兄弟飯店二樓梅花廳是少數有推車的台北港式飲茶餐廳, 也是南京復興美食之一 , 菜單除了有平價港式點心外, 也有經典粵菜, Brother Hotel 2F Plum Blossom Room is a Taipei Cantonese Restaurant. The restaurant is near Nanking Fuxing MRT station. Its menu includes D...
五方食藏 忠孝店 ( TAKE FIVE ) 是 2021 新開幕台北東區美食餐廳 之一, 五方食藏菜單除了有知名 Wild Baker 酸種麵包外, 也有 Pizza 與輕食. TAKE FIVE Restaurant Zhongxiao Branch is a 2021 Taipei New Restaurant. Its menu has famous Wild Baker Sourdoug...
牛肆火鍋是在我的台北溫體牛肉火鍋推薦名單內, 也是訂位困難的台北火鍋餐廳之一 , 此篇文章包括 牛肆訂位, 牛肆菜單, 牛肆停車等資訊. Niu Si Taiwanese Beef Hot Pot is my Taipei Hot Pot recommendation. It is also difficult to reserve. This article includes reservati...
(2021. 11 更新) OZ Cafe & Bistro 是我的信義區美食餐廳推薦, OZ Cafe 菜單上也有抹茶千層蛋糕與鹹派, 也是信義區下午茶餐廳與早午餐選擇之一. (2021.11 Update) OZ Cafe & Bistro is my Xinyi Restaurant Recommendation. Its menu has Matcha Green Tea ...
柑橘 Shinn - Soba 拉麵店無庸置疑是台北東區美食推薦 , 與其二店鴨蔥拉麵皆在我的台北拉麵推薦名單上. Shinn-Soba Ramen Restaurant is definitely one of the Taipei East District Restaurant Recommendation. It is also on my Taipei Ramen Recommendat...
(2021.10 更新) 台北信義區下午茶有很多選擇, 義瑪卡多餐酒咖啡館是台北 101 美食之一, 也是少數有販售單杯酒的Cafe. (2021.10 Update ) There are lots of Xinyi District Afternoon Tea Cafe. IL MERCATO Cafe is one of the Taipei 101 Restaurant. It also ...
登波咖啡是 2021 新開幕台北咖啡店, 除了落地鐵花窗店面設計搶眼之外, 登波也是赤峰街美食咖啡之一, 最有名的莫過於登波美式肉桂捲. Coffee Dumbo is 2021 New Coffee Shop in Taipei City. It is also one of the Chifeng Street Coffee Shops. The most popular item would...
(2021.10 更新) 搬家後重新開幕的 草頭西餐酒館 是2021 台北新開幕餐廳美食 , 多數饕客都知道草頭西訂位困難, 草頭西菜單與酒單也不定期更換, 依舊是我的台北餐酒館推薦之一. ( 2021. 10 Update ) After moving and reopening, Catouxi Bistro becomes one of the 2021 Taipei new restaur...
這家台北東區韓系咖啡店的全名是 Annyoung Cafe 你好咖啡, 菜單裡的蜂蜜海苔年糕是必點, 這裡也在台北網美下午茶名單. Annyoung Cafe is a Korean Style Coffee Shop at Taipei East District. The must-order dish would be Korean Rice Cake with Honey & Se...
台北 LOPFAIT 樂斐法式餐廳 是 “ MiraWan “ 創造的新品牌, LOPFAIT 樂斐菜單 提供正統法式料理套餐, 成為 2021新開幕的台北 Fine Dining 餐廳之一. MiraWan Restaurant created a new brand - LOPFAIT French Restaurant. LOPFAIT menu offers French Cuisine ...