星高湯廚房 Soupstar The Kitchen 》信義安和捷運站餐廳 | 夜晚蛻變成餐酒館

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

( 結束營業 ) 台北信義安和捷運站旁的星高湯廚房搬家後, 除了販售輕食外, 也成為台北大安區餐酒館之一. 這次我有機會可以品嚐到星高湯廚房的料理.
(Closed ) Besides light food, Soupstar Kitchen becomes one of the Bistros at Taipei Da’An District after moving to near Xinyi Anhe MRT Station. Now, I have the opportunity to try out their cuisines.

星高湯廚房2018菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


原本位於”饞食坊”的四維路附近, 喬遷至酒吧林立的文昌街附近, 裝潢從小店面升級成有兩層樓的餐廳, 室外依舊保持著純白色裝潢, 也擺設高腳椅在室外, 外牆上的 “Focus On Food” 也相當令人矚目, 一進門即可看到開放式廚房, 吧台和長型室內設計格局, 當天用餐是平日星期二, 一樓座位區已有七成滿.
After moving from near “Za Food” to Wenchang Road, the small restaurant upgraded to a two-floors restaurant. The outdoor is still pure white with high chairs along with “Focus On Food”. When walking in the door, the customer would see the open kitchen, bar counter, and long restaurant hallway. My friend and I went there during Tuesday, and it is already almost full of customers.


很多人以為星高湯廚房是販售新加坡和馬來西亞料理, 實際上, 老闆的理念是以高湯入菜或醬汁. 星高湯廚房 (Soupstar The Kitchen) 除了提供商業午餐, 也增加了早午餐項目. 室內裝潢多了些小酌用餐氛圍, 一樓有小圓桌和四人座位區, 二樓則是大長桌座位區, 相當適合辦部門聚餐或是朋友聚會餐廳, 只是二樓包場有低消, 請直接與店家洽談.
Many people think that Soupstar The Kitchen offers Singapore or Malaysia Cuisine. But, if in fact, the owner would like the soup (more like broth) to merge into every dish of theirs. Soupstar The Kitchen also offers business lunch and brunch. The dining environments actually similar with Bistro. There are small round table and 4-people seats at the first floor. There is large long table on the 2nd Floor, which is suitable for friend and company staffs’ lunch/dinner. However, there is a minimum charge, which the customer would need to consult with the restaurant.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

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Daily Soup
Price: $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

當天用餐湯品是虱目魚丸湯, 原本以為是像 “一碗來”的虱目魚丸來自安永鮮物品牌, 但實際上是星高湯廚房自製. 清澈湯頭裡, 有兩顆用蛋糕花嘴擠出的虱目小魚丸, 外觀相當精緻, 吃起來 Q 彈程度高, 可惜虱目魚丸份量不多, 讓人意猶未盡. 湯頭有適量鹹度外, 也有海鮮高湯風味, 主廚更精心設計地將有淡薄荷香氣的鼠尾草和初榨橄欖油灑在湯品上, 碗底層看似水梨的豆薯切片更是讓人充滿驚喜, 清脆且帶有點甜度. 星高湯廚房的名稱實至名歸.
Today’s daily soup is Milkfish Ball Soup. I first thought the soup is like “Taiwan Mama”, which the fishballs are from commercial package. In fact, Soupstar The Kitchen makes their own fishballs from scratch. Two small fishballs are surprisingly tasty. The broth is a bit salty with fair amount of seafood flavor. The chef also places the sage and drizzled a bit of EVOO on the soup surface. The pear-like yam bean slices are at the bottom of the soup bowl. It is crispy and carries sweetness flavor. I personally think that this delicious soup represents this restaurant well.



Pork Liver Grilled, Blueberry Sauce, Baguette
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

擺盤類似 “PS Tapas” 的西班牙Tapas, 法國長棍先是抹上藍莓醬, 再依序放上煎豬肝, Mozarella Cheese, 和紫紅色越橘. 我相信多數台灣人豬肝還停留在夜市豬肝湯等級, 但內臟類 (例如鵝肝與雞肝) 早已出現在西式料理, 何嘗不用豬肝做出一道 Tapas? 我會建議用手拿起食物直接入口, 就跟 Tapas的吃法一樣, 一口咬下時, 豬肝雖有調味過, 但肉味依舊偏重, 蓋過 Mozarella Cheese 風味, 倒是藍莓抹醬像是小清新般地風味獨特. 比藍莓小一點的紫紅色越橘則是帶有點甜味, 這是一道相當有趣的組合.
The Plate display is just like “PS Tapas”’s tapas. The baguette is spreaded with blueberry paste, and displace the grilled pork liver, mozzarella cheese and huckleberry. Most Taiwanese think pork liver is only appeared at night market or small restaurant. However, pluck is a food ingredient that often appeared at Western cuisine. I would suggest to use the hand to put the tapas into the mount instead of forks and knifes. After the first bite, the grilled pork liver is marinated but remains meaty flavor. It even covered the mozzarella cheese flavor. The blueberry paste is quite special and outstanding. The huckleberry carries a bit of sweetness as well.


煎大蘆筍, 自醃鹹蛋, 水田芥醬

Fried Asparagus, Pickle Salted Eggs, Watercress Sauce
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

主廚將三種看似不相干的食材組合在一起, 成為一道色彩相當鮮豔的料理,綠蘆筍通常在西餐料理幾乎都是配角, 很少將蘆筍捧成主角, 鮮綠色新鮮蘆筍的清脆搭配橘紅色紅蘿蔔的軟嫩, 美國空運蘆筍品質本來就不錯, 主廚只稍微撒些鹽調味較不會平淡. 廚師將台灣大武山農場的有機蛋製作成鹹蛋黃灑在料理上方, 仔細一看鹹蛋黃不是粉抹狀, 而是結晶狀, 單吃起來並沒有想像中地鹹, 紅色點綴是花椒, 卻沒有辣味. 水田芥醬則是帶有點淡淡的芥末風味, 主廚加了初榨橄欖油與Cream Cheese 後變得較為濃稠, 整道吃起來是清爽, 建議跟朋友一起分享.
The chefs create a colorful dish with three unrelated ingredients. The main character would be the green crisp asparagus with orange-red soft carrot. The chef only marinated with a bit of salts in order to make the imported asparagus flavorful. Soupstar Kitchen uses the high-cost organic egg. When looking closely, the salty egg is not powder, instead, it is tiny cubes. If eating the salty egg alone, the flavor is not salty. The red decoration is peppercorn but without any spicy flavor. The thick watercress sauce has hints of wasabi spicy flavor along with EVOO and creme cheese. However, I simplify just like the aspergarus’ simply flavor and taste. I would recommend this dish for sharing with friends instead of main course.


波本威士忌燉五花肉, 奶油娃娃菜, 義式玉米糕

Bourbon Whisky, Baby Cabbage, Porkbelly, Cornmeal
Price: NTD $580
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

主廚花了三小時用 Jack Daniel 波本威士忌燉煮台灣黑毛豬肉, 原本以為是像西式料理燉牛肉一樣切塊放入碗盤中, 但卻是像中式料理的東坡肉, 油亮深褐色五花肉視覺感讓人垂涎, 切開豬肉時, 肥厚豬皮與瘦肉分離, 後來發現若不依肉的紋路切, 其實會切得較辛苦, 文末有影片較為詳細, 建議瘦肉與肥肉一起沾一旁的燉汁一起入口較不會乾澀, 吃起來有焦糖與鹹香, 與中式控肉一樣風味. 奶油娃娃菜與 “nkụ Taipei” 娃娃菜一樣有先燒烤過, 方正油炸金黃色玉米糕放置在一旁, 可惜兩款食材都浸在燉汁中稍微變軟.
The chef spends 3 hours to brew this Taiwanese pork belly with Jack Daniel Bourbon Whiskey. I originally though they cut the porkbelcy into the bowl. But instead, this dish’s representation is more like Chinese cuisine – Dongpo Pork. The bright and oily dark brown color pork belly is mouth-watering. While cutting down the pork belly, the slim meat and fats are separated. The video of cutting is at the end of article. I would suggest to eat fats and slim meat together along the the sauce, so, the meat would taste better. The taste is a bit sweet, with caramel flavor. The grilled baby cabbage and golden fried cornmeal are both placed on the sauce. It becomes a bit soggy though.



Chateau de Villeneuve Saumur Champigny rouge 2015

ABV: 13 %
Price: NTD $300/ Glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這支是來自法國的 100 % Cabernet Franc 紅酒, 深紅色酒體對常喝 Merlot 和 Syrah 我來說並不會過於濃郁, 單寧和覆盆子果醬風味較為適中, 搭配餐點並不會搶走主餐的風光.
This wine is 100% Cabernet Franc Red Wine. Dark red wine body is not as thick as I think since I often drink Merlot and Syrah. The Tannin and raspberry jam flavor is not strong. Therefore, it is perfect pairing with food since it wont cover any food flavor.


Mansion House Bay Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2016

ABV: 13 %
Price: NTD $300/ Glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這支來自紐西蘭的清澈白酒顏色呈現金黃色, 果香濃郁, 喝起來有芭樂與微百香果風味, 尾韻並沒有想像中地長久, 這杯是我朋友喝的, 她蠻愛喝這杯白酒.
This white wine is from New Zealand. The yellow-golden wine body has strong fruity flavor. It has guava and hints of passion fruit. it has a bit of dry end. My friend likes this wine.



Dutch Dream Cake ( Drømmekage )
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這款蛋糕是丹麥國民蛋糕, 就跟美國甜圈圈一樣幾乎小孩子都吃過, 蛋糕體吃起來如同磅蛋糕, 有些人在丹麥夢幻蛋糕灑上椰子碎片, 星高湯廚房則是很單純地將蛋糕表層撒上糖且將炙燒成像 Creme Brulee 一樣, 相當地脆且甜, 也加上討喜的香草冰淇淋與核桃, 目前在台北尚未看到其他甜點店販售這款蛋糕, 建議兩人分享.
As the name stated, this is the most popular cake at Holland. Almost every kid in Holland eats Dutch Dream Cake (Drømmekage). The cake body is similar with pound cake. On the cake surface, some people might spread the coconut flakes. But Soupstar Kitchen spread the sugar and torch it to make the surface sweet and crispy. The chef also puts the vanilla ice cream on the top. I would suggest to share this cake with your friends.



New York Cheese Cake
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

照理說, 不管是 Cheese Cake 或是 New York Cheese Cake 都應該是表面光滑, 只是星高湯廚房的 Cheese Cake 卻是表層許多皺摺, 切面像馬來糕般, 叉子切下去時也是灑落整盤, 風味不及 Cheese Cake. 跟丹麥夢幻蛋糕相比, 我會比較推薦第一款甜點 – 丹麥夢幻蛋糕.
Generally speaking, both Cheese Cake or New York Cheese Cake’s surface is supposed to be smooth. But Soupstar Kitchen’s Cheese surface and section is a bit like Cantonese Sponge Cake. When cutting down the cake, the crumbles are spreader all over.  I would recommend this first cake, which is the Dutch Dream Cake.


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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店名: 星高湯廚房
地址: 台北市大安區文昌街132號 (Map)
捷運: 信義安和捷運站
營業時間: 以臉書為主
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoupstarTw/
Restaurant Name: Soupstar The Kitchen
Address: No. 132,Wenchang Street, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Xinyi AnHe MRT station
Tel: 02-2700-0009
Operation Hour: Check Facebook





