中山區 Zhongshan District

台北濱江市場美食懶人包 》2022 Taipei Binjiang Market Food Guide

台北濱江市場美食懶人包 》2022 Taipei Binjiang Market Food Guide
(2022.6 更新)  2022 台北濱江市場美食推薦 懶人包陸續更新中, 文章內會包括 濱江市場怎麼去 與 濱江市場附近停車場. 未來會增加 上引海產美食與濱江果菜市場攤位. (2022.6 Update ) This 2022 Taipei Binjiang Market Food Guide will keep updating. The article will include how ...

Gusto Market of Taste 好食多 》台北義大利食材店也賣美味義大利菜餚

Gusto Market of Taste 好食多 》台北義大利食材店也賣美味義大利菜餚
(2022.3 更新) Gusto Market of Taste 好食多義大利食材專賣店是濱江市場美食推薦之一, 也販售台北好吃火腿帕尼尼與義大利菜餚可在店裡內用. (Update March, 2022) Gusto Market of Taste offers various Italian Food ingredients at Taipei Binjiang Market. It als...

海派上海小吃 Hai Pai 》除了煙燻圓鱈也有其他拿手好菜

海派上海小吃 Hai Pai 》除了煙燻圓鱈也有其他拿手好菜
海派上海小吃菜單不再是小吃類, 而是晉升台北無菜單料理餐廳之一, 更是饕客心目中的台北桌菜餐廳推薦. Hai Pai Shanghai Restaurant no longer offers simply Street Food. Instead, Hai Pay restaurant becomes one of the Taipei Omakase Chinese restaurants.

和蒔炭火割烹 Wamaki Taipei 》台北中山條通美食

和蒔炭火割烹 Wamaki Taipei 》台北中山條通美食
和蒔炭火割烹 是 台北中山站美食 之一, 大家都喜歡 和蒔菜單 裡的和牛滷肉飯, 搭配特殊調味鹽是這家台北日本無菜單餐廳的特色. Wamaki Japanese Restaurant is at the Zhongshan MRT Restaurant list. Everyone loves the braised Waygu beef rice. Using various salts is ...

儂來會館 Nong Lai Taipei 》二樓可當大包廂的台北台菜餐廳

儂來會館 Nong Lai Taipei 》二樓可當大包廂的台北台菜餐廳
儂來有兩間 - 儂來會館與儂來餐廳, 我跟朋友們是吃台北儂來會館菜單的預訂臺菜料理. 白斬雞菜餚在台灣 500 盤名單裡. There are Nong Lai Restaurant - One is price-friendly Nong Lai Restaurant and the other one is more upscale. My friends and I went to the ...

Tutto Bello 》菜單單點推薦哪些義大利料理?

Tutto Bello 》菜單單點推薦哪些義大利料理?
Tutto Bello 酒庫餐廳 是台北義式餐廳, 也是台北米其林餐盤餐廳之一 , Tutto Bello 菜單 裡的奶油松露麵也在 500 盤名單裡. Tutto Bello Italian restaurant is a Taipei Michelin Plate restaurant. The most famous dish would be the truffle cream pasta...

牛肆 Beef Hot Pot 》關於這家訂位困難台北溫體牛肉火鍋的五件事

牛肆 Beef Hot Pot 》關於這家訂位困難台北溫體牛肉火鍋的五件事
牛肆火鍋是在我的台北溫體牛肉火鍋推薦名單內, 也是訂位困難的台北火鍋餐廳之一 , 此篇文章包括 牛肆訂位, 牛肆菜單, 牛肆停車等資訊. Niu Si Taiwanese Beef Hot Pot is my Taipei Hot Pot recommendation. It is also difficult to reserve. This article includes reservati...

COFFEE DUMBO 》登波咖啡菜單除了肉桂捲還要點什麼

COFFEE DUMBO 》登波咖啡菜單除了肉桂捲還要點什麼
登波咖啡是 2021 新開幕台北咖啡店, 除了落地鐵花窗店面設計搶眼之外, 登波也是赤峰街美食咖啡之一, 最有名的莫過於登波美式肉桂捲. Coffee Dumbo is 2021 New Coffee Shop in Taipei City. It is also one of the Chifeng Street Coffee Shops. The most popular item would...

Taipei Beef Hot Pot 》台北骨力牛餐廳有溫體牛肉湯與火鍋 (內有菜單)

Taipei Beef Hot Pot 》台北骨力牛餐廳有溫體牛肉湯與火鍋  (內有菜單)
骨力牛已結束營業, 老闆開了另一家 “ 牛敘溫體牛火鍋 ” (Link) . 台北哪裡吃得到台灣溫體牛? 骨力牛餐廳是台北少數有溫體牛肉料理的餐廳, 也是南京復興站美食之一. Gu Li Niu Restaurant is closed down. The owner opened another restaurant - Beef Tale Restaurant (link) . Where c...