小後苑信義店 是市政府站美食餐廳 , 也是威士忌選擇眾多的台北餐酒館, 這篇文章也會提到信義店與小後苑大直店的差別, 這次小後苑 2021 秋冬菜單推出晚餐套餐. Backyard Jr. Xinyi is one of the Taipei City Hall MRT restaurants. It is also a Taipei Bistro with many Whisky selecti...
M One Cafe 信義 A11 店 是 2021 新開幕台北餐廳之一, M One Cafe 菜單豐富受到許多人喜愛, 強烈建議要先訂位. M One Cafe A11 is one of the 2021 New Restaurants in Taipei Xinyi District. Most people like the various dishes on M One Cafe Me...
近期 很牛炭燒牛排外帶 很有名, 這次到 很牛炭燒牛排餐廳台北小巨蛋店內用, 發現這裡也是附近台北上班族聚餐餐廳的選擇之一. TGB is the initial of The God Beef. TGB Steak Restaurant’s to-go menu is quite famous these days. I went to Taipei Arena branch restauran...
(2022.2 更新) Vice Versa Wineshop & Kitchen 之前是白天賣咖啡甜點, 現在只有晚上營業, 成為台北餐酒館 , 這家台北廈門街歐風老宅餐廳也是古亭美食之一. (2022.2 Update) Vice Versa Wineshop & Kitchen is Taipei Bistro by night. It is also one of the ...
康帕斯義麵屋菜單有多款自製手工義大利麵, 這家 2020 新開幕餐廳也是台北東區義大利麵餐廳之一. Compas Pasta House has various handmade pasta. This 2020 newly-opened estaurant is also one of the Taipei Italian Pasta restaurants.
骨力牛已結束營業, 老闆開了另一家 “ 牛敘溫體牛火鍋 ” (Link) . 台北哪裡吃得到台灣溫體牛? 骨力牛餐廳是台北少數有溫體牛肉料理的餐廳, 也是南京復興站美食之一. Gu Li Niu Restaurant is closed down. The owner opened another restaurant - Beef Tale Restaurant (link) . Where c...
(2022. 8 更新) 侯布雄法式餐廳 是 新進榜的2021 台北米其林二星餐廳之ㄧ, 主廚將 侯布雄菜單 設計為有單點菜餚也有套餐, 以商業午餐最為出名. (2022. 8 Update) Taipei L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon is one of the new 2021 Taipei Michelin Two Star restaurants at Xinyi ...
(2022.2 更新) 台北內湖 喜相逢麵館 近年成為 喜相逢私房菜餐廳, 是公認難訂位的台北三大私廚之一, 無庸置疑也在東湖站美食推薦名單上. Taipei Xi Xiang Feng Taiwanese Restaurant is one of the restaurant recommendations near Dong Hu MRT station at Neihu district. ...