Backyard Jr. Taipei 》小後苑信義菜單 2021 開始提供晚餐套餐

Last Updated on 2021-10-05 by Foodelicious

小後苑信義店 市政府站美食餐廳 , 也是威士忌選擇眾多的台北餐酒館, 這篇文章也會提到信義店與小後苑大直店的差別, 這次小後苑 2021 秋冬菜單推出晚餐套餐.
Backyard Jr. Xinyi is one of the Taipei City Hall MRT restaurants. It is also a Taipei Bistro with many Whisky selections. The article will also state the difference between Xinyi Store and Backyard Jr. Dazhi. Backyard Jr. Xinyi starts to promote its Fall/Winter Dinner Set Menu.

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小後苑信義 vs 小後苑大直

Backyard Jr. Xinyi vs Backyard Jr. Dazhi


信義店靠近市政府捷運站. 大直店則是靠近劍南站.

信義店偏深色木質調, 大直店則是一片落地窗, 光照較明亮. 截然不同的用餐氛圍

小後苑信義的酒收藏比較著重在多種類的威士忌, 有勃根地葡萄酒與少量澳洲葡萄酒, 而且有單杯香檳 ! 小後苑大直也有威士忌收藏, 葡萄酒種類偏多.

小後苑信義店 2021 年秋冬的晚餐菜單升級為套餐 , 其他時段還是有 Bar Food 與單點菜餚. 最大的差別是小後苑大直多了現流魚貨及日式料理的選擇.

The staff informed me about the difference and similarity about Backyard Jr. Xinyi and Backyard Jr. Dazhi.

Both stores are near MRT
Xinyi Store is located near City Hall MRT station. Dazhi store is near Jiannan MRT station.

Dining Environment
Xinyi Store decoration color is wooden dark brown color. Dazhi store is brighter because of French Window.

Alcohol Collections
Xinyi store has more whisky collection, a few Burgundy and Austrian Wines. Dazhi store also has whisky collection and large amount of wines.

2021 Fall/Winter Menu
Backyard Jr. Xinyi 2021 Fall/Winter menu upgrades its menu to set. No worries, they still have Bar Food and single dish at other times.  Dazhi store has more seafood options and Japanese cuisine selections.



Backyard Jr. Reservation

小後苑 Backyard Jr. 位於信義區新光三越A9的3樓, 小後苑訂位有兩種方式, 第一是透過 inline ( ), 第二方式則是打電話預約 ( 02-2722-0353) , 我個人會建議打電話, 因為小後苑信義有三種座位區 – 吧台, 沙發區 , 與戶外座位區, 在電話裡比較能夠告知想要哪裡的座位區. 用餐環境圖片則是防疫期間的隔板與梅花座.
Backyard Jr. is located at 3F of A9 department store. There are two ways to reserve seats at Xinyi store. First method is to reserve via inline ( ). The 2nd method is to reserve via phone ( 02-2722-0353). I would suggest to call because there are three seating area – bar, sofa, and outdoor. It would be better to communicate via phone regarding which seating area that you prefer.




Backyard Jr. Outdoor Seating Area

Picture one is outdoor seating area.


小後苑信義菜單 (套餐)

Backyard Jr. Xinyi Menu (Set)

2021 年10 月開始, 小後苑信義晚餐菜單從單點升級為套餐, 有牛小排套餐 (NTD $2,400) 與 豬腱肉套餐 ( NTD $2,000 ) , 也可以搭配小後苑精選 Pairing與 威士忌 Pairing Menu. 至於單點 Bar Food 則是在酒吧高腳椅座位區才有提供.

✅ 牛小排套餐 (NTD $2400)
✅ 小後苑精選 Pairing (NTD $1500)

Starting from October 2021, Backyard Xinyi menu starts to offer Dinner Set menu. They now have rib set menu (NTD $2,400 ) and pork tendon set menu (NTD $2,000). They also have Backyard Jr. Selection Pairing Menu and Whisky Pairing Menu. As for bar food, they still offer at the bar seating area.

I chose
✅ USDA Rib Set menu (NTD $2400)
✅ Backyard Jr. Selection Pairing menu (NTD $1500)


晚餐套餐 -牛小排套餐

Backyard Jr. Dinner Set – Rib Set
Price: NTD $2400


家 , 澎湖

Fish Tartare , Pineapple , Basil, Lemon
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這道 “家 , 澎湖”菜餚擺盤在燈光下頗具優雅美感 , 沾醬口感有著蓬鬆慕斯般的口感, 味蕾可以感受沾醬裡微甜鳳梨果香, 檸檬與羅勒則是帶出魚肉塔塔的鮮味與清爽感, 當天的生魚肉是澎湖紅甘魚, 新鮮軟嫩的魚肉是這道菜餚的一大賣點.
This dish display is beautiful even under the dim light. The sauce is in fluffy texture and tastes like mousse. You can sense the slight sweet pineapple fruity flavor. The lemon and basil bring out the freshness from the fish tartare. The fresh fish is definitely a selling point for this dish.



Water Bamboo, Mayo with Smoky Aroma
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

菜餚擺盤有著 Wild Harvest 秋冬主題 ,主廚告知煙燻美乃滋是餐廳自製, 先將濃郁炭香煙燻味附著在橄欖油, 過濾後 , 再製作成美乃滋, 造就這一款有著誘人煙燻香的微甘甜美乃滋, 再搭配溫熱且清脆的茭白筍, 非常讓人上癮. 這道是我當天最喜歡的菜餚.
This dish display matches the Wild Harvest Fall/Winter Theme. The chef informs me that the mayo is restaurant-made. The smoky aroma and olive oil combines together and then filtered. They use the olive oil to make the mayo, which tastes a bit similar like sweet smoky BBQ flavor. The water bamboo is warm and crispy. I am addicted to this combination. This is my favorite dish of the day.



Tuna , Lemon Cream Sauce, Pepper Powder
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

厚切鰹魚生魚片口感類似曾經在 “nku 餐廳”吃過的 “宜蘭熟成鰹魚生魚片” , 有微濃郁海鮮風味 , 搭配知名法國艾斯佩雷產辣椒粉 ( Piment D’espelette ) , 帶有果香且溫和的辣椒粉不會搶走海鮮風味, 反而增加另一層風味, 留下深刻印象. 檸檬奶油醬也不會太跳 Tone . 平常餐廳大概都只會有三片厚切魚片, 小後苑的菜餚份量有五片. 完勝其他餐廳的份量與美味程度.
The thick sliced tuna fish tastes a bit like the “aged yilan tuna fish” that I tasted at “nku restaurant”. It has a bit thick seafood flavor. Pairing with Piment D’espelette pepper adds another layer of flavor. It definitely makes an impression. The lemon cream sauce is suitable for pairing with the fish. Usually restaurant would only offer three thick slices of fish. But, Backyard Xinyi offers five. Overall, the delicious level and quantity is definitely better than other restaurants.

延伸閱讀: nku 餐廳 》二訪台北柴火餐酒館多了些不同的飲食風格



Duck Breast, Clam Broth, Chinese Angelica
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這道當歸湯頭裡有蛤蜊汁與雞湯, 將當歸湯的經典嗆苦中藥味程度降低, 店員將當歸湯頭倒入盤中, 盤底有清脆高麗菜. 宜蘭櫻桃鴨的鴨胸吸收少許當歸湯頭, 就像在吃溫和的台灣當歸鴨.
The chinese angelica soup/sauce is cooked with clams and chicken broth. It basically decreases the classic bitterness level from the Chinese medicine. The staff pours the soup/sauce into the plate. The crisp cabbages are placed at the bottom of the plate. The duck breast absorbs a few Chinese Angelica soup/sauce. Overall, it feels like that I am eating the mild Chinese Angelica Duck.



Pasta with Sakura Shrimp, Mullet Roe, Pepper Powder
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

上次吃烏魚子料理是在 “請客樓” , 這次在小後苑吃到的是義大利麵. 頗有厚度的鮮味與鹹度, 整體不錯吃.
Last time, I tasted mullet roe related dish was at “The Guest House”. This time, I am eating the mullet roe with pasta. There are fair amount of the salty flavor seafood flavor. Overall, it is quite delicious.

延伸閱讀: The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)



Rib , black garlic paste, carrot paste , onion sauce
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

牛小排擺盤設計非常有趣, 並不像其他牛排餐廳的傳統擺盤設計. 牛小排採用美國 USDA Prime 等級, 份量約 100g , 五分熟牛小排吃起來很嫩, 黑蒜泥如同橢圓狀斑點,紅蘿蔔泥與焦化洋蔥醬皆微甜不會辛嗆 , 整體很適合搭配牛小排, 比預期地好吃.
This design is quite interesting, unlike other steak cuisines. Thee chef uses USDA Prime Level Rib. The quantity is about 100g. The medium steak tastes quite tender. The black garlic paste shape is similar like polka dots. The carrot paste and onion sauce are both a bit sweet. All three sauces/pastes and steak are great combination. This dish is quite delicious unexpectedly.

延伸閱讀: 台北牛排推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak House Recommendation (By District)



Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

三款甜點置放於圓盤, 分別是莓果慕斯, 巧克力布朗尼, 百香果果凍, 我個人最喜歡單純的巧克力布朗尼.
Three desserts are placed at the round plate. There are raspberry mousse, chocolate brownie, passion fruit jelly. I prefer the simply chocolate brownie.


小後苑精選 Pairing Menu

Backyard Jr. Alcohol Pairing

小後苑酒類 Pairing 有分兩種. 一種是威士忌 Whisky Pairing Menu , 另一種則是小後苑精選 Pairing Menu , 內容除了有威士忌外, 也有調酒, 香檳, 紅酒與蘭姆酒.
There are two types of pairing menus. One is Whisky Pairing menu. The other one is Backyard Jr. Selection Pairing menu. Besides whisky, it has cocktail, champion, red wine and rum.

警語: 禁止酒駕, 未滿十八歲, 禁止飲酒, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. People under 18 years old are prohibited to drink alcohols. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health



Daikon Cocktail
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

調酒裡有清酒, 大根.接骨木與哈密瓜, 上次喝到哈密瓜口味的調酒是在 “Bar 忠Chu“, 這款小後苑調酒則是哈密瓜果香充沛, 清酒風味在喝時會隱約地感受到, 整體喝起來清爽微甜, 很適合搭配第一道 “家 , 澎湖”.
The cocktail has sake, daikon, elderflower, and honeydew. Last time I had honeydew flavor cocktail was at “Bar Chu”. Backyard Jr. Cocktail has more honeydew fruity aroma and flavor. I can sense a bit of sake flavor. This cocktail tastes refreshing with small amount of sweetness. It is quite suitable to pair the fish appetizer.

延伸閱讀: BAR 忠 Chu 》值得再訪的台北日式酒吧推薦



Jacquinot Reserve 29 Brut Champagne
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這款法國香檳展現細緻氣泡, 頗具辨識度的梨子與蘋果果香, 酸度不會過高, 帶出更多厚切鰹魚生魚片的鮮味.
This French Champagne has delicate sparkling. It is easy to sense the pear , apple and white flower aroma. The acidity level is not too high. It can bring out more thick slice tuna fish flavor.



Loch Lomond 2004 Single Cask Whisky
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

這款 Loch Lomond 2004 14 years 的酒標是小後苑專屬, Pairing 方式是 On The Rocks 的作法 – 烈酒盛在平底的玻璃酒杯内,並加入方形冰塊 .One The Rocks 的喝法降低酒精濃度, 依舊可喝到蘭姆酒過桶的熱帶水果風味, 搭配當歸鴨菜餚絲毫不遜色.
Backyard Jr. name is printed on this particular whisky label. Since it is pairing purpose , they use “On The Rocks” method. You would pour the whisky at the glass first. Then, put a large square ice into the glass. On The Rocks method would decrease a bit of ABV level. You can still sense the rum casket offers tropical fruity flavor and fair amount of sweetness. It pairs well with the Chinese Angelica duck dish.



Chambert Biodynamic Malbec 2016
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

有機法國 Malbec 紅酒沒有像阿根廷 Malbec 單寧厚重, 這款南法有機紅酒喝起來單寧頗為輕柔, 櫻桃與莓果風味與牛小排很搭.
French Malbec tannin is not as strong as Argentina Malbec. This organic red wine tannin is quite soft. The cherry flavor and berry flavor pair great with the rib dish.



Don Papa 7 Year Rum
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

網路上搜尋這款蘭姆酒是美國舊波本桶陳釀, 陳存在火山附近七年, 因為蘭姆酒是用 Frozen 方式, 甜度並沒有想像中地高, 熱帶水果香氣 ,焦糖與蜜餞香氣依舊十足, 當作 Pairing 品項並不會搶走甜點風采.
This rum is preserved 7 years with used America bourbon casket. The rum is frozen for pairing purpose. The sweet level is not as high as expected. The rum is full of tropical fruity aroma. The rum also has caramel and candied fruit flavor.


Extra – 小後苑單杯酒

Cragganmore 12 Year Old Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky

小後苑信義店有販售各種單杯酒, 也包括單杯威士忌. 小後苑每一位店員都有豐富經驗, 會先詢問客人喜好的酒類型, 店員會再推薦單杯酒款. 小後苑的單杯酒威士忌為 30 cc, 價格則因酒款而不同.這款 Cragganmore 12 年單一純麥威士忌有明顯的花蜜香與柳橙果香, 煙燻味沒有很重.
Backyard Jr. Xinyi offers several types of single glass alcohol. And of course, the option includes single glass whisky. Every Backyard Jr. staffs are experienced. They would ask the customers’ preference. Then, they would recommend the whisky/wine. The quantity of single glass is always 30cc. The price may be vary. Cragganmore 12 Year Old Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky has obvious honey and orange aroma. The smoky aroma is not too strong.


結論 Conclusion

小後苑信義主廚做的並不是像 “豊賀大酒家” 的台灣小吃外型, 而是用台灣食材做出西式菜餚, 我個人比較喜歡這種主題概念. 我相信很多人會質疑小後苑 Backyard Jr. 不務正業, 當我吃得那一道 「皎築」裡的煙燻美乃滋, 就可以知道主廚有豐富的西餐經驗, 擺盤設計也頗具美感, 小後苑 2021 的秋冬晚間套餐值得一試.
Backyard Jr. Xinyi Chef’s concept is not like “Li Ho Bistro”, which is Taiwanese cuisine dish appearance. The chef’s concept is to use Taiwanese ingredients to make western style cuisine. I personally prefer this concept. People might think that Backyard Jr. Xinyi should not offer set menu. After I tasted the water bamboo dish with smoky mayo, I would know that the chef has years of western cuisine experience. The display is quite beautiful as well. Backyard Jr. Xinyi 2021 Fall/Winter Dinner set menu is worth the try.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》豊賀大酒家菜單份量原來可以做半份



Backyard Jr. Xinyi Short Video

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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小後苑信義 資訊

Backyard Jr. Xinyi Information

店名: 小後苑信義
地址: 台北市信義區松壽路9號3樓 (A9 3F) (Map)
捷運站: 市政府捷運站
電話: 02-2722-0353
Restaurant: Backyard Jr. Xinyi
Address: 3F, No. 9, Songshou Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: City Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-2722-0353




