Taipei Sashimi 》赤木鮮魚店菜單推薦點日本空運漁貨

Last Updated on 2022-07-10 by Foodelicious

赤木鮮魚店台北濱江市場美食推薦, 也是榮星花園附近的日本料理餐廳, 赤木鮮魚店菜單不定期會有日本空運漁貨.
Akagisengyoten Japanese restaurant is one of the Taipei Binjiang Market nearby restaurant. Their menu sometimes offers Japanese air-shipped fishes.

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Akagisengyoten Reservation

赤木鮮魚店日本餐廳離行天宮捷運站與中山國中捷運站都是 15 ~ 20 分鐘, 地址是台北市中山區五常街41號, 也算是台北濱江市場美食之一. 走進餐廳可看到一些四人座位, 適合小家庭聚餐, 也有適合平價約會的吧台座位. 目前赤木鮮魚店訂位是用打電話方式 ( 02-2500-0008 ) , 只收現金, 赤木鮮魚店不定期會在 Facebook / Instagram 公告新的日本空運漁貨.
Akagisengyoten Japanese restaurant is about 15 ~ 20 minutes near Xingtian Temple MRT station and Zhongshan Junior High School. The address is at No. 14 , Wuchang Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei. You can see several four-people seating areas, which are suitable for family gathering. There are also counter seating area for dating. Now, you can call to reserve seats ( 02-2500-0008 ). They only accept cash. Akagisengyoten Japanese restaurant will announce their updated and newest fishes/seafoods from Japan.

延伸閱讀: 台北濱江市場美食懶人包 》2022 Taipei Binjiang Market Food Guide


延伸閱讀: 台北約會餐廳懶人包 2022 》Taipei Dating Restaurants Guide




Akagisengyoten Dishes


魚腹, 刺身, 腹身, 盛合

Sashimi (Fish Belly Parts)
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

赤木鮮魚店菜單最受歡迎的是「 特選刺身盛合 」, 需要提前預訂. 當天很可惜沒有漁貨兩吃. 所以我決定吃魚腹肉盛合. 左到右: 鮭魚 , 海鱺, 鮭魚,魚腹肉油脂豐富, 魚肉嫩鮮, 價格 $380 並沒有 “井上禾食” 平價, 整體不錯吃.
Several seafood dishes would need to reserve in advance. I decide to order the sashimi with fish belly parts. From left to right, there are salmon and sergeantfish belly. There are fair amount of fats, therefore, the fish tastes quite tender. Even though the price NTD $380 is not as price-friendly as “Jin-Shan Japanese Restaurant”, the overall taste is still quite good.

延伸閱讀: 六張犁捷運站海鮮丼 》 井上禾食 | Taipei Da’an District Restaurant



Fried Mackerel
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

赤木鮮魚店有時候會在 Facebook / Instagram 公告最新的空運漁貨, 如果有「日本空運漁貨兩吃 」, 需要打電話先詢問有無漁貨兩吃. 可惜當天並沒有兩吃, 這款炸竹莢魚夠酥脆, 不錯吃.
Akagisengyoten restaurant sometimes announces their updated fish dishes on Facebook / Instagram. It would be better to call to reserve fish dishes. This fried Mackerel is quite crispy and delicious.




Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

You don’t need to order it.



結論 Conclusion ⭐

我個人會建議先看赤木鮮魚店 的 Facebook & Instagram 有無新鮮漁貨,  之後再打電話訂位與預訂菜餚 , 尤其是 “新鮮漁貨二吃” ,  坐的位置盡量避開吧台區, 喜歡吃新鮮生魚片的人可以考慮來這家餐廳.
I would suggest to see Akagisengyoten restaurant’s Facebook & Instagram if they have new fish. Then, I would suggest to call to reserve seats and dishes. It would be better to be seated away from the counter. If you like sashimi, you can consider visiting here.




赤木鮮魚店 資訊

Akagisengyoten Information

店名: 赤木鮮魚店
地址: 台北市中山區五常街41號 (Map)
捷運站: 行天宮捷運站 or 中山國中站
電話: 02-2500-0008
Restaurant: Akagisengyoten
Address: No. 14 , Wuchang Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xingtian Temple MRT station or Zhongshan Junior High School
Tel: 02-2500-0008


赤木鮮魚店 菜單 ⭐

Akagisengyoten Menu



