Aesop Review 》Aesop 產品推薦 & 使用心得

Last Updated on 2019-05-23 by Foodelicious

近年在台灣開始注意到來自澳洲 Aesop 系列產品, 此篇自費文章會標註 Aesop 推薦和試用品心得.
I recently noticed an Aesop Australia Product Series. This self-purchased article review would mark which Aesop Recommended Product and small trial package review.

♛ 此為自費保養,美妝, SPA 和 3C 使用心得文章, 而非邀約合作文. 版權所有 © 2019 娜姐 Foodelicious 網站, 圖文非經作者同意, 不得轉載或轉貼

♛ This article is regarding self-purchased Skin Care, Cosmetics, SPA and 3C review instead of promotion article. Copyright © 2019 Foodelicious Website. All Rights Reserved. Please do not post or forward this article without the author's permission. 


Skin Care: Skincare-worthy 保養成效程度  |  Cosmetics: Beauty- worthy 美妝推薦程度 |  SPA: Spa-worthy Spa 舒適程度 | 3C: Money-Worthy 值得購買程度

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產品名稱: Aesop 賦活芳香手部清潔露

容量: 500ml
品牌產地: 澳洲
購物地點: 信義誠品 2F Aesop 專櫃
價格: NTD $1200
備註: 請知悉不同通路會有不同價格

Product Name: Aesop Resurrection Aromatique Hand Wash
ml: 500 ml
Brand Origin: Australia
Shopping Location: Eslite Book Store 2F Aesop Store
Price: NTD $1200
Remark: Different sales channels have different price


Aesop 賦活芳香手部清潔露使用心得

Aesop Resurrection Aromatique Hand Wash
Skincare-worthy 保養成效程度: 👍👍👍👍

我個人不喜歡用肥皂洗手, 因為總是洗完手總是呈現極度乾燥的狀態, 年紀越大越需要懂得保養, 手往往是被遺忘的部位, 我承認我最初是被具有文青氣質的Aesop 包裝設計吸引, Aesop 洗手露有兩款 – 一款是柑橘味為主, 另一款則是偏草本味, 我購買的是偏柑橘味, 淺橘色凝露並不會過於稀釋, 我個人洗完手並不會乾燥, 洗完也有淡淡柑橘香, 相當不錯, 我非常推薦! 至於Aesop 護手霜的部分, 因為我有買 “Aveda 護手霜“, 需要等到用完我也許會添購Aesop護手霜.
I do not like using soaps to wash hand due to the dryness feeling afterward. When I get old, I start to learn how to take care of my skin. However, hands are the parts that people often forget to do skin-care. I admitted that I was attracted by Aesop Product Package, which is simply. Aesop has 2 types of hand wash- one is with citric aroma, the other one is grassy aroma. I purchased the one with citric aroma. The light orange color hand wash texture is quite dense. After washing, my hands wont feel too dry and with hints of orange aroma. I would definitely recommend this product. As for the hand lotion, I am using “Aveda Hand Lotion” at the moment. I might purchase Aesop Hand lotion in the future.


產品名稱: Aesop 天竺葵身體潔膚露

容量: 500ml
品牌產地: 澳洲
購物地點: 信義誠品 2F Aesop 專櫃
價格: NTD $1400
備註: 請知悉不同通路會有不同價格

Product Name: Aesop Geranium Leaf Body Cleanser
ml: 500 ml
Brand Origin: Australia
Shopping Location: Eslite Book Store 2F Aesop Store
Price: NTD $1400
Remark: Different sales channels have different price


Aesop 天竺葵身體潔膚露使用心得

Aesop Geranium Leaf Body Cleanser Review
Skincare-worthy 保養成效程度: 👍👍

我買這款是因為Aesop 手部清潔露很好用, 我並沒有考慮到香氣這件事, 手的面積小, 滴一小滴洗手即可有充足香氣, Aesop 天竺葵身體潔膚露頗為稀釋, 佛手柑香氣也較薄弱, 我個人偏好之前我用的香氣十足的 ”登琪爾沐浴乳“, 最近我是在用 “Aveda 薄荷身體沐浴乳”, 之後應該不會再購買Aesop 天竺葵身體潔膚露.
I purchased this product because Aesop Hand Wash is great. However, I forgot about hands are quite small area comparing with whole body. Aesop Geranium Leaf Body Cleanser is bit watery instead of dense texture. It barely has any citric aroma after taking shower. I previously used “Oriental Body Wash” . Now I am using “Aveda Mint Body Wash”. I probably wont purchase this product again.


產品名稱: Aesop 肌膚救贖身體去角質露

容量: 180ml
品牌產地: 澳洲
購物地點: 信義誠品 2F Aesop 專櫃
價格: NTD $1100
備註: 請知悉不同通路會有不同價格

Product Name: Aesop Geranium Leaf Body Scrub
ml: 180 ml
Brand Origin: Australia
Shopping Location: Eslite Book Store 2F Aesop Store
Price: NTD $1100
Remark: Different sales channels have different price


Aesop 肌膚救贖身體去角質露使用心得

Aesop Geranium Leaf Body Scrub Review
Skincare-worthy 保養成效程度: 👍👍👍

Aesop 身體去角質露顆粒相當小, 與市面顆粒粗大的身體去角質沐浴乳不一樣, 我大概一週去一次身體角質, 顆粒小似乎磨砂較不夠力, 或許改成一週兩次去角質應該會比較適合. 此款產品尚在觀察中.
Aesop Geranium Leaf Body Scrub has smaller particle comparing with other body scrub in the market. I always body-scrub once a week. Therefore, the tiny particle wouldn’t be strong enough. I am still observing if I change the body-scrub two days a week. This product is still under observation.



