(搬家) 台北鳥喜 (produced by Toriki とり喜) 是台北信義區 Neo 19 餐廳之一, 也是台北米其林餐盤餐廳之一. 近期推出的鳥喜商業午餐價格深受附近上班族喜愛. (Moved) Produced by Toriki Taipei Restaurant is one of the Neo 19 restaurants. Its recent price-friendly l...
這篇文章是我的化妝保養品清單. This article is regarding my cosmetic and skin care list. 清潔品 Wash Care Items 1. Aesop Body Cleanser 回購率: 👍 保存期限: 2021/5 2. Aveda invati Advanced Solution of Thinning Hair 滋養液 回...
(已歇業) 台北東區義大利餐廳相當多, 近期 al sorriso 義式餐廳新主廚推出 al sorriso 新菜單, 也推出台北 2018 聖誕跨年套餐, 這次很榮幸品嚐到al sorriso 聖誕跨年套餐. (Closed Down) There are many Italian Restaurants at the Taipei East District. Al Sorriso Itali...
(已結束營業) 2018 台北新開幕餐廳談談越新越式美食 (Talk the Pho) 是國父紀念館捷運站餐廳之一, 也在台北東區越南河粉餐廳名單上. ( Closed Down ) Newly-Opened Talk the Pho Vietnamese restaurant is one of the restaurants near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station...
春美冰菓室就是近期與知名主廚江振誠合作快閃活動的甜品店, 也可以歸類於另類南京復興甜點冰品店之一, 秋冬推出溫熱甜品. Chun Mei Ice Shop cooperated with famous Chef André Chiang to create a almond jelly flash event. They are promoting their new fall/winter ho...
BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館商業午餐出了名地平價, 二樓挑高裝潢成為這家台北中山區餐廳的特色, 只是 BeApe 餐酒館訂位方式較特別, 一併採用網路訂位. BeApe French Bistro Lunch Set is quite price-friendly. The 2nd floor high ceiling design becomes one of the attraction of ...
台北適合聖誕節朋友聚餐的餐廳在哪裡? 但並不一定要有聖誕大餐, 這篇文章也適合在找台北團體聚餐推薦的人. Where can I find a restaurant suitable for friends gathering on Christmas? But, it doesn't have to have Christmas dining set. This article is also ...
台灣進口平價葡萄酒有哪些? ISLA NEGRA 智利之星葡萄酒系列即在 500元以下的平價葡萄酒名單上, 而且不用到酒專, 直接在便利商店、全聯社和大賣場皆有販售 Which wine is price-friendly at Taiwan? Imported Wine ISLA Negra from Chile offers below NTD $500 wines. You can also...
你正在搜尋適合約會的台北聖誕節餐廳嗎? 但是又不太喜歡參與昂貴餐廳聖誕節活動, 那你相當適合看這篇 “Top 5 2018 台北聖誕節約會餐廳推薦”. Are you searching for the suitable restaurant for Christmas dating restaurant at Taipei City? But, you don't want the so-cal...
(已結束營業) Piccolo Caffè 是台北信義區早午餐餐廳之一, 也是一家臨近六張犁捷運站且有綠色店面且充滿義大利風情的咖啡店. (Closed Down) Piccolo Caffè Taipei is one of the brunch restaurants at Taipei Xinyi District. Its green color store front is quit...