Cafe Madeleine Taipei 》台北瑪德蓮小酒館是歐式優雅風格的代表

Last Updated on 2020-03-14 by Foodelicious

瑪德蓮小酒館台北餐酒館之一, 許多人將瑪德蓮餐酒館列於公館朋友聚餐的餐廳名單裡.
Cafe Madeleine is one of the Taipei Bistros. Many people list Cafe Madeleine as a friends-gathering restaurant at Taipei Gongguan area.

瑪德蓮小酒館菜單在文末 Cafe Madeleine Menu is at the end of article

瑪德蓮小酒館位於歷史悠久的公館金石堂書局 B1, 最靠近公館捷運站 1 號出口, 一邊緩緩地步入地下一樓, 一邊欣賞著餐廳的歐式裝潢元素. 室外座位有玻璃隔著不怕下雨, 任何時刻都可以有複製歐洲戶外用餐風格. 雖然瑪德蓮餐廳已經營許久, 室內時尚裝潢比 “Saveur 歐洲風味餐坊” 更具有親和力, 絲毫也不輸給有故事性英倫風格裝潢的 “Bagel Bagel Cafe & Bar” , 聽著餐廳播放的法文歌曲, 我非常喜歡瑪德蓮小酒館整體的用餐氛圍. 值得一提的是瑪德蓮餐廳也有下午茶時段.
Cafe Madeleine is located near Gongguan MRT station No. 1 Exit. The exact location is at B1 Kingstone Bookstore. The outdoor seating area has the glass rooftop to avoid the rain. The customers can still enjoy the European Dining atmosphere at bad weathers. The indoor design is not old fashion (For example “Saveur Restaurant”). The detailed design is as good as “Bagel Bagel Cafe & Bar” theme design. Overall, I like their dining environment. Also, Cafe Madeleine has afternoon tea time.

延伸閱讀: Saveur 歐洲風味餐坊 》隱藏在台北巷弄內的法式家常餐廳

延伸閱讀: 松江南京捷運站餐廳 》Bagel Bagel Cafe & Bar | 英倫風裝潢餐廳

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



Madeleine Gnocchi Set
Price: NTD $400 + NTD $80 = NTD $480



法國麵包, 初榨橄欖油和巴薩米克酒醋

Baguette, Extra Virigin Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

瑪德蓮餐酒館有分兩種套餐選擇, 我與朋友都是選“湯品與兩片法國麵包”, 喝著溫熱南瓜湯, 伴隨著法式麵包香氣, 外脆內軟口感完勝許多台北西式餐廳, 巴薩米克酒醋與初榨橄欖油的搭配是經典. 雖然 NTD $80 的升級加價比 “NOTE – inhouse” 多 NTD $40, 精緻度與美味程度較高.
Madeleine restaurant has two set options. My friend and I picked “Soup with two slices Baguette”. The pumpkin soup is flavorful along with the crispy baguette. The classic Extra Virigin Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar is a must in western cuisines. Even though extra NTD $80 is higher than “NOTE – inhouse”, but it is worth it.

延伸閱讀: NOTE – inhouse 》信義安和站平價義大利麵燉飯餐廳



Madeleine Gnocchi
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道瑪德蓮特製手工麵疙瘩單點是 NTD $400, 這道看似簡約的料理有店家自製義大利麵疙瘩, 橄欖, 培根與起司刨片, 麵疙瘩口感偏緊實, 而不是像 “al sorriso 義式餐廳”的麵疙瘩軟綿, 濃郁奶香醬汁包覆著味蕾, 整體不錯吃. 其實並不是每家台北義大利餐廳都有販售麵疙瘩, 而且通常配料不會有太多食材, 因此單價 NTD $400 在不常吃義式料理的人們眼裡是偏中高.
This single dish is NTD $400. The content includes hand-made Gnocchi, olive, bacon, and cheese flake. The gnocchi texture is dense, unlike the tender and soft Gnocchi at “al sorriso Italian Restaurant”. The tastebuds would experience the creamy texture with milk flavor from sauce. The overall taste is good. Not every Italian restaurant in Taipei offers Gnocchi. And its side ingredients are usually quite simple. Therefore, However, some people might consider NTD $400 is a bit higher than expected.

延伸閱讀: 台北東區美食 》al sorriso 義式餐廳 | 義大利食材百匯天堂

台北義大利餐廳 Taipei Italian Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 台北義大利餐廳列表 》Taipei Italian Restaurant

延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



Stewed Pork Fillet
Price: $400
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

這道是我朋友點的, 單點價格為 NTD $400, 馬鈴薯與里肌豬肉整齊置放, 我的那一口里肌肉嫩度非常高, 搭配著鹹香與奶香, 馬鈴薯切片吸收醬汁後吃起來也不錯.
My friend ordered this dish. The potato and pork fillet are placed perfectly on the plate. The only bite at the pork is extremely tender along with salty and creamy flavor. The slice potato also absorbs the sauce and tastes quite good.



Price: $140
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

瑪德蓮小酒館的拿鐵喝起來不會苦, 可考慮在下午茶時段喝咖啡與吃餐廳的經典瑪德蓮甜點.
The Latte is not bitter. Maybe you can consider drink coffee and eat their famous madeleine.



店名: 瑪德蓮小酒館
地址:台北市中正區汀州路三段192號 B1 (Map)
捷運站: 公館站
電話: 02-2365-5980
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Restaurant: Cafe Madeleine
Address: B1, No. 192, 3rd Section, Tingzhou Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Gongguan MRT station
Tel: 02-2365-5980
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm

瑪德蓮小酒館菜單 》 Cafe Madeleine Menu

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