中山區 Zhongshan District

BeApe Restaurant 》再訪台北法式餐酒館推薦 ( 內有菜單)

BeApe Restaurant 》再訪台北法式餐酒館推薦 ( 內有菜單)
BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館是台北餐酒館推薦之一, BeApe 評價與價格皆不錯, 這次是去吃 BeApe 菜單推薦的套餐. BeApe French Restaurant is one of the Taipei Bistro Recommendation. The review and price are both reasonable. This time, I went to taste t...

Taipei Hotel 》入住 HOTEL COZZI 和逸飯店的景隅客房 Review

Taipei Hotel 》入住 HOTEL COZZI 和逸飯店的景隅客房 Review
和逸飯店 HOTEL COZZI 是台北飯店之一 , 這篇文章會著重在 和逸飯店‧台北民生館 景隅客房 評價 , 也包括優惠, 停車等重點. HOTEL COZZI is one of the Taipei Hotels. This article will focus on Cozzi Corner King Room Review at Hotel Cozzi Mingshen Branch....

Taipei Cantonese Restaurant 》香港九記港式海鮮菜單推薦 (內有預訂桌菜)

Taipei Cantonese Restaurant 》香港九記港式海鮮菜單推薦 (內有預訂桌菜)
(2023.4 N訪 更新) 香港九記港式海鮮餐廳是知名的台北粵菜餐廳推薦, 也很適合家庭聚餐, 九記海鮮菜單裡的山楂陳醋骨則是蔡康永心目中的台北 500 盤之一. (2023. 4 Update) Hong Kong Jui-Ji Seafood is a Taipei Cantonese restaurant recommendation. Their Deep-fried Pork Ribs...

Silks House Taipei 》在晶華軒包廂品嚐 50 人 菜單 (內有預訂桌菜)

Silks House Taipei 》在晶華軒包廂品嚐 50 人 菜單 (內有預訂桌菜)
晶華軒 Silks House 是晶華酒店餐廳推薦, 也是台北米其林入選餐廳之一. 這次在大包廂與 其他 49 人品嚐晶華軒菜單推薦與 2023 新的粵菜菜餚. Silks House is one of the Taipei Regent Hotel Restaurants and also one of the Michelin Selected restaurants. This time,...

南京復興站美食推薦 》Nanjing Fuxing Restaurant Recommendation

南京復興站美食推薦 》Nanjing Fuxing Restaurant Recommendation
(2024.2 更新)  台北南京復興站美食推薦懶人包陸續更新中, 除了南京復興餐廳美食推薦外, 也有台北冰品甜點推薦與台北餐酒館, 列出讓大家一目瞭然. (2024.2 Update ) I will keep updating this “ Nanjing Fuxing Restaurant Recommendation Guide ”. This list includes Bistro, ...

The Roman 》大直戶外玻璃屋適合做台北尾牙春酒與婚禮場地

The Roman 》大直戶外玻璃屋適合做台北尾牙春酒與婚禮場地
很多人都知道內湖大直 The Roman 維多利亞式玻璃屋適合辦台北戶外婚宴與派對, 孰不知 The Roman 餐廳 也是少數有台北尾牙春酒包廂的西式餐廳之一. The Roman Restaurant at Dazhi is known for Taipei Outdoor Wedding and Party location. This western restaurant is also ...

Taipei Michelin 》在明福台菜海鮮餐廳除了點佛跳牆也要點糯米雞

Taipei Michelin 》在明福台菜海鮮餐廳除了點佛跳牆也要點糯米雞
(2022. 8 更新) 明福台菜海鮮是 2022 台北米其林一星餐廳推薦之一, 明福佛跳牆和鮑魚糯米雞讓很多慕名而來的饕客稱讚不已. (2022. 8 Update) Taiwan Ming Fu Restaurant is one of the 2022 Taipei Michelin One Star Restaurants. You can read the following to kn...

Molino de Urdániz 渥達尼斯磨坊 》菜單歸類於西班牙現代料理

Molino de Urdániz 渥達尼斯磨坊 》菜單歸類於西班牙現代料理
(2023. 10 月更新) Molino de Urdániz 渥達尼斯磨坊 是 2023 台北米其林二星餐廳, 也是少數松江南京站的台北約會餐廳美食選擇之一. (2023. 10 Update ) Molino de Urdániz is 2023 Taipei Michelin Two Starred Restaurant. It is also a Taipei Dating Restau...

Taipei Michelin Restaurant 》雞家莊菜單除了三味雞還有哪些台菜推薦

Taipei Michelin Restaurant 》雞家莊菜單除了三味雞還有哪些台菜推薦
雞家莊長春店 ( Chi Chia Chuang ) 除了是 2022 台北米其林必比登餐廳外, 也是許多日本人常光臨的台北中山區美食之一. 雞家莊菜單 2020 除了三味雞, 看看我還推薦哪些菜餚! Chi Chia Chuang Restaurant is one of the one of the Taipei Michelin Bib Gourmand Restaurants. It is...

SAPORI 義品味小餐屋 》期待再訪這間台北義大利餐廳

SAPORI 義品味小餐屋 》期待再訪這間台北義大利餐廳
(2024.1 更新) SAPORI 義品味小餐屋是許多饕客的台北義式餐廳推薦, Sapori 菜單並不存在, 這裡只有前梅帝騎餐酒館主廚 Riccardo Ghironi 準備的小白板菜餚. (2024.1 Update) SAPORI d’Italia is one of the Taipei Italian Restaurant recommendation. Sapori menu doe...