中山區 Zhongshan District

Silks House Taipei 》N訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)

Silks House Taipei 》N訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)
(2025. 1 更新) 晶華軒是許多人台北家庭聚餐餐廳推薦首選, 以美味程度,  米其林入選的台北晶華軒菜單價位 合理, N訪後不只品嚐過西施泡飯, 也有吃到其他菜色推薦. (2025.1 Update) Silks House Taipei is one of the the Taipei Family Gathering Restaurants because Since Silks Hou...

Taipei BIB Gourmand 》小酌之家菜單推薦點哪些菜餚

Taipei BIB Gourmand 》小酌之家菜單推薦點哪些菜餚
小酌之家是 2023 台北米其林必比登餐廳美食之一 , 小酌之家必點除了鮮鮑烏骨雞湯, 還推薦點哪些菜餚. 文章也會提到小酌之家訂位方式. Hsiao Cho Chih Chia Taiwanese Restaurant is one of the Taipei BIB Gourmand Restaurant. Besides its must-order Black-Boned Chicken ...

Veatalia 谷廚義味 》台北義大利私廚餐廳 (內有訂位方式)

Veatalia 谷廚義味 》台北義大利私廚餐廳 (內有訂位方式)
Veatalia 谷廚義味 是 2022 新開幕的台北義大利私廚餐廳. 文章裡有義籍主廚 Vito Grippa 提供的私廚套餐菜單,訂位方式與評價. Veatalia Restaurant is a 2022 new Taipei Italian Private Kitchen Restaurant. The set menu is prepared by Italian Chef  Vito ...

Hatsuume Taipei 》在台北味処初梅餐廳品嚐甲魚宴

Hatsuume Taipei 》在台北味処初梅餐廳品嚐甲魚宴
台北 味処初梅 ( Hatsuume ) 是許多饕客心目中的台北日料餐廳推薦, 味処初梅訂位皆是包場方式 - 一桌八位. 這次則是因為朋友生日品嚐初梅甲魚宴. Hatsuume restaurant is one of the Taipei Japanese restaurant recommendations. Hatsuume reservation policy is to reserve ...

Ad Astra Taipiei 》關於這一家台北米其林一星餐廳的五個重點

Ad Astra Taipiei 》關於這一家台北米其林一星餐廳的五個重點
Ad Astra 餐廳是台北米其林一星餐廳美食之一, 此篇文章包括 主廚 Kevin Rose 設計的 Ad Astra 菜單價位 , 評價 , 訂位,包廂與 Pairing 的五個重點. Ad Astra Restaurant in a Taipei Michelin One Star Restaurant. This article includes Ad Astra menu that is...

La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳 》品嚐短版菜單

La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳  》品嚐短版菜單
La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳 是 台北大直 NOKE 忠泰樂生活餐廳之一 , 也是 米其林入選的台北 Fine Dining 美食 , 這次與朋友品嚐 La Vie 短版菜單. La Vie by Thomas Bühner is a Taipei Michelin Selected Fine Dining Restaurant , which is located a...

A CUT STEAKHOUSE 》再訪品嚐台北米其林一星餐廳推薦

A CUT STEAKHOUSE  》再訪品嚐台北米其林一星餐廳推薦
再訪 2023 台北米其林一星餐廳推薦 - A CUT 牛排館 , 品嚐 A CUT 菜單上的商業午餐, 餐廳搬新家後, 依然在我的台北牛排推薦名單! I revisited A Cut Steakhouse, which is a 2023 Taipei Michelin One Star Restaurant. My friend and I choose Business Lunch Set...

BeApe Restaurant 》再訪台北法式餐酒館推薦 ( 內有菜單)

BeApe Restaurant 》再訪台北法式餐酒館推薦 ( 內有菜單)
BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館是台北餐酒館推薦之一, BeApe 評價與價格皆不錯, 這次是去吃 BeApe 菜單推薦的套餐. BeApe French Restaurant is one of the Taipei Bistro Recommendation. The review and price are both reasonable. This time, I went to taste t...