麟聚餐廳 是 2023 新開幕的台北私廚 , 此篇文章會包括客製化粵式麟聚菜單, 評價,訂位,價位, 包廂五個重點. Lin Ju Modern Chinese Cuisine is a 2023 new Taipei private kitchen restaurant. This article will include the custom-made Cantonese Cuisine me...
台北 味処初梅 ( Hatsuume ) 是許多饕客心目中的台北日料餐廳推薦, 味処初梅訂位皆是包場方式 - 一桌八位. 這次則是因為朋友生日品嚐初梅甲魚宴. Hatsuume restaurant is one of the Taipei Japanese restaurant recommendations. Hatsuume reservation policy is to reserve ...
Ad Astra 餐廳是台北米其林一星餐廳美食之一, 此篇文章包括 主廚 Kevin Rose 設計的 Ad Astra 菜單價位 , 評價 , 訂位,包廂與 Pairing 的五個重點. Ad Astra Restaurant in a Taipei Michelin One Star Restaurant. This article includes Ad Astra menu that is...
這次吃的是台北海峽會辰壽司割烹的 2023 大閘蟹宴菜單 , 不僅有蟹肉 omakase , 也有 鍾謦謙料理長 準備的各種蟹黃 , 海膽, 黑鮪魚菜餚. We dined at CS Club Sushi Kappou restaurant at Taipei City for its special and seasonal crab menu. Besides crab meat omaka...
2023 新開幕東方樓頂級粵菜 是台北南港漢來大飯店餐廳美食之一 , 此篇文章會提到四人在台北漢來東方樓菜單點了哪些菜餚, 價位與東方樓包廂圖片. 2023 newly-opened The Orient Restaurant is one of the Grand Hilai Taipei Hotel Restaurants in Nangang District. This article w...
川揚郁坊小館 是少數台北市適合家庭聚餐的平價中式餐廳 , 此篇文章會提到川揚郁坊小館菜單除了樟茶鴨 , 還推薦點哪些菜餚. Yu Fang Restaurant is a Taipei price-friendly Chinese restaurant that is suitable for family gathering. This article will recommend severa...
La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳 是 台北大直 NOKE 忠泰樂生活餐廳之一 , 也是 米其林入選的台北 Fine Dining 美食 , 這次與朋友品嚐 La Vie 短版菜單. La Vie by Thomas Bühner is a Taipei Michelin Selected Fine Dining Restaurant , which is located a...
小後苑信義是信義新光三越美食之一, 也是台北威士忌酒吧與台北餐酒館. 菜單除了單點外, 我這次品嚐了海島之島主題的晚間套餐與威士忌 Pairing. Backyard Jr. Xinyi restaurant is a Taipei Whisky Bar and Taipei Bistro at Xinyi District. Besides al carte dishes, I tasted t...
(2024.11 更新) 台北市信義新光三越美食餐廳非常多, 尤其是新光三越A11, 此篇信義新光三越美食懶人包僅限Foodelicious Review 過的餐廳, 之後會陸續更新! (2024. 11 Update) There are many restaurants at Xinyi Shinkong Mitsubishi Department stores, especially A...