甜典 16 號 ( Sweet 16 Patisserie ) 是知名天母甜點店之一, “一碗檸檬“ 檸檬塔蛋糕則是 Sweet 16 的招牌甜點. Sweet 16 Patisserie is one of the famous dessert shops at Tianmu, Taipei City. Its lemon tart is their signature dessert.
2017年即將結束, 不免俗也要來一個年度Review, 因此我製作了 “2017年前五名最具潛力的台北餐廳”的名單, 至 2017年12月1日止, 我總共Review 43 家新餐廳, 從中選出我心目中前五名最具潛力的餐廳. The year of 2017 is almost over. It would be reasonable to edit a yearly review - “ Fi...
(2019.10 二訪更新) Olivia Coffee Roaster 是少數台北東區不限時咖啡店之一, 提供免費Wifi , 少數插座和安靜環境讓很多文字工作者喜歡到這家咖啡店工作. Olivia Coffee Roaster is one of a few coffee shop with unlimited dining time. It offers free wiki, a few...
(已結束營業) 北方牛肉麵是台北民生社區牛肉麵店之一, 離南京三民捷運站只需走 15 分鐘, 餐廳有販售牛肉麵, 炸醬麵和水餃. (Closed) “North Beef Noodle” is one of the beef noodle restaurants at Mingshen Community (Songshan District). It only takes 15 minutes ...
杜鵑窩咖啡店是少數內湖大直營業時間超過半夜12點的咖啡店之一, 也是實踐大學附近咖啡店之一, 免費 Wifi , 不限時 和貓咪是這家店的三大特色. CUCKOO’s NEST coffee shop is one of the coffee shops that operates pass midnight at Taipei Neihu Area. Free wifi, unlimited d...
豆咖啡 ( Bean Cafe ) 是北投咖啡店之一, 被台北人號稱隱藏版極佳咖啡, 孰不知, 港澳日韓遊客到 北投的 To-Do List 裡上都有 “到豆咖啡拿預約好的冰釀咖啡”. Bean Cafe is one of the Beitou Coffee Shops. Taiwanese called this shop as hidden gem in Beitou. However, t...
(已歇業, 搬新家) 蘋果肉桂甜點店 (Apple Cinnamon Cafe) 是一家台北信義區不限時有Wifi的咖啡甜點店, “冰淇淋脆皮蘋果派”是店內的招牌. (Closed, Moved to new address) Apple Cinnamon Cafe is a dessert and coffee cafe at Taipei City Xinyi District. It off...
香頌私宅洋樓位是少數台北中山區高檔預約制餐廳之一, 因季節或節慶會推出不一樣具有特色的料理, 這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到他們的聖誕套餐. Chanson Bistro is categorized as Fine Dining Restaurant at Taipei Zhongshan District. This restaurant only takes reservation. This t...
(Closed Down) 採預約制的門前隱味牛肉麵位於府中捷運站附近的巷弄內, 屬於新開幕的板橋牛肉麵美食之一, 內含訂位資訊和交通資訊. (Closed Down) “Hidden Beef Noodle” near Banqiao area only takes reservation. It is a newly-opened and unique beef noodle restaura...