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Taipei Soba Noodle 》阿花蕎麥麵菜單推薦點哪些

Taipei Soba Noodle 》阿花蕎麥麵菜單推薦點哪些
(2023. 9 N訪更新) 阿花蕎麥麵 是 2020年新開幕餐廳, 也是台北中山區美食之一, 菜單上販售的蕎麥雞湯麵以及現煎豬排深受在地人的喜愛. (2023.9 Update) Ah-Wa Noodles is one of the newly-opened restaurant at 2020. It is also one of restaurants at Zhongshan Distr...

Taipei Michelin One Star 》大三元菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )

Taipei Michelin One Star 》大三元菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )
台北大三元酒樓菜單有經典粵式桌菜與港點 . 文章裡是有預訂桌菜. Taipei Three Coins Restaurant is one of the Taipei Michelin Selected Restaurants. It has classic Cantonese cuisine and Dim Sum. This article includes the reserved-only...

Ambassador Chinese Cuisine 》台北國賓中餐廳菜單不是只有港式點心而已

Ambassador Chinese Cuisine  》台北國賓中餐廳菜單不是只有港式點心而已
(已搬至遼寧街) 並不是很多人知道台北國賓中菜廳 , 大部分饕客只知道台北國賓大飯店裡的 A Cut Steakhouse 與 國賓川菜廳. (Moved to Liaoning Street ) Many people do not know that Ambassador Chinese Cuisine Restaurant.  Most people only know about A Cu...

Taipei Huaxi Street Night Market Food Guide 》台北華西街夜市美食推薦

Taipei Huaxi Street Night Market Food Guide 》台北華西街夜市美食推薦
這篇文章是關於 台北華西街夜市美食推薦 , 有榮獲台北米其林必比登的小王煮瓜與北港甜湯. This article is regarding Taipei Huaxi Street Night Market Food Guide. The restaurants include Wang’s Broth and North Bay Traditional Dessert.

Taipei Dongmen Market Food Guide 》台北東門市場美食推薦

Taipei Dongmen Market Food Guide 》台北東門市場美食推薦
這篇文章是關於 台北東門市場美食推薦 , 有東門利隆餅店, 東門黃媽媽米粉湯, 江記東門豆花, 與東門城滷肉飯. This article is regarding Taipei Dongmen Market Food Recommendation Guide. There are Dongmen Lilong Pastry Shop, Mama Huang’s Rice Noodle Soup,...

Fu Hang Soy Milk Taipei 》關於台北早餐阜杭豆漿菜單與外送

Fu Hang Soy Milk Taipei 》關於台北早餐阜杭豆漿菜單與外送
許多愛吃台北傳統早餐的饕客所關心的話題 - 阜杭豆漿菜單價格與阜杭豆漿外送, 這家位於善導寺捷運站早餐更是台北米其林必比登推薦之一. Many Taipei Local Breakfast lovers consider Fu Hang Soy Milk menu & price & delivery information important. This breakfast sh...

Taipei Vegetarian Restaurant 》吃完祥和蔬食慶城店的非業配感想

Taipei Vegetarian Restaurant 》吃完祥和蔬食慶城店的非業配感想
2020 米其林必比登推薦的祥和蔬食菜單 以川味素食為主, 兩家分店分別為 祥和蔬食料理慶城店 與 祥和蔬食料理鎮江店. Serenity Restaurant is a Taipei Vegetarian Restaurant, which also at 2020 BIB Gourmand Guide. And it has two branches at Taipei City.

Taipei Zhongshan Market Food Guide 》低調的台北中山市場美食推薦

Taipei Zhongshan Market Food Guide 》低調的台北中山市場美食推薦
Google 上可查到許多 台北傳統市場美食推薦 , 這篇文章是關於 台北中山市場美食推薦 , 有 中山紅豆湯麻糬, 吉慶飲食部排骨酥麵 與 鶯歌號燻雞和豬頭皮. You can search for many Taipei Local Market Food recommendation online. This article is about Taipei Zhongshan Market ...

Taipei East District Food 》紫琳蒸餃與美景川味皆是頂好名店城美食

Taipei East District Food 》紫琳蒸餃與美景川味皆是頂好名店城美食
台北東區頂好名店城 B1 有紫琳蒸餃與美景川味, 跟其他忠孝復興餐廳美食價格比較, 兩家老店皆是台北東區平價美食. Zi Lin Steamed Dumpling and May Jing Red Chili Wonton are the price-friendly foods near Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station.

Taipei Steamed Dumpling 》福大蒸餃館是上班族公認的台北平價美食小吃之一

Taipei Steamed Dumpling 》福大蒸餃館是上班族公認的台北平價美食小吃之一
每逢用餐時間, 福大蒸餃館總是大排長龍, 由於 福大蒸餃菜單 價格親民, 算是附近上班族公認的台北中山站平價美食餐廳之一. During dining hour, Fu-Dai Steamed Dumpling restaurant always has a line of customers waiting. Since the price is quite friendly, it is co...