Gusto Market of Taste 好食多 》台北義大利食材店也賣美味義大利菜餚
Last Updated on 2022-03-27 by Foodelicious
(2022.3 更新) Gusto Market of Taste 好食多義大利食材專賣店是濱江市場美食推薦之一, 也販售台北好吃火腿帕尼尼與義大利菜餚可在店裡內用.
(Update March, 2022) Gusto Market of Taste offers various Italian Food ingredients at Taipei Binjiang Market. It also offers delicious panini and Italian dishes for dine-in.
Gusto 好食多 菜單在文末 》Gusto Menu is at the end of article
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關於 Gusto Market of Taste 好食多
About Gusto Market of Taste
Gusto 好食多 位於濱江市場巷弄內, 可從中山國中捷運站或是行天宮捷運站往台北魚市與台北果菜市場大樓方向走 30 分鐘, Gusto 好食多義大利食材店有戶外座位, 與 “慢慢弄”一樣有內用座位, 座位區域比我想得寬敞, 請想像快炒店 Style的座位. 我那天用餐時, 義大利籍老闆 William Di Nardo 正好在櫃檯後方工作, 只隨意聊個2分鐘, 他指著門口展示櫃, 提到除了義大利食材 (例如橄欖油與起司), 櫃檯更有多種肉品, 在聊天的同時, 廚師們進來直接問有無某某食材之類, 看來Gusto Market of Taste 好食多很受餐飲界歡迎. 他也提到星期日偶爾會舉辦週日早午餐活動, 平常則是有在販售一些帕尼尼與義大利家常菜餚.
Gusto – Market of Taste is located inside the alley of Taipei Binjiang Market. It is about 30 minutes walking from Zhongshan Junior High School MRT station or Xingtian Temple MRT station. Gusto has outdoor seats. It also has indoor seats, just like “Man Mano Cheese Lab”. Surprisingly, it has lots of indoor seats. The Italian owner Mr. William Di Nardo was working while I wondered around the shop. We chatted about 2 minutes regarding this shop has imported ingredients and meat items. While chatting, I discovered that quite a few chefs coming in and asking if the shop have certain ingredients. The shop is quite popular among Taipei restaurant industry. He also mentioned that they sometimes hosted Sunday brunch. They also sells panini and Italian dishes as well.
延伸閱讀: 慢慢弄乳酪坊 》台北新鮮義式手工起司專賣店 | Taipei Fresh Cheese
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Gusto 好食多菜單
Gusto Market of Taste Menu
Mortadella Panini
Price: NTD $290
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
台灣多數消費者都只看過已切片好的義大利開心果肉腸包裝, 或是像”Liquid Bread 三明治專賣店” 事先切好肉片放在保鮮盒. 我比較很喜歡 Gusto 現點現切., 店員則是將一整個開心果肉腸拿去切肉機切片, 帕尼尼用紙袋裝再切半方便分享, 微溫微酥麵包體,搭配有著軟嫩口感的微辛香肉腸肉片, 有吃到開心果粒而非粉末, 整體肉香會保存得相當好, 值得 NTD $290. 如果到 Gusto 好食多, 我會建議點帕尼尼系列.
Most Taiwanese consumers only see Mortadella sliced vacuumed package in the supermarket. Or just like “Liquid Bread Company” pre-slice it and store in the container. I would prefer Gusto staff to cut the slice after I ordered, which is made to order. The staff would take the Mortadella to the cutting machine to slice. The Panini would be paper-wrapped and cut in half or sharing. The warm crispy bread pairs great with soft texture and sautéed Mortadella slice. I can taste the actual pistachio instead of powder. The overall meat flavor is great and reserved well. It is definitely worth the NTD $290. If you ever visit Gusto Market of Taste, I would suggest you to order Panini series.
延伸文章: LIQUID BREAD COMPANY 》台北大安區美式輕食三明治搭配啤酒
ღ 台北義大利餐廳 Taipei Italian Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 台北義大利餐廳列表 》Taipei Italian Restaurant
延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation
冷切肉盤 & 乳酪盤 (小)
Cold Cuts & Cheese Served with Pickles, Bread, Honey & Nuts
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
冷盤有分大 (NTD $1600) , 中 (NTD $880 ) , 小 (NTD $480), 與 “肉 RÒU by T-HAM” 的綜合RÒU拼盤相比, 視覺上 Gusto 的份量比較豐盛, 甚至有些肉還是現切, 比 “Jarana” 冷切肉盤好吃, 起司的份量也頗多, 夠我們五人吃. 甚至有搭配蜂蜜與堅果, 若是平常沒有吃冷切肉盤, 四人建議可點小 Size 吃.
This mixed charcuterie dish has Large (NTD $1600), Medium (NTD $880) and Small (NTD $480). Comparing with “RÒU by T-HAM” cold cut plate, Gusto’s size is bigger. Some of the meats are cut on site instead of packaged meat. Overall, it tastes better than “Jarana”. The cheese quantity are quite enough for five of us to share. There are even honey and nuts to pair with. If there are four people, I would suggest the small size for you guys.
延伸閱讀: 肉 RÒU by T-HAM 》敦南店是低調隱密的台北餐酒館也是精品肉舖
延伸閱讀: Jarana Taipei 》菜單除了西班牙鴨肝麵外還點哪些菜餚
Focaccia x Lardo
Price: NTD $130/份
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
此道在小黑板上, 並沒有在菜單裡. 我不確定照片裡是不是兩份 (NTD $260) 還是一份 (NTD $130) , 結帳時我沒有注意看. 我上次在台北吃豬背脂 (Lardo) 是在“草頭西”, 那時在草頭西餐酒館, 金殼蝦是主角,豬背脂是配角. 這次在 Gusto 好食多吃的則是豬背脂擔當主角, 蒜味佛卡夏為配角, 佐芝麻葉有降低預期的蒜香與松露香, 豬背脂搭配初榨橄欖油與松露是很有趣的組合. 沒吃過豬背脂的人可考慮.
This is a special menu at the black board. I am not sure if the picture shows two units (NTD $260) or just one unit (NTD $130) since I didn’t check the bill. Last time I had lard was at “Catouxi Bistro”. The shrimp is the main character, and the lard is just adding the flavor. Now at Gusto, the lard dominates this dish. Focaccia is crispy. The arugula decreases the garlic and truffle flavor. The Lardo with EVOO and truffle is an interesting combination. If you never try Lardo before, you can consider ordering it.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》搬家後訂位困難的草頭西餐酒館值得再訪
炸起司麵磚- 南瓜義式香腸
Frittata Napoletana with Pumpkin & Sausage
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
這一道拿坡里式炸起司麵磚是義大利地方傳統小吃, 在台北義大利餐廳 “ La Mole “ 或是 “Sapori “ 家庭式義大利菜單都沒有看到過. 我本來以為外型會像 “ PS Tapas “ 的西班牙馬鈴薯烘蛋, 孰不知反而像義大利版本的棺材板. 外酥內 綿密, 義大利麵內餡很有趣, 澱粉滿滿吃得飽, 南瓜風味比較不是我喜歡的風味, 但是我還是推薦點,因為在其他地方都沒吃過, 很適合嚐鮮.
This Frittata Napoletana with Pumpkin & Sausage is a traditional local Italian dish. You wouldn’t see this dish at other Taipei Italian restaurants’ menu ( “La Mole” or “Sapori”. ). I thought about the appearance would look like Spanish Omelete at “PS Tapas”. But, the appearance is quite out of expectation. It is crispy on the outside and creamy in the side. The pasta filling is full of starch and pumpkin flavor and small amount of sausage. However, pumpkin flavor is not my favorite. However, I still would suggest to order it since it is quite interesting to eat.
延伸閱讀: La Mole Taipei 》饕客們心目中的台北義大利餐廳推薦
延伸閱讀: PS Tapas 西班牙餐廳 》 忠孝敦化捷運站美食 | Taipei Bistro
Truffle & Mushroom Bruschetta
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
普切塔 ( Bruschetta ) 是義大利經典開胃小點, 可惜是一大片麵包, 需要自己分切與其它人分享, 如果是一小片會更好.
Bruschetta is an Italian traditional appetizer. You would need to cut to share since it is a large toast. It would better if it is already pre-cut.
Tuscany Style Beef Tripe
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
牛肚經過燉煮與分切後, 仍舊有點韌性, 麵包可拿來搭配燉牛肚一起入口, 我個人是覺得還可以, 但是因為其他台北義大利餐廳菜單也有燉牛肚, 請自行考量.
After the stew and cut, the beef tripe is still a bit chewy. The bread can pair with the stewed tripe. I personally consider it is average. Since there are other Italian restaurants that have beef tripe, please consider before ordering.
Corn Gnocchi with Four Cheese
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
我上次吃麵疙瘩是在 “Cantina del Gio 義大利餐廳”, 但是在 Gusto 好食多, 這道麵疙瘩是義大利籍老闆自己做, 這是玉米澱粉做的, 口感並不會 al dente, 而是軟軟沙沙的口感, 但是加的起司是平常義大利餐廳吃不太到的. 四種起司包括 Gorgonzala, Brie, Tomino, Tale Ggio, 都是口味重的起司, 更特別的是可隨意加橄欖油調味, 這道比較適合喜歡嚐鮮的人點, 最好是2 ~ 3 人分享.
Last time I had Gnocchi was at “Cantina del Gio Italian Restaurant”. But in Gusto Taipei, the corn gnocchi is made by the owner. Interesting enough, this Gnocchi is made with corn. So, the texture is mushy instead of al dente. The most surprising part would be the four heavy flavor cheeses are not common in Taiwan, which includes Gorgonzala, Brie, Tomino, Tale Ggio. You can also spread any type of Olive Oil on the dish to eat. This dish is for people who like to try new style of foods. It is better to order for 2 ~ 4 people to share.
延伸閱讀: Ascent Way Italian Wine 》Donnafugata 葡萄酒搭配 Cantina del Gio 料理
Gusto 好食多酒單
Gusto Alcohol Menu
Birra Moretti L’Autentica (330ml)
Price: N/A
ABV: 4.6%
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
如果 “MORITZ 莫里茲啤酒” 是西班牙所謂的國民啤酒, 那 Birra Moretti 就是義大利國民啤酒品牌. 這款淺色拉格啤酒屬於輕盈型, 苦味不明顯, 適合搭配許多類型的食物.
If “Moritz beer” is Spanish national beer, than Birra Moretti is the Italian national beer. This lager is light and less bitter. It is suitable for many types of dishes.
延伸閱讀: MORITZ 》The Beer Of Barcelona | 西班牙啤酒
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
Store Information
餐廳: Gusto Market of Taste 好食多
地址: 台北市中山區龍江路370巷47號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山國中捷運站 或 行天宮捷運站
電話: 02-2518-0458
Restaurant: Gusto Market of Taste
Address: No.47, 370th Lane, 4th Section, Longjiang Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan Junior High School MRT station or Xingtian Temple MRT station
Tel: 02-2518-0458
Gusto 好食多 Menu 2022