J WOW Dine Bar 》 預約制台北西餐私廚 (內有套餐與調酒)

Last Updated on 2023-09-29 by Foodelicious

JWOW Dine / Bar台北私廚無菜單料理餐廳之一 , 晚餐時間提供預約制西式套餐, 晚上 9:30pm 後則是預約制酒吧, 可點下酒菜與調酒.
J WOW Dine / Bar is a Taipei Private Kitchen that offers Omakase Western Cuisine. They offer reservation-only set menu during dinner time. After 9:30pm, it becomes reservation-only Bar with cocktails and al carte dishes.

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J WOW Dine / Bar 用餐環境

J WOW Dine / Bar Dining Environment

J WOW Dine / Bar 餐廳地址是台北市大安區安和路二段213號, 離六張犁捷運站約 10 分鐘路程, 位於台北遠東香格里拉飯店附近, 在夜晚無法錯過這一間有著時尚金色調裝潢的餐廳, 後來得知 J WOW Dine / Bar 餐廳的設計團隊得過許多知名設計大獎, 包括 美國國際設計大賽(IDA,International Design Awards). 進入餐廳仔細觀察, 這裡有投影機與影音設備, 適合辦活動.
J WOW Dine / Bar address is No. 213, 2nd Section, Anhe Road, Daan District, Taipei City. It is about 10 minutes walking from Liu Zhang Li MRT Station, which is also near Taipei Far Eastern Hotel. You can’t miss this golden color design restaurant. The restaurant designer, who is also the owner, won several world-wide famous design awards (For example: International Design Awards). There are also projectors and sound systems in the restaurant, which are suitable for hosting events.


J WOW Dine / Bar 訂位與低消

J WOW Dine / Bar Reservation & Minimum Charge

J WOW Dine / Bar 從 2023. 6 月從單點菜餚改成預約制無菜單西式套餐, 並不會事先有菜單提供參考, 若有過敏源或是不吃的食材, 請在訂位時備註.     J WOW Dine / Bar 訂位採用 inline ( https://reurl.cc/b9dAXr ) , 一人也能訂位, 每人在晚餐時段的低消為一份套餐  . 提前三日確定套餐要選 NTD $2200 或 NTD $3200. 晚上 9:30pm 以後則是只有預約制酒吧,  無法 Walk-in , 酒吧低消則是 NTD $1000/人, 有下酒菜與調酒.
J WOW Dine / Bar transforms into the restaurant that offers Omakase Western Cuisine after 2023, June.  There won’t be any menu in advance for reference. If you are allergic or do not eat certain ingredient, you can state at the reservation.  J WOW Dine / Bar reservation uses inline ( https://reurl.cc/b9dAXr ).  During Dinner time, the minimum charge is One Set/per person.  You would need to confirm the set menu (NTD $2200 or NTD $3200) 3 days prior.  After 9:30pm, they only offer reserve-only bar service and al carte bar food.



J WOW Dine / Bar 菜單

J WOW Dine / Bar 是預約制無菜單套餐, 無法直接 Walk-In, 並沒有菜單內容可以提前預覽.

✅ NTD $2200 (5 道式)
✅ NTD $3200 (6 道式)
1. 兩個價格差 NTD $1000 是因為 NTD $3200 套餐多了一道主餐, 且其中一道菜餚不同.
2. 西式套餐菜單是無菜單, 三天前可預約訂位, 同桌客人要選同一價值的套餐, 若有食材過敏, 請在訂位時備註

J WOW Dine / Bar offers reservation-only Omakase Western Cuisine Set Menu. You cannot walk-in. There is no menu content for viewing prior. 

Reservation-Only Set Menu has two types
✅ NTD $2200 (5 courses)
✅ NTD $3200 (6 courses)
1. NTD $3200 has one extra dish and offer one different dish
2. The menu is omasake set. You will need to confirm the set menu 3 days prior. Guests at the same table will need to order the same value of set. If there is any allergic ingredient, please state at the reservation




Reserved Set Content

我品嚐的是 NTD $3200 套餐 (6 道式).
I tasted NTD $3200 set, which has 6 courses.



Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

開胃菜不定期更換. 主廚採用西班牙火腿與菠菜巧妙地捲起綠蘆筍. 綠蘆筍有著清脆口感. 菠菜賦予的苦味偶而會掩蓋西班牙火腿的鹹香. 鵝黃色沙巴雍沾醬 ( sabayon ) 採用酒精濃度偏高的 Rum 取代傳統 Marsala Wine, 造就沾醬的酒香頗重, 整道開胃菜呈現苦鹹風味.
The appetizer may be vary. The chef rolls Spanish ham and spinach around green asparagus. The asparagus provides a crisp texture, while the bitterness of the spinach occasionally covers the savory of the Spanish ham. The chef uses rum with a higher alcohol content instead of traditional Marsala wine on the rich yellow color sabayon sauce. This substitution enhances the strong aroma of the sauce, resulting in a unique blend of bitter and salty flavors in the appetizer.



Iberico Ham / Japanese Eggplant
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這一道菜餚靈感來自「 小王子 Le Petit Prince 」故事. 香油拌炒蝦夷蔥模擬星球泥土. 日本圓茄泡芙則呈現褐色星球外型, 撒上些許金粉作點綴. 切開微軟口感的日本圓茄, 內餡流出帕瑪森起司與馬斯卡彭製作而成的奶油起司 (cream cheese) , 一起入口微厚重. 另一個方型則是模擬「 小王子 Le Petit Prince 」故事裡的另一個星球. 黑標 Bellota 100% Ibérico 西班牙伊比利火腿包覆定型, 內餡是天然百花蜜與碗豆餡, 鹹甜並存且有顆粒口感, 這道菜餚的故事性多過於美味的程度.
This dish is inspired by 「Le Petit Prince」story. The sautéed scallion represents the simulated soil of a planet. The Japanese eggplant choux pastry resembles a brown planet and is adorned with a sprinkle of gold powder. When cutting into the pastry , the cream cheese filling appears. When tasting, it is quite heavy on the palate. The other square-shaped element represents another planet from 「Le Petit Prince」story.  It is wrapped in 5J Bellota 100% Ibérico ham. It is filled with wildflower honey and lentil paste. It combines the flavors of savory and sweet with unique texture. The storytelling aspect of this dish outweighs its deliciousness.




炙燒鮭魚/ 酪梨/巴薩米克晶凍

Grilled Salmon/ Avocado/ Balsamic Vinegar Jelly
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

剛端上桌時, 我先品嚐帕瑪起司甜筒與脆爽口感的菜苗, 帕瑪起司風味停留在味蕾. 微炙燒生食級挪威鮭魚切成方塊型, 再將台灣酪梨切片疊在鮭魚上方, 單獨品嚐鮭魚可感受到肉質細緻, 搭配新鮮不會過軟的酪梨是經典組合. 搭配巴沙米可醋凍增加醋香, 難免會覆蓋住鮭魚的鮮美.
As the dish was served, I first tasted the Parmesan cheese cone and enjoyed the crispness of the greens. The flavor of Parmesan cheese lingered on my taste buds. The lightly seared, sashimi-grade Norwegian salmon was cut into square pieces. And slices of Taiwanese avocado were layered on top of the salmon. When tasted individually, the salmon showcased its delicate texture. When combined with the fresh and firm avocado, it created a classic pairing. The addition of balsamic vinegar jelly enhanced the tanginess, but it did slightly overpower the delicate flavor of the salmon.


伊比利火腿絲/ 日本大根雞白湯

Iberico Ham Slice/ Chicken Broth / Chive Oil
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這一道湯品類似中式雞湯, 採用桂丁雞雞骨與日本白蘿蔔熬煮4小時, 這一道雞湯過濾地乾淨, 有著適量濃稠口感, 些許日本大根在湯裡, 再以炙烤伊比利火腿細絲與店家自製蝦夷蔥油作為點綴, 在味蕾留下肉香與蔥香的餘韻.來自亞洲與歐洲的食材共存於一碗湯品有亮點.
This soup resembles a Chinese-style chicken soup, prepared by simmering chicken bones and Japanese radish for 4 hours. The soup is filtered and resulting in a clean and slightly thick texture. Small amount of Japanese daikon radish is added to the soup. The soup is garnished with thinly sliced grilled Iberico ham and shrimp scallion oil, leaving a lingering taste of meat and scallion on the palate. The combination of ingredients from Asia and Europe in a single bowl of soup is remarkable.



Dragon Grouper/nuts/ Spicy Sichuan Sauce
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

我都是在中式餐廳吃到龍虎斑 (例如: “晶華軒”的剁椒醬蒸龍虎斑) , 而且幾乎都是清蒸烹調方式, J WOW Dine / Bar 主廚則是先以 Sous-Vide 低溫烹調方式, 再用香煎方式, 魚肉如預期地嫩, 表層的堅果碎替代龍虎斑魚皮的酥脆口感, 中辣川魚醬汁讓這一道料理多些風味層次.
I mostly tasted steamed dragon grouper in Chinese restaurants, such as the “Silks House” steamed Grouper with Minced Chili Sauce. However, at J WOW Dine/Bar, the chef uses a different cooking method. The grouper is first cooked sous vide at a low temperature and then seared. The fish turns out tender as expected. Instead of the crispy texture of grouper skin, it is complemented by the nutty crumbs on the surface. The medium-spicy Sichuan fish sauce adds another layer of flavor to this dish.

延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》N訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)


菲力牛排 / 黛安娜 style

Tenderloin Steak Diane
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

J WOW Dine / Bar 主廚選用冷藏空運的 6oz 美國 Prime 等級菲力牛排, 通常將其烹調至 3 到 5 分熟, 單吃牛排有肉香, 油脂少但依舊微有嫩度. 最令我好奇的是主廚提到的「 黛安娜醬汁 」,黛安娜醬汁的經典製作方式是在桌邊將白蘭地倒進蘑菇醬與奶油製造火焰秀, J WOW Dine / Bar 在廚房先將白蘭地蘑菇與奶油製造好醬汁, 白蘭地蘑菇奶油醬並無酒味, 濃稠度也不高.牛排肉香搭配白蘭地蘑菇奶油醬為經典組合.
J WOW Dine/Bar’s chef selects 6oz USDA Prime grade fillet steak, which is air-freighted under refrigeration. The steak is usually cooked to medium-rare, resulting in a meaty aroma and tender texture with minimal fat. What intrigued me the most is the “Diana Style Sauce” mentioned by the chef. Diana Sauce is the sautéed mushrooms in a buttery flambéed Cognac sauce. However, at J WOW Dine/Bar, the brandy, mushrooms, and cream are already combined in the kitchen to create the sauce. It doesn’t have strong alcoholic taste nor the thickness. The combination of the steak’s meaty flavor and the mushroom cream sauce creates a classic pairing.



Madeleine / Makauy Lemon Curd
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

品嚐完牛排, 店員端上甜點, 有兩種風味的瑪德蓮 – 鹽之花與玫瑰風味, 這些小巧的瑪德蓮搭配著盤底的檸檬蛋黃醬(Lemon Curd), 有清新而甜美的檸檬風味,讓舌尖感受到酸甜滋味。
After enjoying the steak, the server brought out the desserts, which included two flavors of madeleines- Fleur de Sel  and Rose flavors. These petite madeleines were accompanied by a lemon curd sauce at the bottom of the plate, providing a refreshing and sweet lemon flavor that tantalized the taste buds with its tangy and sweet notes.




Coffee or Tea
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

看個人喜好點套餐飲料, 晚餐時間我點的是南非國寶茶 (Pic 1)
It depends on your preference. I ordered Rooibos Tea (Pic 1)


Cocktail Set Menu

J WOW Dine / Bar 有預約制酒吧, 晚上 9:30pm 後可單點下酒菜與調酒. 坐在吧台區仔細看會發現 J WOW Dine / Bar 有少見的酒 – 例如, 三得利白州威士忌. 若是品嚐套餐, 餐廳會建議直接點 Cocktail Set. 別擔心, 他們會在同一款Cocktail Set菜單中使用相同的基酒,並提供三種不同的調酒。
J WOW Dine / Bar offers a reservation-only bar where you can order a la carte appetizers and cocktails after 9:30 PM. When seated at the bar area, you will notice some rare and unique spirits available, such as the Suntory Hakushu Whisky. If you order for the set menu, the restaurant will suggest ordering the Cocktail Set. Rest assured that they will use the same base spirit for the cocktails within the same Cocktail Set menu, offering three different concoctions.



Cocktail Set – Neverland

J WOW Dine Bar 建議「 Neverland 」Cocktail Pairing Menu, 以 老爺巴拿馬蘭姆酒為基酒. Menu 有提到是 “使用手沖熱萃取”, 將老爺巴拿馬蘭姆酒 Anejo 與 7 年混合製成獨特的蘭姆基酒.
J WOW Dine Bar recommends the “Neverland” Cocktail Pairing Menu, featuring the use of Ron Abuelo Panamanian Rum as the base spirit. The menu mentions that it is “brewed using hand-poured hot extraction,” creating a unique blend of Ron Abuelo Anejo and 7-Year rum as the distinctive rum base.


彼得潘 Peter Pan

Ron Abuelo 7 Anos/ Mint Leaf/Lime/Japanese Soft Sugar/Soda
Price: NTD $500
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

這款調酒適合做為餐前酒的選擇, 也可搭配開胃菜, 酒精濃度不高, 搭配檸檬與長型冰塊, 蘭姆基酒的風味不會過於強烈, 呈現輕盈的口感, 單喝非常輕鬆.
This cocktail is a suitable choice as an aperitif and can be paired with appetizers. It has a moderate alcohol content and is served with lemon and a long ice cube, allowing the flavors of the rum base to shine without being overpowering. It offers a light and refreshing drinking experience.




溫蒂 Wendy

Ron Abuelo 7 Anos / Dita / Amaretto/Dry Curacao/Lime / Japanese Soft Sugar
Price: NTD $500
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

這一款調酒建議搭配牛排主餐. 荔枝香甜風味為主導, 干邑橙酒呈現糖漬橙皮風味, 讓這款調酒具有多層次甜度 , 蘭姆酒增加這道調酒的深度與豐富度, 相對酒精濃度也偏高, 建議搭配食物慢慢地喝
The suggested pairing for this cocktail is with a steak main course. It features a dominant sweet lychee flavor. With Cognac orange liqueur adding a candied orange peel note, resulting in a multi-layered sweetness. The rum brings depth and richness to the cocktail, and it has a relatively higher alcohol content. It is recommended to enjoy this cocktail slowly alongside food.




虎克 Captain Hook

Ron Abuelo XV / Bitter/Japanese Soft Sugar/ Salt
Price: NTD $500
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

Bartender在這款調酒中選用了Abuelo老爺15年陳年干邑桶蘭姆酒 , 穩重且香醇, 我不常喝調酒, 我個人認為這款調酒最特別的是旨味苦精與昆布鹽, 整杯喝起來有不常見的旨味 (Umami), 昆布鹽的鹹度更是增強海洋氛圍, 我個人建議吃完甜點再喝這一杯調酒. 若是只想點單杯調酒, 可考慮點這一杯調酒.
The bartender has selected Ron Abuelo 15 Years Cognac Cask for this cocktail. It is a mature and aromatic rum. What makes this cocktail particularly special, in my opinion, is the inclusion of the Japanese Bitters bitter essence and kombu salt. The combination adds a unique umami flavor to the drink. The kombu salt also enhances the oceanside atmosphere with its salty notes. Personally, I would recommend enjoying this cocktail after dessert. If you’re looking to order a single cocktail, this one is worth considering.

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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JWOW Dine/Bar 餐廳資訊

JWOW Dine/Bar Information

店名: JWOW Dine/Bar
地址: 台北市大安區安和路二段213號 (Map)
捷運站: 六張犁捷運站 (BR07)
電話: 02-2378-7777

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jwow.cafe

Restaurant: J WOW Dine/Bar
Address: No. 213, 2nd Section, Anhe Road, Daan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Liu Zhang Li Station(BR07)
Tel: : 02-2378-7777



