Silks House Taipei 》N訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)

Last Updated on 2025-01-17 by Foodelicious

(2025. 1 更新) 晶華軒是許多人台北家庭聚餐餐廳推薦首選, 以美味程度,  米其林入選的台北晶華軒菜單價位 合理, N訪後不只品嚐過西施泡飯, 也有吃到其他菜色推薦.
(2025.1 Update) Silks House Taipei is one of the the Taipei Family Gathering Restaurants because Since Silks House menu price is reasonable. It is also a Taipei Michelin Selected Restaurant. Since I visited quite a few times, I have the menu dish recommendation rank list.



延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》在晶華軒包廂品嚐 50 人 菜單 (內有預訂桌菜)


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About Silks House Reservation and Information

台北晶華酒店離中山捷運站四號出口大約 15 分鐘路程, 若是開車, 晶華酒店有停車場 (圖一), 但是經常客滿, 許多人會停到林森公園地下停車場或是新生高架橋下停車場. 晶華軒位於台北晶華酒店三樓, 訂位可直接打電話 (02-2523-8000 #3236) 或是網路訂位 inline (Link: ) . 與另一家晶華酒店樓上餐廳 “蘭亭” 相比, 晶華軒用餐環境較為典雅與舒適.
Taipei Regent Hotel is about 15 minutes walking distance from Exit 4 of Zhongshan MRT station. There is a parking lot at Regent Hotel (See Pic 1). However, it is always full. People would go to the underground parking lot at Linsen Park or Xinshen Bridge. Silks House is located at the 3F of the Regent Hotel. You can reserve via phone (02-2523-8000 #3236) or inline (Link: ). Comparing with “Lan Ting” upstairs, Silks House dining environment is much more elegant.

延伸閱讀: Regent Taipei Hotel Lan Ting 》終於吃到神秘的晶華蘭亭餐廳

延伸閱讀: 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide



About Silks House Private Dining Room

2019時, 晶華軒主廚換成知名主廚鄔啟明, 升級為頗具規模的粵菜餐廳, 果不其然晶華軒登上 2020 台北米其林餐盤餐廳推薦名單, 即使平日午餐也常常滿座. 那天用餐, 可看到有玻璃隔著的小包廂皆客滿, 也有隱密度高的大包廂. 晶華軒包廂聽說有 10 間, 可辦 6 ~ 24 人的宴會, 包廂數量與 “香宮 Shang Palace ” 有得比. 至於包廂低消, 我會建議直接詢問店員比較準確.
Silks House changes its executive chef at 2019 and upgrade to better the truly Cantonese Restaurant. At 2020, Silks House becomes one of the 2020 Taipei Micheline Plate restaurants. You can see the small private dining rooms through the glass. There are also large private dining rooms as well. I heard that there are 10 private dining rooms that are suitable for 6 ~ 24 people. The quantity is similar with “Shang Place”. As for the minimum charge, I would suggest to ask their staff.

延伸閱讀: Shang Palace 》在台北香宮除了烤鴨還推薦點什麼

2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List

延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


 Silks House Tea 


Regent Hotel Signature Oolong Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

菜單上提到是晶華軒與茶行合作, 客製化這款貴妃烏龍, 喝起來是比香片更立體一些, 依舊典雅, 並不會像普洱茶搶走菜餚的風采, 重點是不會被輕易沖淡. 我個人很推薦點這款茶.
Regent Hotel Signature Oolong Tea is NTD $110 per person. The menu mentioned that Silks House restaurant cooperates with the tea vendor to customize this Oolong Tea. It tastes quite elegant instead of dark roast heavy flavor. I would suggest to order this tea for pairing their dishes.



 Silks House Menu Dish Recommendation Rank List



Mapo Tofu with Crab
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

這一道菜餚是我 2023 年最滿意的 10 道菜之一. 餐廳提到先是清蒸螃蟹, 再加入特殊調製的辛香料 , 連同蟹黃, 蟹膏與蟹肉一起煨煮豆腐, 完全地融合且入味.第一口就讓我食慾大開. 不會像經典四川菜過辣, 微刺激感彈跳於舌尖. 辛香豆腐與微鮮風味的蟹肉入口, 雙重風味且非常下飯 . 我個人會推薦點.
This dish is one of my top 10 favorites of 2023. The restaurant first steams the crab, then adds specially prepared spicy seasonings. It simmers the tofu together with crab roe, crab paste, and crab meat, creating a perfectly blended and flavorful dish.The first bite opened up my appetite. It’s not overly spicy like classic Sichuan dishes, providing a mild stimulation on the taste buds. The combination of spicy tofu and the subtly fresh flavor of crab meat is a delightful and very satisfying experience. I would recommend to order this dish.



Steamed Minced Pork with Crab Roe and Water Chestnut
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

在 ”85 天地 “ 吃過陳皮蒸牛肉餅, 以牛肉香為主導, 在 “九記 “ 吃過沙母蒸肉餅.晶華軒的蟹肉馬蹄肉餅有在菜單裡, 菜餚大銀盤 Display 視覺感十足, 不僅適合宴客, 也讓在座賓客食慾大開. 店員提到肉餅是採用豬前腿肉與梅花豬肉, 一入口即可感受到肉餅的嫩滑多汁, 味蕾也可感受到蟹肉賦予的海鮮風味, 兩者融合且平衡是美味的元素, 荸薺 (Water Chestnut ) 的脆口感在肉餅裡, 記得勺一些盤底的精華在肉餅上, 這一道是我當天最喜歡的菜餚.
I tasted Steamed Minced Beef with Dried Tangerine Peel and Water Chestnut at “85 TD restaurant”. The beef flavor dominates the dish. I tasted Crab with Steamed Pork Patty at “Jui-Ji Seafood Restaurant”. This particular Silks House dish display is quite impressive along wit the large silver plate. The pork patty is tender and juicy as expected. The taste can sense both seafood flavor from the crab and meaty flavor from the pork. Balanced flavor is the key of deliciousness. The crispy texture between bites is from the Water Chestnut. Remember to spread a bit of meaty juicy essence from bottom of the plate. This dish is my favorite dish of the day.

延伸閱讀: 85TD Restaurant 》關於台北 101 捌伍添第餐廳的五個重點

延伸閱讀: Taipei Cantonese Restaurant 》香港九記港式海鮮菜單推薦 (內有預訂桌菜)



Soft Scrambled Egg with Shrimp and Crab Sauce
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

這道菜餚是蟹肉馬蹄肉餅的延伸菜餚, 並沒有標示在菜單上, 有點像是 Extra Bonus, 作法類似“喜相逢”的魚汁滑蛋, 上一道留下來的螃蟹醬汁直接加雞蛋翻炒 , 滑嫩口感, 微鹹香與美味
This dish is not on the menu, it is more like an extra bonus. This dish cooking method is similar with the soft scrambled egg with fish sauce at “Xi Xiang Feng restaurant”. They cook the egg with the leftover crab juice from the previous dish. The soft texture of egg absorbs a bit of saltness and seafood flavor. It is delicious.

延伸閱讀: Xi Xiang Feng 喜相逢麵館 》想再訪餐廳卻訂位不易


Crispy Rice Puff with King Crab Meat, Scallop, King Prawn, and Vegetables in Lobster Stock
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

鱈蟹西施泡飯有在晶華軒菜單上, 需要先預訂,  2023 年菜單上的價格是 NTD $3680 (大約 4 ~ 6人份).  我上次是在 “國賓粵菜廳” 吃到類似龍蝦泡飯, 晶華軒店員將食材放到推車一字排開, 陸續將蝦,干貝, 草菇放入湯頭裡, 整場表演秀最精彩的莫過於酥炸泰國香米倒入橘紅色海鮮湯頭滋滋作響 ( 請看文末短秒影片), 每個人分到的份量都適量, 吃起來鮮味十足, 我個人推薦晶華軒的西施泡飯.
This dish is at Silks House Menu. But, you would need to reserve this dish. The price on the 2023 menu is NTD$3680. The price probably increases at 2022. Last time, I had crispy rice puff in lobster stock at ” Ambassador Canton Court”. The staff poured in all the ingredients, include shrimps, scallops, mushroom and of course crispy rice puff. Everyone has fair amount of quantity. The overall taste is delicious with great seafood flavor and crispy texture. I would definitely recommend this dish.

延伸閱讀: Ambassador Canton Court 》台北國賓粵菜廳菜單不是只有港式點心而已




Silks House – Eat Red King Crab Three Ways
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

此款三吃菜餚需預訂, 價格以時價為主.  晶華軒主廚將“鱈蟹三吃”發揮到淋漓盡致, 烹煮方式有清蒸,酥炸與湯煮.晶華軒 – 鱈蟹三吃有包括陳年花鵰蒸鮮拆蟹鉗, 鱈蟹伊麵,酥炸鱈蟹和西施泡飯, 四款菜餚對我來說, 基本上是四吃.
You would need to reserve this set . The price may vary. Three ways include steamed, fried and broth/stewed. Silks House uses the red king to make four dishes – Steamed Red King Crab with egg, Red King Crab with Noodle, Fried Red King Crab, Puff Rice with Red King Crab in stock.



Steamed Red King Crab with egg and high-grade shaoxing wine
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

這裡請注意我們吃的是季節性鱈場蟹, 而且是給每桌一整隻鱈場蟹(圖一),主廚將30年陳年花雕酒, 鱈場蟹與蛋一起蒸煮, 這一道端上桌時, 全部的人都驚艷!! 吃鮮嫩蒸蟹柳時, 花雕酒釋放微酒香在味蕾, 最讓我著迷是吸收所有精華的蒸蛋, 這道是我當天最喜歡也最推薦的一道料理.
Please note that the red king crab is seasonal (Pic 1). The chef steamed the 30 years old aged shaoxing wine, egg, and crab together. Everyone is impressed by its display. The crab meat is tender along with the wine aroma. The most satisfied part would be the steamed egg, which absorbs the essence from the crab and wine. This is my favorite dish and I definitely recommend this dish.



Noodle with Red King Crab Meat & Egg
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

此道不在晶華軒菜單上, 也只有鱈蟹三吃才會出現. 我上次吃伊麵是在 “鴻寶港式海鮮”, 這次晶華軒主廚將上一道剩餘蒸蛋與蟹膏精華再炒成鱈蟹伊麵, 再加以稍作調味且加蛋翻炒,伊麵份量足夠一整桌人吃, 微鹹香與鮮香令人想再來一碗.
This dish is not at Silks House Menu. It only appears at this Red King Crab Three Ways Set. Last time I had Cantonese style Seafood Noodle was at “Hon Buo Cantonese Seafood Restaurant”. This time, Silks House Chef uses the leftover steamed egg and essence to make this wonderful noodle dish. the quantity is large enough for all of us. Small amount of salty and seafood flavor are quite delicious.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Seafood 》鴻寶港式海鮮菜單除了海鮮也有其他菜餚選擇



Fried Red King Crab
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

此道不在晶華軒菜單上, 請注意這不是像”歐華酒店地中海牛排館“的軟殼蟹, 所以這道的蟹殼記得不能吃. 這道酥炸蟹身不會油膩, 麵衣不會過厚, 保持著酥脆口感, 粗鹽帶出適量蟹肉鮮度, 我也蠻喜歡吃.
This dish is not at Silks House Menu. Please note that it is not the soft shell crab, like at “Mediterranean Steak House”. So, you cannot eat the crab shell in this dish. The overall taste is not too oily and the coating is thin. It is crispy as expected. I personally like this dish as well.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Steakhouse 》歐華酒店地中海牛排館可安排再訪



Crab Meat and Crab Roe with Noodles
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

整道料理無論是擺盤還是餐具選用, 都讓視覺美感升級. 鄔海明主廚採用江蘇大閘蟹 . 一份大閘蟹粉需要 1.5隻~2隻的手拆蟹肉. 並將蟹肉、蟹膏與蟹黃細心炒製成鮮濃蟹粉,. 搭配新北石碇的手工麵線.建議先單獨品嚐一口蟹粉, 濃稠鮮美風味直球般衝擊著味蕾. 將蟹粉倒入且均勻佈滿整碗麵線. 再將蟹粉與麵均勻攪拌且品嚐. 不知不覺已經吃完整碗蟹粉撈麵. 晶華軒附上一些鎮江醋讓客人有更多層次的風味選擇. 我個人非常推薦這一道菜餚.
The presentation and choice of tableware for this dish elevate its visual appeal to another level. The Chef uses premium hairy crabs from Jiangsu province, with each serving of crab roe requiring 1.5 to 2 crabs’ worth of hand-picked meat. The crab meat, roe, and tomalley are meticulously stir-fried to create a rich and flavorful crab roe topping, which is paired with handmade vermicelli from Shiding, New Taipei City. It is recommended to first taste a spoonful of the crab roe on its own, as its thick, savory flavor delivers a direct and delightful impact on the taste buds. Then, pour the crab roe evenly over the bowl of vermicelli, mix thoroughly, and enjoy. Before you know it, you’ll find yourself savoring every last bite of the dish. For added complexity, the restaurant also offers Zhenjiang vinegar, allowing diners to explore additional layers of flavor. This crab roe vermicelli dish is truly a standout, and I highly recommend it!




Hong Kong Style Curry Crab with Rice Cake
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

這是我第一次吃到老香港咖哩年糕蟹, 比我預期地美味且具有特色. 這一道最特別的莫過於港式咖哩醬, 不僅有印度咖哩, 也有油咖哩與咖哩粉. 店員現場再加入新鮮椰肉製成的椰漿, 再與咖哩醬與螃蟹融合. 微辣香的蟹肉入味很美味. 非常適合搭配白飯.
This is my first time trying the Hong Kong Curry Crab with Rice Cake, and it turned out to be more delicious and unique than I expected. What makes this dish stand out is the Hong Kong-style curry sauce, which includes not only Indian curry but also oil curry and curry powder. The staff adds freshly made coconut milk to the curry sauce and crab, creating a blend of flavors. The mildly spicy and fragrant crab meat is delicious and pairs very well with rice.






Cantonese Style Scallion Pancakes
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

這道港式蔥油餅只有中午才賣, 請記得事先詢問預訂, 常來的饕客都知道要點這道港式麻香蔥油餅, 晶華軒港式蔥油餅香氣迷人,濃郁蔥香並不會嗆鼻, 外脆內軟 ,之前在美國麵包店打工時有賣港式蔥餅, 麵包店師傅提到有加自製豬油, 吃起來就跟晶華軒蔥油餅風味相似, 也是欲罷不能很美味! 我很推薦兩人吃一道港式麻香蔥油餅.
This dish is only offered during lunch time. Please remember to call to reserve. Most foodies would know to order this Cantonese Style Scallion Pancakes. The scallion aroma is thick and amazing. The appearance is crispy and soft at the inside. I worked at a Chinese Bakery at USA before, which has the similar Scallion Pancake. The bakery chef mentioned that he added custom-made lard. So, both pancakes tastes familiar, which are both delicious. I would definitely recommend this dish.





Braised Lamb Belly Stew with Bean Curd Sheet
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

整體看似樸實的家常菜, 實際上是有充滿亮點的功夫菜. 主廚採用台灣的去骨小羔羊肚腩肉, 而非像 “La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳 ” 用的是進口紐西蘭小羔羊. 羊皮油脂造就更加軟嫩的羊腩肉. 滷汁有南乳, 腐乳, 蠔油與柱侯醬四醬組合而成, 濃郁且醇香. 入味後的腐竹更是美味. 這一道比較適合平常有在吃羊肉的人.
It looks like a simple dish, but, it is a a dish filled with highlights. The chef uses boneless lamb belly meat from Taiwan, as opposed to “La Vie by Thomas Bühner Restaurant,” which uses imported lamb from New Zealand. The lamb’s skin fat contributes to an even more tender meat. The braise sauce creates a rich and flavorful profile. The seasoned bean curd sheet adds even more deliciousness. This dish is more suitable for those who are accustomed to eating lamb regularly.

延伸閱讀: La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳 》品嚐短版菜單



Deep Fried Radish Pastry
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

上次在 “大三元” 吃過類似的蘿蔔絲酥餅, 外型並不是常見的白色表層加上些許白芝麻. 晶華軒的蘿蔔絲酥餅顏色像 “泰和樓“ 的銀絲卷, 外層口感極度酥脆, 蘿蔔絲內餡不苦偏香甜, 我個人喜歡吃這一道港式點心.
I tasted the similar radish pastry at “Taipei Three Coins Restaurant”. The appearance is different from the regular white color radish pastry. Silks House deep fried radish pastry color is similar with Chinese Crispy Roll at “Taihe House restaurant”. The outside appearance is extremely crispy. The radish filling is not bitter but tastes a bit sweet. I like this Cantonese Dim Sim.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin One Star 》大三元菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )

延伸閱讀: 泰和樓 》被銀絲卷擔誤的台北酸菜白肉鍋 | Taipei Pickled Cabbage Hot Pot






Mixed Vegetable Dumpling
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

晶華軒有素食桌菜與素食港點, 江南素菜餃的外皮晶瑩剔透, 類似“玉喜飯店”的蝦餃外皮. 內餡裡的香菇,木耳,荸薺與紅蘿蔔切絲口感十分清脆, 細緻且不錯吃. 可以點給吃素食的人.
Silks House has vegetable dim sim and table dishes. The appearance is transparent , just like the steamed shrimp dumpling dim sim at “Yu Hsi” restaurant. The filling has mushroom, black fungus, water chestnut and carrot slices. The texture is crisp, elegant and quite tasty. You can order this dish to those who are vegetarian.

延伸閱讀: 玉喜飯店 Yu Hsi 》玉喜菜單推薦點什麼 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )





Deep-Fried Salted Pork Dumpling
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

之前在台北粵式餐廳吃的鹹水餃外皮總是偏軟. 晶華軒金珠鹹水餃的炸糯米外皮非常酥脆爽. 入口後, 內層偏Q軟再搭配豬肉, 蝦米, 香菇內餡. 不錯吃.
In the past, the fried glutinous rice dumplings I had at Cantonese restaurants in Taipei always had a softer exterior. However, the Deep-Fried Salted Pork Dumpling at Silks House stand out with their perfectly crispy and crunchy fried glutinous rice shell. Upon biting into it, the inner layer reveals a soft and chewy texture, complemented by a flavorful filling of pork, dried shrimp, and mushrooms. A delightful dish overall.



Boneless Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這是我第二次看到這一道前菜. 第一次沒有品嚐因為以為有骨頭. 第二次才知道是 “去骨”泡椒鳳爪. 仔細看, 其實也沒有明顯的雞爪形狀. 入口時, 泡椒賦予不同層次辣香刺激感. 如果喜歡吃辣, 可以考慮點一道菜餚.
This is my second time seeing this appetizer. The first time, I didn’t taste it because I thought it had bones. The second time, I learned that it was “boneless” pickled chicken feet. Upon closer inspection, there isn’t actually a distinct chicken claw shape. When I bite into it, the pickled peppers impart a spicy and stimulating sensation with different layers of heat. If you enjoy spicy food, you might consider ordering this dish.




Roasted Peppers with Century Eggs
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

不僅擺盤適合宴客, 也非常美味
The display is formal and beautiful. It also tastes very delicious.








BBQ Pork
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

厚切叉燒立於圓盤中央, 切面可看到有些許油脂, 瘦肉大理紋偏少, 有著微焦痕跡,店員提到主廚是用台灣黑豬肉的梅頭肉 (上肩肉), 咬一口比想像中地軟嫩, 肉的油脂搭配特製蜜汁滋潤著舌尖, 蜜汁並不是死甜, 而是麥芽糖與蜂蜜的完美比例, 與 “頤宮 Le Palais”的叉燒皇相比, 美味程度不相上下, 值得點.
The BBQ pork are thick sliced. Besides the grilling marks, you can also see the slim meats are more than the fats. The staff mentioned that the chef uses Pork Shoulder Butt. The meat texture is quite tender. The tastebuds would sense both fats and the sweet sauce, which is combined with honey and maltose. Comparing with “Le Palais restaurant” BBQ pork, both are delicious. It is worth ordering.

延伸閱讀: 頤宮 Le Palais 》Taipei Michelin 3 Stars Restaurant | 君品酒店台北米其林三星餐廳榮耀



Crispy Pork
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

脆皮燒肉如同冰糖 Size, 比預期地小, 瘦肉與肥肉再堆疊一層豬脆皮, 多重口感不錯吃, 重點是吃不膩. 建議與招牌蜜汁叉燒一起組成雙拼.
Crispy Pork size is as small as crispy sugar (ok, maybe bigger a bit). The slim meat pairs with fats and crispy skin is quite delicious. Multi-texture is great. I would suggest to pair the crispy pork with BBQ pork.



Candied Walnut
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我是核桃愛好者 , 常擔任配角的核桃這次是主角. 琥珀脆核桃是晶華軒小菜之一. 酥脆口感搭配甜鹹風味讓我們一口接著一口.
I am a walnut lover. This time the walnut, usually a supporting character, takes on the leading role. Candied walnuts are one of the appetizers. The crispy texture, combined with the sweet and salty flavor, makes us want to take one bite after another.




Braised Mangrove Crab Roe with Pickled Mustard
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

之前吃到的生拆膏蟹燴麻婆豆腐是讚嘆 , 這次吃到的酸菜粉絲燒膏蟹是驚喜. 主廚的靈感結合多年廚師經驗, 打造出創新且大眾會喜歡的酸菜粉絲螃蟹. 當砂鍋蓋掀開時 , 酸菜香氣撲鼻, 並不像台灣流行酸菜魚有刺激感. 微酸刺激著味蕾, 卻意外地平衡了蟹肉的鮮味. 我接連喝了兩碗.
The previously tasted Crab Roe Mapo Tofu was awe-inspiring, and this time, the Sauerkraut Vermicelli Braised Crab Roe brought a delightful surprise. Combining inspiration with years of culinary experience, the chef has crafted an innovative dish that is both creative and universally appealing. As the lid of the clay pot was lifted, the enticing aroma of sauerkraut wafted out. Unlike the sharp intensity of the popular sauerkraut fish in Taiwan, this aroma was more delicate and nuanced. The gentle tang of the sauerkraut tantalized the taste buds while unexpectedly balancing the natural sweetness of the crab meat. I couldn’t help but indulge in two bowls in a row.

延伸閱讀: 泰和樓 》被銀絲卷擔誤的台北酸菜白肉鍋 | Taipei Pickled Cabbage Hot Pot




Stir-Fried Crab with Black Pepper Butter Sauce
Price: NTD $4880
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

蟹宴並非每一道料理都採用大閘蟹 , 例如這一道就是採用斯里蘭卡蟹.感謝朋友分享她拆好的蟹腳 , 肉質飽滿且彈牙. 黑胡椒與牛油向來是經典搭配, 重口味的鹹香醬汁均勻地包覆著螃蟹.
Not every dish in the crab feast features hairy crabs. For example, this dish uses Sri Lankan crab. Thanks to a friend who shared some freshly shelled crab legs with me, I got to enjoy the plump and springy texture of the meat. The classic pairing of black pepper and butter shines here, with the rich, savory sauce evenly coating the crab, creating a bold and flavorful experience.



Steamed Mangrove Crab Roe with Huadiao Wine and Chicken Oil
Price: NTD $3680
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

如果吃不習慣重口味的黑椒牛油炒蟹 , 可點這一道雞油花雕蒸膏蟹. 陳年花雕酒, 雞油與鮮甜蟹膏襯托出螃蟹的鮮味.
If you find the bold flavors of black pepper butter stir-fried crab too intense, you can try for the Chicken Oil and Huadiao Wine Steamed Crab. The aged Huadiao wine, chicken oil, and sweet crab roe perfectly highlight the freshness of the crab.




Deep-Fried Crispy Eel
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

當你以為鱔魚食材只出現在上海菜系餐廳 (例如 “海派” 與 “上海鄉村信義137 “ ) , 晶華軒推出脆鱔菜餚. 酥脆且無油耗味.
When you think eel ingredient only appear in Shanghai cuisine (For example “Hai Pai” and “Shanghai Kitchen Xinyi 137” ), Silks House now has deep-fried Crispy Eel dish. It tastes very crispy and delicious.

延伸閱讀:海派上海小吃 Hai Pai 》除了煙燻圓鱈也有其他拿手好菜

延伸閱讀: Shanghai Kitchen Xinyi 137 》少數人也可以品嚐上海鄉村信義137 菜單



Stewed Chicken Soup with Abalone and Cordyceps Flower
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

之前在 “小酌之家” 品嚐過鮮鮑烏骨雞湯, 晶華軒的蟲草花鮑魚燉雞湯品猶如升級版. 雞湯看似清澈卻濃郁 , 鮑魚看似彈牙卻口感軟嫩.
I tasted the black chicken soup with abalone at “Hsiao Cho Chih Chia Taiwanese Restaurant”. This particular chicken soup with abalone at Silks House is the upgraded version. The chicken color is clear but has thick and unforgettable flavor. The abalone looks chewy but soft and delicious in taste.

延伸閱讀: Taipei BIB Gourmand 》小酌之家菜單推薦點哪些菜餚




Pan-Fried Prawn with Premium Soy Sauce
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

日式餐廳 (例如 “和蒔炭火割烹“ ) 有米果炸蝦天婦羅 , 中式餐廳( 例如: “鴻寶港式海鮮”) 有鴻寶招牌生抽炸蝦, 油炸草蝦是基本菜餚, 不同粵菜餐廳有不同調味方式. 晶華軒的鄔海明主廚採用生抽, 花雕酒, 糖製成豉油皇醬汁, 這道生抽蝦看似油亮與堅硬, 實際上蝦肉連殼一起吃有酥脆甚至有 ㄎㄠˇㄧ聲, 醬汁賦予Q彈蝦肉微鹹甜風味, 如果你們沒有點其他海鮮, 也可以接受油炸料理, 我會建議你們點這一道.
In Japanese restaurant (For example: “Wamaki Taipei” ) has Fried Prawn Shrimp with Rice Cracker. In Chinese restaurant ( “Hon Buo Cantonese Seafood Restaurant” ) has Fried Shrimp with Light Soy Sauce. Deep Fried Prawn is the basic. Each Cantonese restaurant adds in different flavors and sauces. Silks House chef uses light soy sauce, huadiao wine and sugar to make this special premium soy sauce. This prawn looks a bit oily and hard. In fact, you can taste the prawn meat along with the crispy deep fried shell. The premium sauce offers both sweet and salty flavor. If you didnt order other seafoods and also accept fried foods, I would suggest you to order this dish.

延伸閱讀: 和蒔炭火割烹 Wamaki Taipei 》台北中山條通美食

延伸閱讀: Taipei Seafood 》鴻寶港式海鮮菜單除了海鮮也有其他菜餚選擇



Crispy Egg Tart
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

以前都只吃傳統麵包店的蛋塔, 在台北港式餐廳吃的蛋塔皆是酥皮蛋塔 , “朧粵餐廳”酥皮蛋塔極度酥脆, “香宮餐廳”的蛋塔是高貴的燕窩焗蛋塔, “捌伍添第餐廳”吃的酥皮蛋塔奶茶風味很創新, 目前吃到最平價的餐廳蛋塔是 “玉喜飯店”的蛋塔, 晶華軒的酥皮焗蛋塔不錯吃, 只是價位有點高.
I used to eat regular egg tart at traditional bakery. Most egg tarts at Taipei Cantonese restaurant are puffed crispy type of egg tart. “Longyue” Egg tart is extremely crispy. Egg tart at “Shang Palace” comes with bird nest ingredient. The egg tart flavor at “85 TD restaurant” is milk tea. The most price-friendly egg tart is at “Yu Hsi”. The egg tart at Silks House is delicious. However, the price is a bit higher than expected.

延伸閱讀: 朧粵 Longyue 》 菜單除了叉燒皇還點哪些菜餚 (內有訂位資訊)

延伸閱讀: 85TD Restaurant 》關於台北 101 捌伍添第餐廳的五個重點

延伸閱讀: Shang Palace 》在台北香宮除了烤鴨還推薦點什麼

延伸閱讀: 玉喜飯店 Yu Hsi 》玉喜菜單推薦點什麼 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )



Deep-fried Purple Taro Puff Pastry
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

粵式餐廳有各種酥餅類鹹點與甜點. “東方樓” 有經典編織酥, 晶華軒現在有紫芋天鵝酥. 細緻手工打造工整且飽滿的天鵝外型, 內餡是紫芋與鹹蛋黃, 鹹甜滋味頗特別.
Cantonese restaurants offer a variety of savory and sweet pastries. “The Orient Restaurant” has classic pastries. Now, Silk House presents Purple Yam Swan Pastry. The meticulously handcrafted swan-shaped pastry has a neat and plump appearance. The filling consists of purple yam and salted egg yolk, offering a unique sweet and savory flavor.

延伸閱讀: The Orient Restaurant Taipei 》在台北南港漢來東方樓菜單點哪些菜餚



Oil Poached Marble Goby with Scallion and Ginger
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

油浸筍殼魚有在晶華軒菜單, 不仔細看會以為像 “元味料理”簡單的清蒸魚, 實際上油浸筍殼魚是傳統粵菜, 而且有魚有下中溫油鍋, 需要烹煮技巧才能做出比清蒸魚肉更細緻的魚肉. 請注意這道油浸筍殼魚有大魚刺, 魚肉鮮美也帶有鹹香醬汁, 因為需要複雜烹調技巧, 所以價格偏高, 請斟酌.
This dish is at Silks House menu. The dish appearance looks like the simply steamed fish at “Yuan restaurant”. In fact, this dish (Oil Poached Marble Goby with Scallion and Ginger ) is a traditional Cantonese Cuisine. You would need years of cooking experience to make this fish meat more tender than the steamed. Please note that it has large fish bones. The seafood flavor matches well with the fair salty sauce. Because it requires cooking skill, the price is a bit higher than expected.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Fried Rice 元味料理 》饕客公認台北炒飯推薦與台式手路菜推薦餐廳




Steamed Minced Pork with Australia Lobster
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

之前品嚐過晶華軒的蟹肉馬蹄肉餅, 非常美味. 這次的脆爽荸薺, 鹹蛋黃與豬肉肉餅組合依舊不錯吃. 澳洲龍蝦並沒有過多鮮味. 比較不一樣的是醬汁沒有預期地多, 可惜不夠做成“龍蝦汁滑蛋” .
I have tasted the crab and water chestnut pork patty at Silks House, and it was delicious. This time, the crispy water chestnut, salted egg yolk, and pork patty combination is still delightful. The Australian lobster doesn’t have too much seafood flavor. What’s different is that the sauce isn’t as abundant as expected, unfortunately not enough to create a “Lobster Sauce Smooth Egg” dish.



Double-boiled Chicken Consommé with Fish Maw and Chinese Cabbage
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

在晶華軒用餐時, 我們幾乎都是點西施泡飯, 並沒有點湯品. 這次喝到晶華軒鄔海明師傅招牌拿手料理 -花膠菜膽燉全雞. 不同於 “彭園私宴” 的彭園一品鍋,晶華軒的澄清雞湯呈現清澈金黃色.燉過的玉米雞依舊軟嫩. 整體並不會過於濃郁飽滿, 反倒可以感受到白菜與花膠的不同口感. 喜歡喝雞湯的人可以考慮點.
At Silks House Taipei, we always ordered “Empress Lobster Stock with King Crab Meat and Seafood“ instead of the soup. This time, we tried Chef’s signature soup dish. Unlike “Peng Yuan” signature chicken soup , the clear chicken consommé at Silks House is presented in a transparent golden color. The stewed corn-fed chicken remains tender. Overall, it is not overly rich, allowing us to appreciate the distinct textures of cabbage and fish maw. For those who enjoy chicken soup, this is a dish worth considering.

延伸閱讀: 台北雞湯名店餐廳推薦懶人包 》Taipei Chicken Soup Guide

延伸閱讀: The Orient Restaurant Taipei 》在台北南港漢來東方樓菜單點哪些菜餚





Eat Queen Crab Two Ways
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍


Steamed queen crab with egg white and high-grade shaoxing wine
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

整隻松葉蟹擺盤頗豪邁. 蟹肉有兩層風味 – 鮮味與微量花雕酒, 非常美味. 純白蒸蛋白如同精緻茶碗蒸. 入口時, 也同時感受到花雕酒香與螃蟹鮮味. 我個人比較喜歡連同蛋黃一起蒸的陳年花鵰蒸蛋鱈蟹柳.
The presentation of the whole queen crab is quite beautiful. The crab meat has two layers of flavor – freshness and a hint of shaoxing wine, which is very delicious. The steamed egg white resembles delicate chawanmushi. Upon tasting the egg white, I can simultaneously experience the aroma of shaoxing wine and the freshness of the crab. Personally, I prefer the aged Hua Diao wine-steamed egg with crab fillet, which includes the egg yolk.



Steamed Fish
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

黑美林” 的蒸魚更物美價廉. 魚汁滑蛋的部分則是 “喜相逢” 的最美味.
Hei Mein Lin “ steamed fish is more delicious and cheaper. “Xi Xiang Feng” stir-fried egg with fish sauce tastes better.

延伸閱讀: Hei Mei Lin Restaurant 》黑美林菜單推薦哪些菜餚 ?

延伸閱讀: Xi Xiang Feng 喜相逢麵館 》想再訪餐廳卻訂位不易




Crab Vermicelli Roll
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

腸粉不會過於軟滑, 蟹肉內餡頗有創意.
The vermicelli roll is not too soft. The crab meat filling is quite creative.



Stir-Fried Pork with Pepper and Spicy Sauce
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

重口味且偏辣. 很適合搭配飯吃.
Spicy and savory as usual. It is better to pair with rice.



Lemongrass Jelly with Lime Sorbet & Lotus Seed
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

第一口的感覺就如同檸檬愛玉, 香茅的香氣則是在之後口裡散開. 清爽不錯吃
At first, the taste is similar with Lemon Aiyu. Lemongrass aroma comes afterwards. It is pretty good.



Steamed Pomfret Fish with Chicken Jus
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

在農曆新年, 白鯧魚象徵「家運順利、生意昌隆」. 亞洲主廚們通常用香煎或是炸的烹調方式來呈現鯧魚料理. 這是我第一次品嚐 “蒸 ”鯧魚. 晶華軒鄔主廚將鯧魚以薑片、火腿、雞高湯進行簡單調味後, 再進行蒸的烹調方式. 多層次風味提升整道菜餚的美味程度.
In Asian cuisine, chef always stir-fried or fried the pomfret fish. This is my first time having “steamed” pomfret fish. With chicken jus, a bit ginger slices and hams, the pomfret upgrades to layers of flavor. The fish meat is tender as expected. It is definitely a splendid dish with Chinese New Year concept.




Spring Roll with Crab
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

晶華軒不只有粵菜, 港式點心也做得不錯. 這一道蟹肉春捲是出現在“蟹宴”. 內餡除了蟹肉, 也有白蝦與干貝.春捲外層薄脆, 內餡則是奶油風味居多, 螃蟹的鮮味倒是沒有很明顯.
Silks House not only has Cantonese cuisines, they also offer Dim Sum. The Spring Roll with crab appears at their crab feast. Besides crab meats, the filling also has shrimp and scallop. The creamy flavor dominates this dish. However, the seafood flavor of the crab doesn’t appear too much at the tastebuds.



Sauerkraut Roll
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

顏色比預期地亮麗 , 口感脆且不軟爛. 不會過酸.
The color is brighter than expected. The texture is crisp. Overall, this dish has fair amount of acidity that is just enough for customers to enjoy.




Pan-Fried Bun with Minced Crab Meat and Pork
Price: NTD $680 (2 units)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

由於是粉煎包, 外層偏厚可理解 . 原本以為會像蟹肉小籠包ㄧ樣多汁 , 可惜內餡偏乾, 豬肉的肉香覆蓋著大閘蟹的鮮味.
Since it’s a pan-fried bun, the thicker outer layer is understandable. Initially, I expected it to be as juicy as a crab meat soup dumpling. But unfortunately, the filling turned out to be rather dry, with the pork’s flavor overshadowing the delicate freshness of the hairy crab.

[My Friend took this picture ]



Roast Duck
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

一訪時, 其實我本來想點“脆皮黑毛豬燒肉”, 後來覺得已經要吃叉燒豬肉, 就決定點主廚招牌明爐港式燒鴨. 皮薄又脆, 並沒有皮肉分離, 搭配瘦肉入口不錯吃, 只是與招牌蜜汁叉燒相比, 燒鴨頓時成為配角.
Roast Duck is the chef’s another signature dish. The skin is crispy and yet thin. Most importantly, the duck skin attaches to the meat. Overall, it is quite tasty. However, in this meat plate, BBQ Pork is much more delicious.



Steamed Rice Roll with Shrimps
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

腸粉已經被定位為平價港式點心(例如 : “金獅大酒樓” 蝦腸粉), 於是晶華軒主廚用較複雜的烹調作法與食材創造出不一樣的腸粉. 視覺上看似與 “雅苑港式餐廳”的炸兩一樣立體. 類似紅龜粿亮紅色的腸粉皮是混合紅穀米, 再來米與紅麴,別擔心, 吃的時候並不會染到牙齒. 原本以為內餡只是單純的蝦仁, 孰不知有兩層 – 酥脆炸米網包覆著蝦仁丁與韭黃. 多層次口感與風味很值得點.
Steamed Rice Roll is consider price-friendly dim sum (For example: “Golden Lion” dim sum Restaurant). The chef uses much more complicated cooking method and ingredients to create different type of steamed rice roll. This red appearance is steamed rice sheet, which is mixed with red rice, regular rice and monascus. No worries, there won’t be any red ink sticking on your teeth. The filling has two layers, which include fried rice sheet, shrimp dice, and chives. Multi-layers and flavors are worth ordering.

延伸閱讀:金獅大酒樓 》台北西門港式飲茶點心 | Taipei Ximending Restaurant

延伸閱讀: 台北東區平價港式飲茶 》雅苑港式餐廳 1000 元 挑戰點菜 | Taipei Dim Sum



Dragon Grouper (Steamed with Chopped Chili Pepper Sauce )
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這一道剁椒醬蒸龍虎斑只出現在套餐菜單, 單點菜單沒有看到.我在台灣吃過中式料理石斑 ( “請客樓”) , 日式料理石斑 (“ 富 四季割烹” ) , 與西式料理石斑 ( “Molino de Urdániz 渥達尼斯磨坊 “ ) , 清蒸方式是我比較喜歡的烹調方式, 晶華軒的剁椒醬只帶給味蕾輕微的辣香, 醬油淡醇香更凸顯出龍虎斑的鮮嫩美味.
I tried the grouper fish at different types of restaurant – “The Guest House” , “Fu Japanese restaurant” and “Molino de Urdániz “. I would prefer the Japanese style steamed grouper instead of the Chinese style grouper with sauce. The chopped chili pepper sauce brings small amount of stimulation to the tastebuds. The dragon grouper meat is quite tender as well.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Restaurant 》富 四季割烹同時有日本料理職人水準與親民價格

延伸閱讀: The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)

延伸閱讀: Molino de Urdániz 渥達尼斯磨坊 》菜單歸類於西班牙現代料理



Stir-Fried King Prawn With Garlic and Chili
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道避風塘炒皇蝦球有在晶華軒菜單上, 4 個為 NTD $1200, 一顆避風塘炒皇蝦球為 NTD $300. 避風塘系列是經典粵菜, 外層口感酥脆, 吃起來不會過嗆或過膩, 由於蝦外層佈滿香辣蒜蓉, 整體比”大三元餐廳“的避風塘星斑入味. 如果深愛避風塘系列海鮮, 可考慮點這道.
This dish is at Silks House menu. The price is NTD $1200/4 units. Stir-fried King Prawn with Garlic and Chili is a traditional cantonese style cuisine. The appearance is crispy and tasty without overall spices nor oily. It tastes better than “Three Coins Restaurant”. If you like this type of garlic and chili cuisine, you can consider to order this dish.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin One Star 》大三元菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )



Braised Five-head Abalone with Shiitake Mushroom
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這一道菜餚是出現在晶華軒新年套餐菜單, 如同餐廳形容, 五頭鮑魚外型類似元寶, 視覺感很吸睛.  細火慢燉後, 碩大鮑魚呈現軟嫩口感與鮮美風味. 花菇入味, 我建議客人自己要求鮑魚汁可以加多一些, 也許可以再叫一碗白飯跟朋友們分享.
This dish is part of the Silks House New Year set menu. As described by the restaurant, the Five-Head Abalone has a shape resembling a gold ingot, making it visually appealing. Slow-cooked over low heat, the large abalone presents a tender texture and delicious flavor. The shiitake mushrooms add to the overall taste. I recommend that guests can ask for extra abalone sauce, and perhaps order an extra bowl of rice to share with friends.



Soup Steamed Dumpling with Crab
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

本來要點韭黃肉絲煎脆麵 (NTD $500), 結果原物料短缺, 只好點季節性的蟹肉小籠包. 一籠有三個蟹肉小籠包, 平均一個 NTD $100. 目測個頭比 “鼎泰豐”大, 摺並沒有鼎泰豐小籠包多且細緻, 品嚐起來倒是超乎我預期, 很明顯除了真正的蟹肉外, 也有用海鮮湯做成的晶凍, 難怪爆汁是鮮美的海鮮風味. 請注意這款蟹肉小籠包是秋冬季節限定.
I was going to order grilled noodle (NTD $500) , but the ingredients are run out. So, I decide to order soup steamed dumpling with crab. Each dumpling is is NTD $100. The size is larger than “Din Tai Fung”. Besides the obvious crab meats, there are also juicy seafood flavor. Please note that this dish is seasonal – Fall & Winter.

延伸閱讀: Din Tai Fung 2020 》N 訪到我有自己的鼎泰豐菜單 2020 推薦美食排名










Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

It tastes crispy and not bitter.



Stir-Fried Bean Seedling
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

蒜炒小豆苗比預期地美味 , 有爽脆且嫩的口感.
It is more delicious than expected, which has crisp texture.




Stir-Fried Cabbage with Black Fungus
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

高麗菜爽脆. 我會建議點別的炒青菜.
Cabbage is crisp. However, I would suggest ordering other stir-fried vegetables.




Soft Boiled Egg with Crab
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

經典橙黃色蛋黃上放滿蟹粉, 入口有著黏稠口感與蛋香, 蟹肉風味並不是很明顯.
There are fair amount of crab on the classic orange-yellow egg yolk. The taste has eggy flavor, but the crab meat flavor isnt too obvious.



Mullet Roe with Apple
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我個人比較喜歡 “台北喜來登請客樓” 的焦糖烏魚子.
I prefer the “Guest House” grilled mullet roe.

延伸閱讀: The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)




Tangyuan n Ginger Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

如果想嘗試不同類型的中式甜點, 可選擇點這一道.
If you want to try different type of Chinese dessert, you can order this one.



Cold Mixed Vegetables Dish
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

採用十種蔬菜製作出此道菜餚, 通常是晶華軒宴席的小菜之一.
This dish, which is made with 10 different types of vegetable, is considered an appetizer in Silks House.


Stir-Fried Pork Neck Meat with Sweet Chili
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

相較於其他蟹宴菜色, 此道並沒有讓人印象深刻.
Comparing with other dishes at Crab Feast dishes , this dish is not outstanding as other dishes.



BBQ Pork Bun (3 units)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道基本上是三個, 一個平均 NTD $83.  因為我們有四位, 店家幫我們多準備一個. 外觀完全就像奶酥麵包, 咬一口叉燒包, 微甜酥皮搭配叉燒鹹甜香不錯吃, 味蕾也可以感受到些許奶香, 完全不違和.
Basically, this dish only has 3 units. Since we have four people, we would pay extra NTD $83/unit. The appearance looks similar as Cantonese buttermilk bun. The buttermilk appearance is slightly sweet, which is perfect pairing with the BBQ pork. The tastebuds can also sense the milk flavor. This dish overall is quite tasty.



Silks House Cantonese Style Roast Duck Served in Two Ways
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍



Duck Meat Sautéed With Hoisin Sauce
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

烤鴨需要兩天前預訂, 師傅將整隻烤櫻桃鴨端出, 放在一台頗高級的黑色推車, 另一位店員則是負責捲餅給客人. 最特別的是, 捲餅並不是整個包覆著烤鴨, 而是巧手折疊. 烤鴨皮是微焦香薄脆, 肉質並沒有想像中地嫩, 之前的 “香宮” 依舊是我心目中的烤鴨首選. 我個人喜歡加多一些甜醬與蔥, 可惜晶華軒店員都已捲好, 配料也已收走.
You would need to reserve the roast duck two days prior. The chef brings out a whole Taiwanese Yilan Duck and puts on the black cart. Another staff would make the rolls for the customers. However, the roll is not entirely covered the roast duck. The duck skin is crispy but the meat is not as tender as expected. “Shang Palace” is still my No.1 Roast Duck. I personal prefer more Hoisin sauce and green onion. However, Silks House is already done making the roll. All ingredients are all gone.

延伸閱讀: Shang Palace 》在台北香宮除了烤鴨還推薦點什麼



Stir-Fried Duck Meat Slices
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

晶華軒的烤鴨只有兩吃, 若是要點鴨湯米粉需要加錢. 可能我對“苦味”比較敏感, 我只吃兩口, 每一口皆是苦味, 鴨絲也偏乾. 我個人不喜歡.
Silks House Roast Duck is only served in two ways. You would need to pay extra for duck soup with rice noodle. Maybe I am more sensitive with the “bitter flavor”. I only tried two bites, which are all bitter. I personally don’t like this dish.


脆皮吊燒雞 (半隻)

Crispy Chicken with Five Spices and Salt (Half)
Price: NTD $780 (2021 Price)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

油亮外皮視覺上相當迷人, 卡滋脆皮形容詞名符其實, 雞肉肉質偏軟嫩, 我個人覺得不錯吃,如果有多過於四人, 可點.
The oily chicken skin is quite eye-catching. The crispy texture along with the tender chicken meat tastes great. If you have more than 4 people, I would suggest you to order.



Marinated Goose in Chao Zhou Style
Price: NTD $680 (2021 Price)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這道潮州滷水鵝目前已停售. 這是我第一次吃潮州滷水鵝, 老滷鵝肉嫩不錯吃且不會過於鹹香, 這道菜餚讓我最愛的卻是置放於底部的板豆腐, 吸收了滷汁與鵝油濃縮精華, 非常入味. 我個人會推薦點這道潮州滷水鵝.
This dish is no longer on the menu . This is my first time tasting marinated goose in chao zhou style. The goose meat is delicious and not too salty. However, my favorite part would be the tofu down below. It absorbs the braised sauce and the goose fat essence. I would also recommend this dish as well.



Sautéed Diced U.S. Wagyu Beef and Chinese Broccoli with Pine Nuts
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

I would suggest only ordering the Chinese Broccoli.



Pork & Fish Maw Jelly
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍



Fried Fish with Salted Egg Yolk
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這一道黃金炸魚皮在單點菜單沒有看到. 比起 “朧粵 Longyue” 的金沙鱈魚條,晶華軒的黃金炸魚皮外型並不是條狀, 而是有點像不規則的酥脆魚皮. 鹹蛋黃的鹹香風味濃厚, 這一道是公認的下酒菜.
This dish is not on the menu. “Longyue Restaurant” Fried Sliced Cod with Salted Egg Yolk is in Slice shape. The shape of this particular dish is more like chopped fish skin. The salty egg yolk flavor is thick. It is a great dish pairing with the alcohol.

延伸閱讀: 朧粵 Longyue 》 菜單除了叉燒皇還點哪些菜餚 (內有訂位資訊)





Scallop, Fish Maw, and Bamboo Soup
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這一道瑤柱花膠竹笙羹只出現在套餐菜單, 單點菜單沒有看到. 我吃過有瑤柱與花膠食材的湯品幾乎都是雞湯. 這一道羹湯比較不是我喜歡的湯品類型.
This dish only appears at set menu. The soup base is always chicken soup base when there are scallop and fish maw ingredients. However, this soup is not the type of soup that I like. It is just personal preference.

延伸閱讀: 台北雞湯名店餐廳推薦懶人包 》Taipei Chicken Soup Guide



Steamed Squid wit Dried Cabbage
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

此道菜餚並沒有標示在菜單上, 有點像是 Extra Bonus, 在西方菜餚部分, 我個人是喜歡 “花滔廚房 La Cucina di Flora “ 沾著橄欖油的軟鮮小卷 . 晶華軒這一道的蒸小卷也十分鮮嫩, 只是調味並不是我喜歡的類型.
This dish is not on the menu, it is more like a Extra Bonus. In western cuisine, I prefer the squid with EVOO at “La Cucina di Flora restaurant”. This squid dish is quite tender and fresh, but I am not found of the flavors. It is just personal preference.

延伸閱讀: 花滔廚房 La Cucina di Flora 》二訪這家台北義式餐廳推薦


Shaved Ice with Various Ingredients
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這一道非常適合宴請外國人品嚐. 寶島海派冰 Size 大更展現出澎湃的台式辦桌風格.
This dish is quite suitable for foreigners. The size shows the classic Taiwanese banquet style.



Mixed Shredded Vegetables with Sea Cucumber
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

調味後的海參切絲, 搭配豆芽, 這是一道不錯吃的清爽微酸的開胃小菜.
Flavored Sea cucumber pairs with the bean sprouts is a delicious appetizer.



Preserved Egg with Peeled Chili
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

單點菜單沒有看到這一道菜餚. 皮蛋食材經常出現在中式餐廳, 在 ”徐家私廚“ 吃到筍乾皮蛋, 在“喜相逢”吃到講求刀工的皮蛋豆腐. 這次在晶華軒吃到的是直球般的辛辣卻開胃的皮蛋老虎菜. 如果喜歡吃辣, 可以考慮點.
This dish is not on the menu. Preserved egg ingredient always appear at Chinese restaurant. For example, I tasted the preserved egg with dried bamboo at “OUAH HANCHI Private Kitchen”. I tasted the preserved egg with tofu at “Taipei Xi Xiang Feng Taiwanese Restaurant”. This time at Silks House, I tasted the straight forward spicy flavor dish. If you like spicy food, you can consider ordering this dish.

延伸閱讀: 台北三大私廚推薦 》Taipei Private Kitchen Recommendation



Steamed Mussel with Vermicelli and Garlic
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

淡菜吃起來並不會過硬 , 口裡充滿蒜香, 搭配鋪在盤底的粉絲就升級為桌菜.
The steamed mussel is not hard to eat. The garlic flavor is thick. The Vermicelli at the bottom basically upgrades this dish to table dish instead of appetizer/tapas.




Stir-Fried Vegetable with Garlic
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

吃起來不會過油, 清脆不苦.
It doesn’t taste too oily not bitter. It tastes quite crisp.


Sauteed Dice US Beef Tenderloin with Okra, Wild Mushrooms with Chili
Price: NTD $1380 (2023.4 Price)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

秋葵野菌香辣炒牛柳粒有在晶華軒菜單, 主廚採用美國牛肉, 吃起來有鹹香與微辣, 我可能對調味後的野菇風味不太習慣, 所以晶華軒鮮菌千絲繡球與這道秋葵野菌香辣炒牛柳粒我都覺得還好, 見人見智吧.
This dish is at Silks House Dish. The chef uses USA beef. The beef has salty and hints of spicy flavor. Maybe I am not found with the wild mushroom flavor. It depends on people’s taste.



Stewed Tofu with Minced Pork and Chinese Mustard Cabbage
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

欖菜肉鬆悶燒豆腐有在晶華軒菜單, 可能潮州滷水鵝的板豆腐太出色, 這道欖菜肉鬆悶燒豆腐吃起來並沒有預期美味.
This dish is at Silks House menu. Maybe the tofu at “Marinated Goose in Chao Zhou Style Dish” is too yummy, the tofu in this dish is just average.



Braised Pork with Preserved Vegetable and steamed eggplants
Price: NTD $780 (2023.4 Price)
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

我個人不吃茄子, 不方便 Review.
I don’t eat eggplants, so, I decide not to review.



Red Date Jelly
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

算是在台北港式餐廳比較少見的甜點之一, Q 彈且有些許甜味, 有明顯棗泥風味, 重點是不會黏牙. 很適合喜歡吃棗泥的人.
Red Date Jelly is on the Silks House Menu. Each unit is NTD $60. It is not common Cantonese dessert at Taipei restaurants. The jelly is not rubbery. Overall, I like the obvious date flavor with small amount of sweetness. This dish is suitable for people who prefer date.



Mushroom Dimsin (3 units)
Price: NTD $520 (2021 Price)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道基本上是三個,一個平均 NTD $175.  因為我們有四位, 店家幫我們多準備一個.此道菜餚為全素 , 菜餚外觀樸實, 並沒有像 “Muzeo Taipei” 的芋泥油封鴨精緻, 外層是炸成金黃色的麵筋, 熱騰騰地咬一口, 內餡裡的冬菇,香菇,木耳用精緻刀工切成細絲且勾芡濃郁口感, 整體不錯吃. 也許你會覺得一個 NTD $175 有點奢華, 但是如果你偶而會吃素菜且喜歡吃香菇, 這道鮮菌千絲繡球適合你.
Basically, this dish only has 3 units. Since we have four people, we would pay extra NTD $175/unit. This dish is vegan. The appearance is not as elegant as “Muzeo Taipei” taro duck pastry. The most special part would be the fried gluten cripsy appearance. The fillings are thin slice of mushroom and black fungus. The overall is pretty good. Maybe you think NTD $175 per unit is quite expensive. But if you sometimes eat vegetarian food and like to mushroom, this dish is for you.



Seasonal Fruits Platter
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍


結論 Conclusion ⭐

我已經 N 訪過晶華軒 Silks House , 自費吃到的菜餚名單已經可以寫成以下的推薦菜餚名單. 請記得 5天 ~ 7天前訂位, 有些菜餚需要預訂

以 6 ~ 8 人 為一桌的概念, 推薦菜餚僅做參考
✅ 螃蟹類- 需預訂
(擇一) 生拆膏蟹麻婆豆腐 / 老香港咖哩蟹 / 蟹肉馬蹄肉餅 / 螃蟹三吃
1. 請自行詢問是不是季節性
2. 請自行詢問蟹肉馬蹄肉餅的汁可不可以做成蟹汁滑蛋

✅ 湯品類 – 需預訂
我推薦西施泡飯. 若是宴客的客人喜歡喝花膠雞湯, 可考慮點 “花膠菜膽燉全雞湯品”
✅ 豬肉類
我推薦燒臘雙拼 – 招牌蜜汁叉燒 & 脆皮黑毛豬燒肉
✅ 羊肉類 – 需預訂
如果吃羊肉, 我推薦點柱侯羊腩煲
我喜歡豉油皇海中蝦, 至於魚的部分, 可考慮點油浸筍殼魚或是蒸魚.再用剩下的汁做滑蛋

✅ 琥珀脆核桃 or 金珠鹹水餃
✅ 港式麻香蔥油餅 – 需預訂 or  泡椒皮蛋 or 泡椒鳳爪
✅ 蘿蔔絲酥餅
✅ 江南素菜餃 – 可點給吃素者
✅ 甜點: 酥皮焗蛋塔 or 紫芋天鵝酥

I have dined in Silks House many times. I tried out many dishes and listed out the following recommended dishes. Please reserve seats 5 ~ 7 days prior. Some dishes required prior reservation.

The dishes are based on 6 ~ 8 people per table
✅ Crab- Reserve in advance
(Chooese one) Crab Mapo Tofu / Old Style Hong Kong Curry Crab / Steamed Minced Pork with Crab Roe and Water Chestnut / Eat Crab in Three Ways
1. Ask if the crab dish is seasonal
2. Ask if the steamed minced pork dish leftover sauce can be made into juicy scramble egg

✅ Soup – Reserve in advance
I would recommend “Crispy Rice Puff with King Crab Meat, Scallop, King Prawn, and Vegetables in Lobster Stock”. However, if you would like to treat guests with expensive ingredients, you can consider “Double-boiled Chicken Consommé with Fish Maw and Chinese Cabbage”

✅ Pork
I would recommend BBQ Pork, Crispy Pork
✅ Lamb – Need to reserve
If you eat lamb, I would recommend Braised Lamb Belly Stew with Bean Curd Sheet
✅ Shrimp & Fish
I like “Pan-Fried Prawn with Premium Soy Sauce” . As for fish, I prefer” Oil Poached Marble Goby with Scallion and Ginger”. You can also order steamed fish. The restaurant can make the stir-fried egg by using the leftover sauce.

✅ Candied Walnut or salted pork fried dumpling
✅ Cantonese Style Sesame Flavored Scallion Bun – Reserve or Boneless Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers or century egg with pickled peppers.
✅ Deep Fried Radish Pastry
✅ Mixed Vegetable Dumpling – You can order for Vegetarian
✅ Dessert: Egg Tart or Deep-fried Purple Taro Puff Pastry


🔥 延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》在晶華軒包廂品嚐 50 人 菜單 (內有預訂桌菜)




Silks House Short Video





Silks House Information

餐廳: 晶華軒
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路二段39巷3號3樓 (Map)
捷運站: 中山捷運站 (R11 & G14)
電話: 02-2523-8000 #3236
Restaurant: Silks House
Address: 3F, No. 3, 39th Lane, 2nd Section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Zhongshan MRT station (R11 & G14)
Tel: 02-2523-8000 #3236



Silks House Menu




