昇恆昌金湖飯店早餐 Golden Lake Hotel Breakfast 》金門飯店住宿 | Kinmen Hotel
Last Updated on 2020-03-21 by Foodelicious
金門民宿與飯店比宜蘭民宿和飯店數量少, 昇恆昌金湖飯店 ( Golden Lake Hotel ) 在金門可以算是 “礁溪寒沐酒店”等級, 早餐 Buffet 比台北一些五星級飯店豐盛.
Yilan has more Hotels and Airbnb than Kinmen. However, Golden Lake Hotel level is about the newly-opened “MU Hotels” at Jiaoxi, Yilan. As for the breakfast buffet, it is in fact better than some of the 5-star hotels in Taipei City.
目錄 / Table of Contents
飯店和住房心得 Hotel and Hotel Room Review
延伸閱讀: 昇恆昌金湖飯店 Golden Lake Hotel 》金門飯店住宿 | Kinmen Hotel
飯店早餐 Hotel Breakfast
Check-in 房間時, 櫃檯會提供早餐Buffet 餐卷給房客, 早餐地點在飯店一樓的 湖光餐廳, 用餐時間是 6:30 am ~ 9:30am, 比其他飯店較早結束. 抵達餐廳門口時, 收回餐卷後. 服務生會提供一個桌上立牌寫著 “ 用餐中”, 餐廳相當寬敞, 坐起來相當舒適, 至於餐色部分, 竟然有“金門戰地炒泡麵”和 “金門廣東粥”
After checking-in, the hotel staff will give the guests free breakfast coupon. The breakfast location would be at the first floor Lake View Restaurant. The dining time is between 6:30am ~ 9:30am, which ends earlier than some hotels. After entering the restaurant, the staff would hand a “DINING NOW” tablet to the guests. The guests can place it on the table in case someone want to sit at the seats. The restaurant is huge with cozy dining atmosphere. The cuisine selection includes the Kinmen unique dish- Kinmen Stir-Fried Instant noodles and Kinsmen Guandong Porridge.
English Name: Kinmen Stir-fried Instant Noodles
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這道炒泡麵背後多了一個故事, 再也不是台灣人公認的廉價食物. 金門戰地炒泡麵故名思議就是金門當地特色料理, 軍人到軍營附近小吃店, 老闆研發出來的一道料理, 有些小吃店是用維力麵, 有些是用科學麵, 至於金湖飯店用哪種泡麵就不得而知. 金門戰地炒泡麵裡有相當多食材, 包括高麗菜, 紅蘿蔔, 香菇, 培根, 青蔥, 肉絲和蛋, 我並沒有看到立牌上提到的蝦仁, 泡麵相當入味帶有鹹味與油香, 只要吃少量就會有飽足感, 誰會不愛炒泡麵?
There is a story behind this dish. There are several military bases at Kinmen. Therefore, the restaurant chef improvise a dish that can satisfy many soldiers and also easy to cook. Since instant noodles were cheap, the chef decided to stir-fried and add a bunch of other food ingredients to complete this unique dish. Golden Lake Hotel’s stir-fried instant noodles has cabbage, carrot, mushroom, bacon, green onions and scrabble eggs. But I didn’t see any shrimp nor seafood as the dish tablet stated. The instant noodle itself has fair amount of soy sauce aroma as well. Who wouldn’t love instant noodle once in a while.
English Name: Kinmen Guandong Porridge
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這一大鍋熱騰騰的金門廣東粥裡並沒有看到豬肝, 但是有玉米, 當然也少不了肉絲與肉丸, 肉丸的形狀有點像肉羹, 而非圓形, 口感相當嫩但欠缺一些所謂的肉味, 倒是粥與高湯有其他食材的精華而有層次的風味, 建議可加放在粥前方的胡椒粉或是油蔥酥加重風味, 油條吃起來較不酥脆, 我連喝兩碗粥, 第二碗加上花生與肉鬆.
Golden Lake Hotel’s Kinmen Guandong Porridge doesn’t have pig liver. Instead, it has corns. The other food ingredients included sliced pork and ground pork meatball, which is lack of meaty flavor. However, the porridge has layers of flavors since the broth has all the other ingredients’ essence. I would suggest to add the pepper or shallot to enhance its flavor. Sadly, the fried bread stick is not crispy. But the porridge is delicious, so I had two.
English Name: Others
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A
中西式早餐各半, 西式選擇裡有麥片, 當然也少不了專業商用咖啡機, 中式選擇裡較特別的是有鹹蛋與酒香茶葉蛋 (並沒有酒味), 甚至也有養樂多.
There are Western and Chinese breakfast cosines to select from. It also has coffee and oatmeals. The most interesting dish would be the salty egg and alcohol-boiled tea egg, which it doesn’t have any alcohol flavor. It also has yukalt.
延伸閱讀: 其他飯店 Other Hotels
Hotel Name 飯店名稱: 昇恆昌金湖飯店 Golden Lake Hotel
Address: No. 218, 2nd Section, Taihu Road, Kinmen County, Taiwan金門縣金湖鎮太湖路二段218號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goldenlakehotel/
Multi-language Website: http://www.goldenlakehotel.com/TC/