(已結束營業, 搬至蘆洲) 天鍋宴在台北大直鍋物名單裡, 天鍋宴大直菜單上是小火鍋, 而非大家所熟悉的大鴛鴦鍋. 這次很榮幸能品嚐到天鍋宴的嚴選海陸雙人鍋. (Closed) Sky Pot Party Restaurant is at the list of Dazhi Hot Pot Restaurant list. I now have the opportunity to taste th...
(店面已結束營業 ) 淺草酒藏 是台北日本精釀啤酒專賣店, 也同時是台北信義區精釀啤酒吧之一, 除了販售精釀啤酒瓶外, 也有提供日本清酒和威士忌. (The Store closed down) Asakusa Shuzo Taipei is a Taipei Japanese Craft Bar and Sake Bar. It is also one of the craft beer bar...
(Closed Down) 逗號洋行是是一家台北天母私廚, 也同時販售英式古董傢俱, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到台北逗號洋行的私廚美食. Curio Comma Private Kitchen also sells British vintages at Tianmu, Taipei. I have the honor to taste the cuisines from this Private K...
(1/19/2020結束營業) 光の越後在我的台北中山站美食推薦名單裡, 這是日本籍阿光師在赤峰街新開幕的一家日本家常料理餐廳. (Closed after 1/19/2020) Hikarunoechigo Japanese Restaurant, whose chef is also Japanese, is on my Zhongshan MRT station restaurant...
(已結束營業) HIVE 巢餐廳在我的 2019 台北早午餐推薦餐廳名單內, 也可算是台北市政府美食餐廳之一. (Closed) HIVE Restaurant is on my 2019 Taipei Brunch Recommendation list. It is also one of the restaurants near Taipei City Hall MRT station.
(Closed Down) 大河屋是微風南山餐廳之一, 台北大河屋除了燒肉丼販外, 也是一家提供日式串燒和清酒的日式居酒屋. (Closed Down) Taigaya Japanese Restaurant is one of the Breeze Nanshan Restaurants. Besides rice bowls, Taigaya Japanese Restaurant also ...
(Closed Down ) 最近去了一家名為 “山波 Simple” 甜點店, 雖然山波Simple交通不方便, 仍舊是許多人心目中的淡水甜點下午茶推薦名單之一. Simple Dessert Shop is one of Tamsui Dessert Shops. However, Simple Dessert Shop is quite far away from public transp...
( CLOSED DOWN ) 信義區美食眾多, 除了信義威秀美食和南山微風美食外, Neo 19 餐廳也包括在清單內, Neo19 地址為台北市信義區松壽路22號, 鄰近 Neo 19 捷運站為象山捷運站. ( CLOSED DOWN ) There are many restaurants at Xinyi District. Besides Xinyi Viewshow restaurant...
(已歇業) 這家餐廳全名為 IL MERCATO 大直宴會餐廳, 在劍南捷運站義大利餐廳名單上, 也是台北萬豪酒店餐廳之一, 因為有專做 Pizza 的義籍廚師, 販售料理以披薩居多. (CLOSED) IL MERCATO DAZHI is one of the Taipei Marriott Hotel restaurants. This restaurant is also on the l...