瓶外, 也有提供日本清酒和威士忌. (The Store closed down) Asakusa Shuzo Taipei is a Taipei Japanese Craft Bar and Sake Bar. It is also one of the craft beer bar...
(Closed Down) 逗號洋行是是一家台北天母私廚, 也同時販售英式古董傢俱, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到台北逗號洋行的私廚美食. Curio Comma Private Kitchen also sells British vintages at Tianmu, Taipei. I have the honor to taste the cuisines from this Private K...
(結束營業) Avenue 台北是信義安和站美食之一, 台北 Avenue 餐廳也是受歡迎的拍照地點, 也是少數台北大安區同時享受美式輕食, 酒和R&B 音樂的餐廳! (Closed Down) Avenue Taipei is one of the restaurants near Xinyi Anhe MRT station. Avenue Restaurant is one of...
驚喜製造團隊打造的無光晚餐是什麼? 無光晚餐好玩嗎? 以下文章會提到2019 無光晚餐心得和10個大家都想問的問題. 此外, 這一場將是無光晚餐最終場, 錯過以後在台灣就體驗不到了!! What is “Dining In The Dark” event? Is the event fun? In the article down below, you would read regarding t...