樂魚料亭 Leyu Ryotei 》關於這家中壢日式無菜單料理的四個重點

Last Updated on 2022-10-10 by Foodelicious

樂魚料亭桃園中壢日式板前料理餐廳之一 , 已經成為預約困難的餐廳. 此篇文章有關於樂魚料亭訂位, 菜單價格, Review 與適合誰去的四個重點.
Leyu Ryotei is one of the Japanese Omakase Restaurant at Zhongli , Taoyuan City. This article includes reservation method , omakase menu price ..etc details.

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Leyu Ryotei Reservation and Parking

樂魚料亭地址為桃園市中壢區中正路302巷6號1樓 , 其實在 2021 年就已經開幕, 我跟朋友們用餐時間是 2022 年 6 月的朋友包場. 樂魚料亭在中壢火車站附近, 可以選擇開車, 停車可停在中壢區中豐路335號之1(無特約)(截圖 ) , 如果是坐到中壢火車站, 再搭計程車就可以到路口 , 樂魚料亭旁邊是老街溪河堤旁. 樂魚料亭訂位是 inline ( https://bit.ly/3vwLZih ) . 請注意目前是預約困難, 多數人是選擇中午用餐.
Leyu Ryotei Japanese restaurant address is 1F, No. 6, 302th Lane, Zhongzheng Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City. They are opened at June, 2022. My friends and I dine there on June, 2022.The restaurant location is near Zhongli train station. You can choose to park (as picture). If you take the train to Zhongli, you can take the taxi from the train station. You can reserve Leyu Ryotei Japanese restaurant via inline ( https://bit.ly/3vwLZih ). Please note that it is not easy to reserve seats now. Most people choose to dine at Lunch Time.

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Leyu Ryotei Menu Price

樂魚料亭是無菜單日式板前料理餐廳, 因此菜單內容會因每次當季食材而不一樣. 訂位頁面提到的價格是 NTD $1600 + 10 %/ 位, 那次我們吃的 2022 年 6 月包場價格是 NTD $2000+10%/位 ( 不包括開瓶費 ), 菜單內容會因當天食材狀況而定,   請注意這裡只收現金. 因為升級, 那次吃的有河豚白子 ,鮟鱇魚肝, 札幌雲丹馬糞海膽等高級食材.
Leyu Ryotei only offers Omakase menu, which means the content may be vary due to the seasonal ingredients. The reservation page stated that the price is NTD $1600+10%/per person. My friends and I choose to upgrade to NTD $2000+10%/per person (not include the corkage fee ). The menu may be vary due to the daily ingredients.  Please note that they only accept cash. Because of the upgrade, we have high-end ingredients, such as shirako ,monkfish liver , JapaneseHokkaido Bafun Uni.


樂魚料亭 Review

Leyu Ryotei Review

我吃過的高級日料只有 “花蕉 Hanasho“ 與 ”辰壽司割烹 “ , 也許很多日料達人會反駁跟樂魚料亭不同等級, 我是一位比較在意價格符合美味程度的人. 除了各種握壽司外,鯖魚押壽司, 江戶前玉子燒與釜飯都印象深刻. 以樂魚料亭價格, 能夠品嚐到高級海鮮食材的鮮甜, 坐在板前欣賞日料師傅的用心與調味 , 我認為你們可以安排時間去一趟.
I only tasted “Hanasho” and “CSC Club “ high-end Japanese restaurant. I am more concerned about if the price matches its delicious level. Besides various Nigiri sushi, we also tasted impressive Tamagoyaki and Kamameshi. With the reasonable price, you can arrange the visit to Leyu Ryotei restaurant.

延伸閱讀: 花蕉 Hanasho 》關於這家 台北 omakase 日料餐廳的五件事



樂魚料亭適合誰去? ⭐

Who are suitable to dine at Leyu Ryotei ?

✅ 喜歡吃無菜單日本板前料理的人
有些人不喜歡吃日本家庭料理, 只喜歡吃各種無菜單日本板前料理, 因為喜歡與師傅互動與現流海鮮.
✅ 不在乎用餐時間與地點的人
因為樂魚料亭在桃園中壢, 非在地人來說都有些距離, 用餐時間大約 2 ~ 2.5 小時.
✅ 在乎價格符合美味程度的人
台北高級日料大概都是 NTD $3500 + ~ NTD $10,000/位 , 相較之下, 樂魚料亭價格與美味程度成正比.

✅ People who like to eat Japanese Omakase restaurants
Some people do not like Japanese family cuisine. They only like omakase cuisine. They like the interaction with chefs and fresh and unique seafood.
✅ People who do not care about the restaurant location and dining time
Because the restaurant is at Zhongli , Taoyuan City, it is a bit far away. The dining time is about 2 ~ 2.5 hours.
✅ People who care about if the price matches the delicious level
High-End Taipei Japanese restaurant price is about NTD $3500 ~ above NTD $10,000. In comparison, Leyu Ryotei price is more reasonable and matches the delicious level.


樂魚料亭 資訊

Leyu Ryotei Information

店名: 樂魚料亭
地址: 桃園市中壢區中正路302巷6號1樓 (Map)
捷運站: N/A
電話: 0986-996-265
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leyu.ryotei/
Restaurant: Leyu Ryotei Japanese Restaurant
Address: 1F, No. 6, 302th Lane, Zhongzheng Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: N/A
Tel: 0986-996-265


