(Closed Down ) Two Months Per Year 菜單 不固定, 藝術甜點卻深得許多饕客的心, 尤其是 Two Months Per Year 鶴 與 擬真水果造型蛋糕美感最為特殊. Two Months Per Year menu is seasonal. Many foodies love their dessert art design, especially Two M...
(結束營業 ) 我都稱 麵匠坐坊本店 是中山站賣日式咖哩烏龍麵的餐廳, 從 麵匠坐坊菜單 來看, 這是一家非居酒屋且適合家庭聚餐的日本料理餐廳. (Closed Down ) Men Sho Za Bou is a Japanese Udon Restaurant near Zhongshan MRT station. This is a Japanese restaurant that is s...
(Closed Down) 雖然 Anima 餐廳菜單不定期更換, 但是依舊是我心目中台北義大利餐廳推薦之一, 也是決定會再訪的台北中山區餐廳美食推薦, 但是我會建議單點, 也就是午餐時段. 聽說 2021 年已改成全部皆是套餐無單點 (Closed Down) Even though Anima Taipei Menu changed all the time, it is still one ...
台北林森北路巷弄內有一間室外裝潢頗具藍白色地中海風格的餐廳, 新開幕的 Leone Restaurant & Bar 菜單 除了有非炸物主餐外, 也有創意調酒. There is a 2020 newly-opened restaurant called Leone Restaurant & Bar with Santorini design style. Besides main...
(結束營業) 棧直火廚房 C-Kitchen by FUK 2020年搬家新開幕後成為台北東區餐酒館之一, 棧直火廚房菜單上的直火煙燻美國牛排搭配精釀啤酒與紅酒完全就是夢幻組合. (Closed Down) C-Kitchen by FUK restaurant moves its location and becomes one of the Taipei Bistros at Taipei E...
(2021. 4 結束營業) Solo Pizza Napoletana 是中山站的義式窯烤 Pizza 餐廳, Solo Pizza 菜單價格平易近人, 適合有預算的饕客們. (2021. 4 Closed Down ) Solo Pizza restaurant is one of the Taipei Kiln Baked Pizza restaurants near Zhongshan M...
蘭餐廳 Orchid Restaurant 是 2020 台北米其林餐盤餐廳之一, 也是信義安和站 Fine Dining 餐廳, Orchid Restaurant 蘭菜單價位與裝潢通常都被歸類為台北約會餐廳或是朋友慶生餐廳. Orchid Restaurant is one of the 2020 Taipei Michelin Plate Restaurants. It is also on...
(已結束營業) Beer Rush 精釀酒吧是2019年新開幕的台北東區精釀酒吧之一, 除了有 12 管 生啤酒外, 也有瓶裝精釀啤酒, Beer Rush 菜單有炸物和其他食物選擇. (Closed) Beer Rush Taproom is one of the newly-opened Taipei Draft Beer Bars. Besides the 12 different dr...
(肉老大忠孝復興店已結束營業, 1+ 1 目前還在營業).這次跟朋友到 1+1 鍋物 與 肉老大頂級肉品涮涮鍋 都點單人花雕湯頭的火鍋, 乾脆寫一篇台北花雕火鍋推薦文章! My friend and I ordered Shaoxing Wine Hot Pots at Meat Boss Hot Pot and 1+1 Hot Pot restaurant. So, I decide to wr...