I Met You Cafe 》台北101 世貿捷運站不限時咖啡下午茶 | Taipei Coffee & Dessert

Last Updated on 2024-05-02 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down) 藍色裝潢的 I Met You Cafe少數台北信義區不限時咖啡下午茶餐廳, 知名甜點是玫瑰戚風蛋糕.
(Closed Down) I Met You Cafe is one of a few coffee & afternoon tea cafe without limited dining time. Its famous dessert is Rose Chiffon Cake.


菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article

與 “Gumgum Beer & Wings 雞翅啤酒吧” 在同一條巷弄內, 跟 “Le Blanc 餐廳“一樣藍色裝潢的I Met You Cafe 正門是面對公園, 室外歐式庭院風格裝潢非常IG-Friendly, 客人大部分是小資女或是學生, 室內裝潢也相當歐式, 尤其是獨立隔開的沙發區, 在木櫃與乾燥花的襯托下顯得相當復古.
The cafe is at the same area as the “Gumgum Beer & Wings Restaurant”. The theme color is the same as “Le Blanc restaurant”, which is navy blue. The cafe front door faces the park. Most customers are students and young females. The european indoor design is quite IG-friendly, especially the old-fashion sofa area.



我坐在靠近門口中規中矩的座位, 桌面較小, 文字工作者只適合放一台筆電, 且無插座, 因為沒收服務費, 需自動拿餐具和自行到櫃台點餐, 他們的Facebook不定期會介紹新菜單, 早午餐 Brunch 只提供到下午兩點, 我只點了他們的拿鐵,稍作休息聽店內放的 Adele 音樂.
I sat near the door. Since the table is a bit smaller, you can only put one laptop. Because they do not charge service fee, you would need to order at the counter and get utensils. Their Facebook frequently promote new dish. Their brunch only serves until 2pm. I only ordered their Latte.



拿鐵 (熱)

English Name: Latte
Price: $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

奶泡稍微紮實, 咖啡香氣並不如預期, 原本以為”I Met You Cafe” 會有獨特咖啡特色, 品酌的同時只有聞到少許單純焦香味, 並不是所謂的香醇, 中規中矩稍微失望. 後來才聽朋友說這家店的強項其實是戚風蛋糕甜點, 咖啡並不是主角.
The foam is medium dense. The coffee aroma is not as strong as expected. I thought that “I Met You Cafe” would have its unique flavor. However, it only has hints of burn flavor. Honestly, I am quite disappointed. Later on, I heard that this cafe is famous for its chiffon cake instead of coffee.







Restaurant Name 店名: I Met You Cafe
Address: No. 5, 380th Lane, 1st Section, Keelung Road, Taipei City 台北市信義區基隆路一段380巷5號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imetyou.tw/
Nearby MRT station: Taipei 101 MRT station 台北101 捷運站
電話:02- 2758-6323
營業時間: Monday ~ Friday 11:30am ~ 7pm
Saturday Sunday 11m ~ 7pm




