(2023.1 更新 ) 布夫 歐式私房菜 已搬到大安區 , 這家台北瑞士美食餐廳 近期重新開幕成為國父紀念館站美食之一. (2023. 1 Update) La Bonne Bouffe Swiss restaurant is one of the Taipei SYS Memorial Hall MRT station restaurants. 新文章 New Article: 二訪搬家後的...
(2022.2 更新) 2020 新開幕 LE SAGE 茱莉金牛排餐館 是公館餐酒館, 也是台北平價餐酒館之一, LE SAGE 菜單除了平價牛排外, 也有其他歐美式料理選擇. (2022.2 Update ) 2020 newly-opened Le Sage Steak Bistro is a Gungguan Bistro, which is price-friendly. Le Sage...
(已結束營業 ) 近期吃了乾杯集團旗下的高木食堂咖哩飯, 連我自己都很意外將新開幕的高木食堂放進我的台北東區美食推薦之一. (Closed Down ) Recently, I tasted Takagi Shokudo restaurant, which belongs to Kanpai Group. I myself am surprised to put this restaurant a...
(Closed Down ) 山山來茶松菸店 ( SHAN SHAN CHA ) 是台北信義區下午茶之一, 也是少數可從窗邊看到台北 101 景觀的松菸誠品下午茶. (Closed Down ) SHAN SHAN CHA Songyan Store is one of Taipei Xinyi District Afternoon Tea Shops. It is also one of a f...
(Closed Down - Moved) 蘭亭 鍋物割烹 是饕客們公認的台北和牛火鍋推薦之一, 吃完 2020 蘭亭鍋物菜單- 旬, 才知道原來蘭亭和牛鍋物也包括壽喜燒與陶板燒等不同烹調方式. (Closed Down - Moved ) Lanting Pot Restaurant is one of Foodies’ Taipei Wagyu Beef Hot Pot Recommendat...
(Closed Down) 義寓 Come a casa 歐式餐酒館是台北大安區餐酒館之一, 義寓菜單有套餐也有單點菜餚, 做了些調整後的義寓現在有專業侍酒師可建議搭餐的酒款. Come a Casa Restaurant is one of the Da’an Bistros. Come a casa menu has single dishes and also dining set. The...
(已歇業 ) La cuisine bourgeoise 布爾喬亞餐廳是我的市政府站美食推薦之一, 也是少數只有戶外座位的台北街邊異國料理, 而且 布爾喬亞 菜單每日不固定. (Closed Down ) La cuisine bourgeoise restaurant is one of my restaurant recommendations near Taipei City Hall MR...
這次餐酒館晚餐是 越昇國際 代理的義大利西西里酒莊 Donnafugata 葡萄酒 搭配 Cantina del gio 菜單上的義大利料理. I was invited by Ascent Way International Corp. to have a Donnafugata Wine Pairing Dinner at Cantina del Gio Italian Restaurant.
(Closed down and Moved ) 位於內湖的他家私廚餐廳近期開始賣越南河粉, 而且湯頭配方是來自知名澳洲勇記越南河粉的湯頭秘方. Taja Kitchen Restaurant, which is located at Neihu District, starts selling Vietnam Pho. And its broth is from famous Pho resta...