(Closed Down ) Papi Pasta 是台北市政府站美食之一, 除了老闆是法國人之外, 另一個亮點應該就是老闆手工製作義大利麵條, 搭上這波台北手工義大利生麵熱潮. Papi Pasta is one of the Taipei City Hall restaurants. There are two spotlights - the owner is French and the ...
台北千壽是少數有日式庭園與榻榻米包廂的日本餐廳, 預約制的 千壽 2021 年三月開放讓「 非千壽會員 」訂位, 千壽午間套餐價位更是讓人覺得親切. Senju Japanese Restaurant is one of few restaurants that has Japanese style backyard and Tatami private dining rooms. Recentl...
台北中山區的 Pure Wine 璞斟酒窖菜單與酒單除了有提供單杯酒與整瓶酒外, 也有搭配酒的小點, 更特別的是璞斟酒窖有午餐搭單杯酒的特別組合. You can order single glass wine or purchase a whole bottle of wine at Pure Wine Shop. You can also enjoy the snacks and lunch ...
(Closed Down ) Settle Taipei 餐酒館是2021 新開幕餐廳之一, 裝潢有著拉丁美洲熱帶雨林的風格, 酒單與菜單也是充滿異國風情. Settle Taipei Bistro is one of the 2021 Taipei new restaurants. The restaurant decoration is full of Latin America Rainfo...
(已歇業) 樓上見餐酒館是新開幕台北餐酒館, 饕客們都知道主廚是之前 MUME 餐廳副主廚, 樓上見菜單價位偏中等. (Closed Down ) See You Bar & Restaurant is one of the newly-opened Taipei Bistros. Most foodies know that the chef has working experience...
(Closed Down )TK Seafood & Steak 是台北東區牛排館, 合理菜單價格讓許多人將 TK 牛排餐廳列入台北東區約會餐廳之一.文章是關於商業午餐, 可惜2021/3月之後就沒有午餐時段, 只有晚餐時段營業, 而且改成單點菜單. TK Seafood & Steak is one of the Taipei Steakhouses at East Distri...
(Closed Down ) Two Months Per Year 菜單 不固定, 藝術甜點卻深得許多饕客的心, 尤其是 Two Months Per Year 鶴 與 擬真水果造型蛋糕美感最為特殊. Two Months Per Year menu is seasonal. Many foodies love their dessert art design, especially Two M...
(結束營業 ) 我都稱 麵匠坐坊本店 是中山站賣日式咖哩烏龍麵的餐廳, 從 麵匠坐坊菜單 來看, 這是一家非居酒屋且適合家庭聚餐的日本料理餐廳. (Closed Down ) Men Sho Za Bou is a Japanese Udon Restaurant near Zhongshan MRT station. This is a Japanese restaurant that is s...
(Closed Down) 雖然 Anima 餐廳菜單不定期更換, 但是依舊是我心目中台北義大利餐廳推薦之一, 也是決定會再訪的台北中山區餐廳美食推薦, 但是我會建議單點, 也就是午餐時段. 聽說 2021 年已改成全部皆是套餐無單點 (Closed Down) Even though Anima Taipei Menu changed all the time, it is still one ...