February 2020 Food & Wine Online English Articles 》2020年2月餐酒英文網路文章

Last Updated on 2020-04-25 by Foodelicious

我的2020 年新訂計畫目標包括閱讀且紀錄餐酒英文網路文章, 可惜我並沒有在一月實踐, 因此決定從 2020年 2 月進行月PO紀錄文, 此篇文章列出的連結並無中文翻譯, 而且不會 PO 到 Facebook Fan Page.
My New 2020 Plan to read and document Food and Wine Online English News. Sadly, I didn’t execute this job on January. So, I decide to document starting from February monthly. Also, all the links do not have Chinese translation. And I won’t post on Facebook Fan Page.


Picture: Unsplash

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New York Times Cooking

Website: https://cooking.nytimes.com
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/nytcooking

1. Meera Sodha’s Chicken Curry
Link: https://pse.is/Q6PJJ
ghee: 澄清奶油
Link: https://nommagazine.com/黃金-ghee:印度的澄清奶油/


2. Saag Tofu (Tofu With Spinach, Ginger, Coriander and Turmeric)
Link: https://pse.is/QM9XZ
Indian cheese paneer: Paneer 的另一個名稱叫 Chenna, 屬於新鮮乳酪fresh cheese 的 Paneer, 在製作過程中未加入動物性凝乳酵素 Rennet, 所以很受素食者的歡迎, Paneer 是不會遇熱融化的乳酪(如灑在披薩上的Mozzerella),切成小小立方體之後,即使入鍋油炸都不會糊成爛泥,所以也很適合放入料理中享用。


3. Veal Chops in Cherry-Pepper Sauce
Link: https://pse.is/P88HL
Agrodolce [ˌaɡroˈdoltʃe] is a traditional sweet and sour sauce in Italian cuisine. Its name comes from “agro” (sour) and “dolce” (sweet). Agrodolce is made by reducing sour and sweet elements, traditionally vinegar and sugar. Sometimes, additional flavorings are added, such as wine, fruit, or even chocolate. It can be used for lamb, and served over rigatoni or wide noodles, such as pappardelle.Though the term “aigre-doux” could refer to any sweet and sour sauce in French cuisine, a gastrique is very similar to agrodolce


4. Pasta e Ceci (Italian Pasta and Chickpea Stew)
Link: https://pse.is/JWQCX
Yes, pasta e ceci (pasta with chickpeas) is mighty similar to pasta e fagioli (pasta with beans). But since canned chickpeas hold together much better than canned white beans, chickpeas have the edge in the weeknight version of this Italian classic.



5. Braised Pork All’Arrabbiata
Link: https://pse.is/QAWYM
Remark: 波倫塔(義大利語:Polenta)是一種義大利式的玉米粥,是把粗玉米粉煮滾後製成的食物。波倫塔本身是一個音譯詞,亦有意譯作玉米粥或玉米糊。在英語國家,稱作mush



6. Gravlax
Link: https://pse.is/QNAHV
Remark: Gravlax: the Nordic sugar-salt cured salmon. 醃製鮭魚(瑞典語:Gravlax或gravad lax,丹麥語:gravad laks,挪威語:gravlaks,芬蘭語:graavilohi)是一道菜名,在北歐地區非常盛行。用糖、鹽及蒔蘿醃製鮭魚,作為前菜、搭配麵包作為點心或搭配馬鈴薯作主食都是常見選擇。


7. Everything You Don’t Know About Chocolate
Link: https://pse.is/P6SFU


8. Shrimp and White Beans With Fennel and Pancetta
Link:  https://pse.is/Q8SEW
Remark:索夫利特醬(西班牙語:sofrito),是西班牙、義大利、葡萄牙與拉丁美洲料理中的一種底醬。不同地方的索夫利特醬製法各異,不過一般都含有切成小塊的芳香食材,用食用油快炒或燒煮而成。 在西班牙料理中,索夫利特醬包含大蒜、洋蔥、辣椒粉、番茄醬等食材,以橄欖油烹飪而成,常被稱為西班牙番茄醬。而在講葡萄牙語的國家中這種醬汁稱為refogado或estrugido,其中洋蔥與橄欖油必不可少,此外大蒜與月桂葉也是常見的食材。



Food & Wine

Website: https://www.foodandwine.com

1. 15 Go-To Pasta Recipes You’ll Make for the Rest of Your Life
Link: https://www.foodandwine.com/pasta-noodles/pasta-recipes-for-life



Food 52

Website: https://food52.com/blog
Table for One: https://food52.com/tags/table-for-one

1. How to Cook Fiddleheads, the Vegetable That Tastes of Spring
Link: https://food52.com/blog/6583-fiddlehead-fern-a-controversial-coil
Remark: Fiddlehead Ferm (蕨類嫩芽). Fiddleheads or fiddlehead greens are the furled fronds of a young fern,[1] harvested for use as a vegetable.
Left on the plant, each fiddlehead would unroll into a new frond (circinate vernation). As fiddleheads are harvested early in the season before the frond has opened and reached its full height, they are cut fairly close to the ground.



Great Italian Chef

Website: https://www.greatitalianchefs.com

1.Malloreddus (gnochetti Sardi) with sausage and fennel ragù
Link: https://www.greatitalianchefs.com/recipes/malloreddus-recipe-sausage-fennel-ragu
Remark: Malloreddus : This pasta is also called Sardinian gnocchi because of its shape as it really looks like tiny potato gnocchi.  But, in fact, is made of durum wheat semolina flour, water and salt. Sardinian gnocchi have always been the most prepared traditional dish in Sardinia for special occasions, such as holidays, village festivals, and at weddings. Apparently, there was a tradition that a bride would bring a basket of homemade malloreddus to the house of her new husband and they ate the saffron-infused pasta together from a shared plate!


2. Duck ragù with bigoli
Link: https://www.greatitalianchefs.com/recipes/duck-ragu-recipe-with-bigoli
Remark: Bigoli pasta, a speciality of Vicenza and Padua. Bigoli [ˈbiːɡoli] (Venetian: bìgołi) is an extruded pasta in the form of a long and thick strand. Initially bigoli were made with buckwheat flour, but are now more commonly made with whole wheat flour, and sometimes include duck eggs. The preparation is then extruded through a bigolaro.



Fine Dining Lovers

Website: https://www.finedininglovers.com
City Tasting Tour Links: https://www.finedininglovers.com/tag/city-tasting-tour
Food & Drink Section Links: https://www.finedininglovers.com/food-and-drinks
Food Spotlight Link: https://www.finedininglovers.com/tag/food-spotlight

1.What will the 2020 food trends be?
Link: https://www.finedininglovers.com/article/what-are-food-trends-for-2020


2. Eating in Tahiti: a street food guide
Link: https://www.finedininglovers.com/article/eating-tahiti-street-food-guide
Remark: Polynesian cuisine offers a wide variety of specialities, mostly based on seafood and exotic fruit, with French and Chinese influences. More Details: https://www.alimentarium.org/en/magazine/world-flavours/polynesian-cuisine


3. Curious delicacies: Hákarl
Link: https://www.finedininglovers.com/article/what-is-hakarl
Remark: Hákarl (Icelandic pronunciation:  [ˈhauːkʰartl̥]; an abbreviation of kæstur hákarl, referred to as fermented shark in English) is a national dish of Iceland consisting of a Greenland shark or other sleeper shark which has been cured with a particular fermentation process and hung to dry for four to five months. It has a strong ammonia-rich smell and fishy taste, making hákarl an acquired taste.[



Wine Investment

Website: https://www.wineinvestment.com
News Link: https://www.wineinvestment.com/wine-blog/

1.Fine wine news roundup: 3-7 February
Link :https://www.wineinvestment.com/wine-blog/2020/02/fine-wine-news-roundup-3-7-february/

2. Fine wine news roundup: 8-14 February
Link: https://www.wineinvestment.com/wine-blog/2020/02/fine-wine-news-roundup-8-14-february/

3. Fine wine news roundup: 15-21 February
Link: https://www.wineinvestment.com/wine-blog/2020/02/fine-wine-news-roundup-15-21-february/




Website: http://www.vinography.com

1.Wine News: What I’m Reading the Week of 2/2/20
Link: http://www.vinography.com/archives/2020/02/wine_news_what_im_reading_the_241.html


2. Wine News: What I’m Reading the Week of 2/9/20
Link: http://www.vinography.com/archives/2020/02/wine_news_what_im_reading_the_242.html



3. Wine News: What I’m Reading the Week of 2/16/20
Link: http://www.vinography.com/archives/2020/02/wine_news_what_im_reading_the_243.html








