土狗樂市像上引水產一樣都是複合式餐飲生鮮海產超市, 地理位置介於松江南京捷運站與南京復興捷運站的建國北路巷弄內, 交通較為方便. Togo Market is similar with “ADDICTION Seafood” , which combines live seafood stock and restaurant. Its location is in between Nanking ...
杜鵑窩咖啡店是少數內湖大直營業時間超過半夜12點的咖啡店之一, 也是實踐大學附近咖啡店之一, 免費 Wifi , 不限時 和貓咪是這家店的三大特色. CUCKOO’s NEST coffee shop is one of the coffee shops that operates pass midnight at Taipei Neihu Area. Free wifi, unlimited d...
香頌私宅洋樓位是少數台北中山區高檔預約制餐廳之一, 因季節或節慶會推出不一樣具有特色的料理, 這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到他們的聖誕套餐. Chanson Bistro is categorized as Fine Dining Restaurant at Taipei Zhongshan District. This restaurant only takes reservation. This t...
溫柔鄉是一家位於亞都麗緻飯店附近的威士忌酒吧, 也是台北深夜食堂之一, 晚上 11 點營業, 早上 6 點打烊的特別營業時間. “The Tender Land” is one of the whisky bars near “The Landis Taipei”. It is suitable for late night dining. Its operation hour is from 1...
新開幕的大師兄銷魂麵舖為中山捷運站美食之一, 藍白色的布製招牌則是紛紛出現在IG與FB上. Newly-opened “Master Spicy Noodle” is located near Zhongshan MRT station. Its blue and white sign often shows up at social media.
台北中山區美食 “POPINA” 是台北餐酒館裡少數回客率高的餐酒館, 也常被饕客拿來跟附近的台北晶華酒店與大倉久和裡的餐廳做比較, POPINA 通常是處於優勢. POPINA Bistro, which is located near Taipei Zhongshan District, is one of the bistros that has high customer return r...
Fika Fika Cafe 內湖店之前新開幕, 但由於交通因素, 我跟朋友還是選擇在松江南京捷運站的伊通街分店. Fika Fika Cafe recently opened a branch store at Neihu District. However, due to the distance, my friends and I chose the other branch store n...
2017年初新開幕的LA MOLE TAIPEI 義式料理餐酒館位於建國北路與民權東路的晶宴會館附近, 義大利籍主廚的經歷豐富且年輕, 不惜成本地堅持使用最新鮮的食材作出更細緻的料理. Newly-opened LA MOLE TAIPEI Italian restaurant is located near Jianguo North Road and Mínquan East Road. Th...
印象中的客家菜是像“閤家小館”合菜, 台北中山捷運站美食之一的“六堆伙房”則是定位在一個人跟家庭聚會皆可吃客家菜料理. Most Hakka cuisine size is large portion, which is perfect for family gathering (For example: Ho-Gia Hakka Restaurant). 6 D Kitchen, which i...
長勝君捲蛋餅新開幕早午餐店位於台北市民生社區附近, 附近也有許多辦公室, 此店專攻捲蛋餅, 也就是大家所熟悉的中式蛋餅做成類似墨西哥捲的造型, 東西合併概念相似美國知名餐車賣韓國BBQ牛肉墨西哥捲餅. This newly-opened “Champion Omelet Pastry Shop” is located near Ming-Shen Community near Nangjing F...