Chope Chope Eatery by JL Studio 》台北 2020 米其林餐盤餐廳 (內有菜單)

Last Updated on 2024-10-31 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down) Chope Chope Eatery 不僅是 JL Studio 主廚 Jimmy 的台北餐酒館, 也是信義新光三越美食餐廳之一, 因此 Chope Chope Eatery 訂位 一位難求!
(Closed Down) Chope Chope Eatery is one of JL Studio Chef Jimmy’s new Taipei bistros. It is also one of the 2020 Taipei Michelin Plate restaurants.


Chope Chope Eatery 菜單 在文末 》Chope Chope Eatery Menu is at the end of article


Chope Chope Eatery 訂位  Chope Chope Eatery Reservation

Chope Chope Eatery 於 2020 開幕, 在信義新光三越 A4 的 4 樓, 尚未開放網路訂位, 建議直接打電話訂位 (Tel: 02-2723-8118). 剛到餐廳時, 發現 Chope Chope 餐廳有像 “Wildwood 原木燒烤餐廳”室外座位, 餐廳內部佔地頗大, 裝潢具有新潮的現代南洋風格, 吧台反而不太明顯, 除了最基本的沙發座位外, 也有多人圓桌與包廂座位, 非常適合家庭聚餐. 放在餐桌上的面紙更強調這家餐廳的在地南洋飲食文化 – 用一包面紙來佔座位. 更值得讚賞的是這裡的服務人員非常親切.
Chope Chope Eatery restaurant opened at 2020. It is located at Xinyi A4 4th floor. It doesnt have online reservation yet. You can all directly (Tel: 02-2723-8118 ) to reserve. Chope Chope Eatery restaurant has outdoor seats, just like “Wildwood Restaurant”. The indoor space are quite large with fashionable South Eastern design style. In Souther Eastern Food Culture, the napkin package on the table represents the reservation on the table. I have to say that their staffs are very friendly.


延伸閱讀: Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant 》信義新光三越餐廳推薦

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


金杯粿 Kueh Pie Tee

Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

手工製作的 Chope Chope Eatery 金杯粿是每天限量, 不能預訂,一道有八個金杯粿, 先單嚐一口餐廳特製甜辣醬, 並沒有像參峇辣椒醬 (sambal) 辣香如此濃烈 ,而是帶有些微甜辣風味, 彷彿就如 JL Studio 的溫柔細緻料理風格一樣點到為止. 我放進杯中的順序為花生,海蜇皮, 飛魚卵, 白蝦, 甜辣醬與香菜, 杯狀薄餅酥脆不易碎, 值得稱讚, 每樣配料都帶有自己的風格且不互搶特色, 展現多層次風味與口感, 會讓人想一吃再吃, 兩個人也可以點! Chope Chope 金杯粿是我推薦的料理.
Chope Chope Eatery Kush Pie Tee is limited quantity daily, and you cannot reserve in advance. One dish has eight Kueh Pie Tee. I tasted the custom-made sauce, which has small amount of sweet and spicy flavor. The taste is not as strong as Sambal spicy sauce. I would suggest to put the ingredients into the small cup in the following order – peanut, jellyfish, roe, prawn, sauce, and cilantro. All ingredients collaborate well with each other. You can taste layers of flavors. The cup is thin and crispy. The most surprisingly part is that it is not easy to break. You will get addicted to this dish. Two people can also order this dish. I would definitely recommend Chop Chope Kush Pie Tee.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


浮誇沙爹 (豬肉) Chope Chope “Steady Pom Pipi” Satay

Price: NTD $700
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道浮誇沙爹有四種選擇 – 雞肉 ($660) , 豬肉 ($700), 牛肉 ($780) , 綜合($750). 我跟朋友選擇了豬肉,一長串炭烤豬肉有著浮誇視覺感, Size 如同土耳其 Kebab, 看似粗獷的肉串吃起來偏嫩, 搭配有椰奶與脆花生的沙爹醬, 整體品嚐起來並不會像一般東南亞料理具有嗆辣或豐富香料味, Chope Chope Eatery 比較適合不常吃東南亞料理的人, 我朋友跟店家要求辣椒醬, 讓味蕾更多刺激感, NTD $700 總是要有一秒到東南亞的感覺. 飯磚發揮其配角特色讓澱粉填飽肚子.
This dish has four options – Chicken (NTD $660), Pork (NTD $700), Beef (NTD $780) and mixed (NTD $750). My friend and I ordered pork. The size of the pork skewers just like Kebab. The meats are tender. The satay sauce contains coconut milk and crispy peanut. The overall taste does not have strong flavor with spices. Chope Chope Eatery is more suitable for people who do not eat too many Southeastern cuisines. My friend asked hot sauce to enhance the stimulation on the tastebuds. The white longtong rice brick on the side is basically offer starch to fulfill the appetite.

📌台北區域美食推薦 Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide

連結 (Link): 台北信義區美食餐廳推薦 》Taipei Xinyi District Restaurants Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北信義安和美食推薦 》Restaurant Recommendation near Xinyi Anhe MRT station

連結 (Link): 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide

連結 (Link): 東門站永康街美食推薦懶人包 》 Dongmen Station & Yongkang Restaurants Guide

連結 (Link): 台北華山文創園區與週邊美食 》Huashan Creative Park Restaurants and Cafes

連結 (Link): 台北民生社區美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Minsheng Community Restaurant Guide


美祿恐龍 Milo Dinosaur

Price: NTD $360
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道甜點食材簡單但是具有意義, 因為美祿在東南亞可以說是人手一杯的飲料. 除了美祿 Brownie外, 巧克力冰淇淋與巧克力粉增加巧克力風味, 不常吃甘納許蛋糕的人會覺得巧克力風味濃郁好吃. 由於我近期才吃過 “Yu Chocolatier 畬室巧克力蛋糕” , 我個人覺得美祿恐龍有些遜色. 如果約會或是有小孩子一起用餐, 我會建議點, 純粹只是那隻可愛的恐龍造型.
This dessert is simply but has its own stories. Milo is so-called national drink at Southeast Countries. Besides the Milo brownie, the chef also adds chocolate ice cream and chocolate powder to enhance the Cocoa flavor. If you don’t eat ganache often, you would definitely think that this dessert has strong chocolate flavor. However, I just tasted “Yu Chocolatier” a few days ago. So, this Milo Dinosaur tastes just average. But, you can definitely order this dessert for its dinosaur dessert design if you have a date or kids.

延伸閱讀: 台北約會餐廳 》Taipei Dating Restaurants

2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List

延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


肉骨茶調酒 Bak Kut Teh Soup Base, Blended Malt Whiskey

Price: NTD $190/unit
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

NTD $190 是一杯調酒, 圖片則是 NTD $190 x 2 = NTD $380. 店家說酒精是“太妃糖”的調和威士忌, 我倒是覺得像泥煤威士忌. Anyway, 喝起來就像冰的藥酒 … aka 四神湯, 我朋友不喜歡, 我就當作創意調酒喝, 我個人不推薦.
NTD $190 is one cup of Bak Kut The Cocktail price. The picture shows 2 cups, which is NTD $380 total. The restaurant mentioned that the whiskey is blended with toffee.However, the overall tastes is like Peated Whisky. My friend didn’t like it. I basically drank this as creative cocktail. I don’t recommend it.


總結 Conclusion

不難發現 Chope Chope Eatery 與 JL Studio 有些相似的地方, 屬於溫和優雅型的餐廳, 雖然菜餚名稱皆是東南亞著名菜餚, 香料下手並沒有很重, 讓有些追求想吃重度酸辣饕客頗為失望, 基本上這家餐廳比較適合不常吃東南亞料理的人.
Chope Chope Eatery and JL Studio are categorized as elegant. Even though most cuisines are Southeastern Style, the chef didn’t use too much spices to enhance the sour and spicy character. Generally speaking, Chope Chope Eatery restaurant is suitable for people who do not eat Southeastern cuisines.

信義區百貨美食餐廳 Xinyi District Mall Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link)👉 微風南山美食 》Breeze Nanshan Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 信義新光三越美食 》Xinyi Shinkong Mitsukoshi Restaurant 

連結 (Link) 👉 統一時代百貨美食 》Uni-Ustyle Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 微風信義餐廳美食懶人包 》Breeze Xinyi Restaurants 

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


餐廳: Chope Chope Eatery by JL Studio
地址: 台北市信義區松高路19號4F (信義新光三越 A4 4F) (Map)
捷運站: 市政府捷運站
電話: 02-2723-8118
Restaurant: Chope Chope Eatery by JL Studio
Address: No. 19, Songgao Road,Taipei City (Xinyi A4 Mall 4F) (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: City Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-2723-8118


台北區域美食推薦 》Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation

♛ 我的台灣餐酒館定義


2. 台北餐酒館為西式為主, 但也有少部分是中式/日式/韓式餐酒館

3.餐廳販售總共酒款超過 5 款, 不拘限葡萄酒, 威士忌, 精釀啤酒,清酒, 調酒

備註: 餐廳可歸類於餐酒館若符合以上所有項目. 由於台灣與國外用餐文化不同, 我對餐酒館的定義頗為廣泛.

♛ My Definition of Taiwan Bistro

1. The restaurant menu must have à la carte dishes. 

2. Most Taipei Bistros are western style. Only a few Taipei Bistros are Taiwanese/Japanese/Korean Bistros

3. The restaurant offers more than 5 alcohol items, which applies for wines, whiskeys, craft beers, and sakes. 

Remark: The restaurant is categorized as bistro if qualified for ALL above definitions. Due to the difference of foreign and Taiwan dining culture, I am more opened to the Taiwan Bistro definition.


Chope Chope Eatery 菜單 》Chope Chope Eatery Menu



